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    • 1、Xiangtan University硕士学位论文COMMUNICATIVE INTENTION AND COGNITIVE CONTEXT姓名:Song Xiaoxiao申请学位级别:硕士专业:College of Foreign Languages指导教师:Tang Degen20050501Communicative Intention and Cognitive Context 摘 要 摘 要 Sperber cognitive context; ostensive-inferential communication; adaptation; intersection Communicative Intention and Cognitive Context 1Introduction Intentionality is the power of minds to be about, to represent, or to stand for, things, properties and states of affairs. The puzzles of intentiona

      2、lity lie at the interface between the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of language. Philosophical research attaches great importance to the study of intention and intentionality, which has a great impact on the discussion of the notion of meaning in linguistics. Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, is esteemed as “the father of current research in cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence.” (Dreyfus, 1982:2). His works on intentionality are enlightening to the linguistic research o

      3、f meaning. He regards both propositional and nominal meanings as the subject-matter of intention. Meaning generally functions as intentional content and a specific meaning is given to a specific thing by the act of intentionally continuous perception or intuitive imagination. Sound, word, color and other various signals bear no intention for themselves, and in turn, have no meaning. Its the existence of intentionality that renders these objective signals meaningful. In the process of communicati

      4、on, its intention that ignites the whole system and manipulates the presumption on meaning. In terms of pragmatics, intention, more often than not, refers to the communicative intention. The effective formation, transmission and recognition of communicative intention are the criteria of communicative success. Much research has been made into the communicative intention in various subjects. The present paper Communicative Intention and Cognitive Context 2intends, in the framework of Relevance The

      5、ory and the Theory of Adaptation, to discuss the mapping between intention and meaning, and the notion of cognitive context which plays an essential role in pragmatic constrains and cognitive inference of communicative intention, is highlighted in this paper. The paper begins with a brief analysis of Grices Intentional Theory of Meaning which inherited some points of intentionality from Husserl and originated the inferential model of communication. Communicative Intention and Cognitive Context 4

      6、9Conclusion The research on intention and intentionality propels the study of communication to convert from the code model to the ostensive-inferential model. The emergence of the notion of communicative intention calls for the pragmatic studies from the perspectives of linguistic, philosophy, cognitive psychology and the science of communication. RT stands up as a whole theoretic framework and presents a new cognitive approach to interpreting communication. It opens up new areas and suggests mo

      7、re plausible methodologies for pragmatic study. RT conducts a cognitive and psychological notion of context involved in communication. By combining the working of context and the two suggested Principles of Relevance, RT supplies, relatively speaking, a more elaborate, convincing and comprehensive illustration to communicative intention and the interpretation of communication. However, the vital weakness of RT is manifest: too heavy dependency on cognitive modeling and too abstract to be applica

      8、ble, which arouses other theorists inquiry and suspect. For the limitation of the author, the model proposed in this paper which is based on the RT likewise cant be free from defects and its open for revising and amendment. S2)将相关概念的百科知识加入语境;3) 将直接从现场情景中获得的信息加入语境。语境选择是大脑中 的三组信息协调完成的:1)逻辑信息,2)百科信息,3)词 汇信息。语境选择不仅能解释日常对话,也对分析修辞话语有 所启发。 最后,本文探讨了认知语境的交叠和交际意图的识别之间 的关系,认为认知语境的交叠,即交际双方在相关主题上的共 有认知语境,是识别交际意图的前提和保证。在此基础上,拟 构建了一个认知语境参与下的交际意图的传递模式。 Communicative Intention and Cognitive Context 60Synopsis Ph

      9、ilosophical research attaches great importance to the study of intention and intentionality, which has a great impact on the discussion of the notion of meaning in linguistics. Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, regards both propositional and nominal meanings as the subject-matter of intention. Meaning generally functions as intentional content and a specific meaning is given to a specific thing by the act of intentionally continuous perception or intuitive imagination. Sound, word, color and other various signals bear no intention for themselves, and in turn, have no meaning. Its the existence of intentionality that renders these objective signals meaningful. In the process of communication, its intention that ignites the whole system and manipulates the presumption on meaning. In terms of pragmatics, intention, more often than not, refers to the communicative intention. Much research has been made into the communicative intention in various s


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