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    • 1、 讨论机械设备安装的施工省工省时方法伴随着施工技能和施工手法的不断进步与开展,越来越多的机械设备接连选用了座浆垫板法来装置,运用座浆垫板法来装置机械设备, 能有效地进步工程质量和加速施工进度, 施工办法费用明显下降, 是一项领先的施工技能。Along with the continuous progress of the construction technology and construction techniques and the development, more and more machinery and equipment for the seat pulp plate method to device, using a pulp plate method for mechanical equipment, can effectively improve project quality and accelerate the construction progress, construction cost reduced significantly, is a leadi

      2、ng construction skills.2.施工过程2 construction process(1)先按施工图进行设备根底施工, 这一点与惯例施工办法一样, 根底顶面比设备底面装置标凹凸3050 mm, 以便放置设备座浆垫板。( 1 ) according to the construction drawings for equipment foundation construction, and this practice as foundation construction, the top surface of the bottom surface of the concave-convex device than standard 3050 mm device, in order to place the device base pulp plate.(2)依据以下公式, 计算出设备承压面积 A。( 2 ) according to the following formula, calculate the pressure equipment area A.式中: A

      3、-设备承压面积( mm2 ); C-安全系数,可选用1. 5 3; Q1-由设备等的分量加在该承压面上的负荷( kg) ; Q2-因地脚螺栓拧紧而散布在该承压面上的压力(kg); R-根底或地坪砼的单位面积抗压强度( kg /cm2)。In the formula: A - pressure equipment area ( mm2 ); C- safety factor, can choose 1 5 3; Q1- by the equipment component added to the pressure on the surface of the load ( kg ); Q2- for anchor bolt and scattered on the bearing surface pressure ( kg ); unit area of compressive strength of R- foundation or floor concrete ( kg /cm2 ).(3)依据设备底座地脚螺栓安置状况, 通常是每根地脚螺栓两边各设置一块座浆垫板, 座浆垫板通常选用厚

      4、度为10 mm 或12 mm 的钢板来制造成方形, 垫板总面积有必要大于计算出的设备承压面积。( 3 ) based on the anchor bolts for equipment base settlement http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ situation, usually each anchor bolts on both sides of each set a seat pad seat pulp, pulp plate usually choose a thickness of 10 mm or 12 mm steel plate to make into a square plate, a total area of need is greater than the calculated pressure equipment area.(4)座浆垫板的施工。( 4 ) the construction of base grouting pad.首要对根底进行检查承认, 根底上面如有油污、杂物要完全处置洁净。On the basis of th

      5、e primary check recognition, such as oil, based on chores to complete disposal clean.在座浆垫板设置处, 用钢钎凿成一锅底形坑,坑的长度比垫板长60 80mm, 宽度比垫板宽40 60mm, 坑深20 40 mm。all pulp plate provided with the drill rod, cut into a bottom pit, pit than the length of long 60 80mm plate, plate width than the width of 40 60mm, depth 20 40 mm.在座浆的前一天, 用水将根底外表充沛湿润,捣筑时坑内不该有积水。The day before the present slurry, water will be based on the surface energy when wet, tamping pit should not have water.垫板的锋芒、毛刺要进行处置, 座浆前要将垫板油污清洁洁净。The p

      6、late edge, burr to dispose of, must be clean before the slurry oil base plate.每次拌和的砂浆不宜过多, 只需够1 h 之内运用便可; 浇筑时每层的砂浆厚度为10 15mm, 用3mm 50 mm 500mm 的弓形钢板进行敲打, 接连捣到浮出砂浆外表至拟定标高; 最终构成中心高、附近低的弧形砂浆堆, 这时用手用力用力均匀地将座浆垫板渐渐压进刺进, 要注意排出空气, 一起需用水平尺、水准仪等工用具进行准确丈量, 使垫板顶面标高比设备底座地上标高略低1 2 mm (思考缩短),垫板水平答应误差为? 0. 1mm /m。Mortar should not be the each mixing too much, just enough to within 1 h use can; when pouring mortar thickness of each layer is 10 15mm, arched steel 3mm 50 mm 500mm beaten, one pound to mortar appear

      7、ance to develop level; finally, the arc center near the low stacks of mortar, then evenly will block pulp plate was pressed into the pierced hand effort, attention should be paid to discharge the air, http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ together with the level of scale, level and other tools for accurate measurement, so the backing plate top surface elevation than the equipment base superscript slightly lower 1 2 mm ( think shortening), plate level promised error? 0 1mm /m.座浆后的垫板, 要用草袋等物掩盖, 洒水维护, 避免磕碰和振

      8、荡, 维护时刻不得少于2 3 d, 维护温度应在10 e 以上。The seat pad paste, to cover with straw bags, etc. the sprinkler maintenance, avoid Kepeng and oscillation, maintenance time shall not be less than 2 3 D, maintaining the temperature should be above 10 E.(5)待座浆层混凝土强度到达描绘强度的75%以上时, 即可进行机械设备的装置作业。(5 ) to be a plasma layer of concrete strength reach above depicts intensity of 75%, then the device in the operation of machinery and equipment.(6)设备的装置施工可直接进行, 找平找正作业极端简洁, 无需运用斜垫铁, 只需经过调地脚螺栓即可进行找平找正。( 6 ) for construction equipment can be directly, leveling is working extremely concise, without use of tilting pad iron, only through the adjustable bolt for leveling alignment.(7)进行二次灌浆。二次灌浆料选用无缩短混凝土或微胀大混凝土, 这种混凝土配方可参照有关材料分析, 这里分析一种常用配方以供参阅( 7 ) two grouting. The two grouting material used without shorten the concrete or slightly swell of concrete, the concrete formula can be referred to the relevant material analysis, this analysis of a commonly used formula for reference


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