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    • 1、成都理工大学硕士学位论文川中磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组天然气成藏条件研究姓名:刘军申请学位级别:硕士专业:矿产普查与勘探指导教师:徐国盛20100601摘 要 I川中磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组天然气 成藏条件研究 川中磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组天然气 成藏条件研究 作者简介:刘军,男,1983 年 3 月出生,师从成都理工大学徐国盛教授,2010 年 7 月毕业于成都理工大学矿产普查与勘探专业,获工学硕士学位。 摘摘 要要 前人研究认为,川中地区磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组天然气成藏地质条件优越,具有形成中型气田的潜力。然而,自上世纪 60 年代进入勘探阶段以来,该区天然气勘探工作进程缓慢。阻滞该区天然气勘探进展的关键问题是,嘉陵江组天然气气源从何而来?天然气何时通过何种方式进入到嘉陵江组储层?为什么现今只在磨溪构造发现较大规模的气藏, 而其它构造未获气?控制该区天然气聚集成藏主要地质因素是什么?针对以上问题, 本文将从天然气成藏的基本地质条件分析,运用烃源岩有机地化分析、构造演化分析、盆地热史模拟等技术,对以上问题进行研究与探索。 本文首先对磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组的烃源岩、储层特征

      2、、构造演化、圈闭条件、保存条件等进行综合评价;之后对嘉陵江组烃源岩的生排烃史、天然气的运聚方式、成藏过程以及与圈闭演化在时空上的匹配关系作研究;最后建立嘉陵江组天然气的成藏模式,总结成藏规律,并提出研究区有利的勘探区带。 通过对以上内容的研究认为,磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组储层较发育,以磨溪构造储层物性最好;经烃源岩和天然气样品分析,嘉陵江组天然气为高成熟-过成熟的油型气,源岩主要为二叠系碳酸盐岩;区内各构造嘉陵江组发育的较大厚度的膏岩层为天然气成藏提供了良好的保存条件, 嘉陵江组地层水以 CaCL2水型为主,地层水矿化度较高,表现为对天然气保存有利的水文地质环境;研究区内以磨溪、龙女寺和广安构造圈闭最为发育,各个圈闭在地层沉积、构造演化过程中经历了高点的迁移,磨溪构造高点迁移最小,龙女寺构造迁移较大;结合烃源岩成熟度演化,对二叠系和下三叠统飞仙关组地层压力进行计算,认为二叠系源岩大约在中三叠世-中侏罗世(210Ma160Ma)期间生油,并进入上覆飞仙关组形成古油藏,大约在晚侏罗到早白垩世(160Ma60Ma)期间古油藏在高温作用下热裂解生生气,在异常高压作用下,天然气突破上覆地层压力

      3、充注到嘉陵江组地层中成藏,60Ma 以来气藏不断调整,并定型于 10Ma5Ma 期间;异常高压在天然气成藏过程中扮演了重要角色。 最后,本文认为,磨溪-龙女寺构造带嘉陵江组成藏地质条件在时空上匹配成都理工大学硕士学位论文 II关系良好,符合天然气的成藏的基本条件。磨溪构造最有利于天然气聚集,其次是潼南和龙女寺构造。 关键词:川中地区 磨溪-龙女寺构造带 嘉陵江组 成藏条件 成藏过程 Abstract IIIThe study of accumulation conditions of JialingjiangFormation,Moxi-longnvsi structure area in the middle of sichuan Introduction of the author:Liujun,male,was born in March,1983, whose tutor was Professor XuGuosheng,He graduated from Chengdu University of Technology in Mineral Resouce Prospecti

      4、ng and Exploration major and was granted the Master of Engineering Degree in June,2010. Abstract The study of predecessors indacates that the accumulation conditions of natural gas of Jilingjiang Formation,Moxi-longnvsi structure area in the middle of Sichuan basin is superior,which has the potential of forming medium-size gas field.However,the exploration work of natural gas in this area proceeded slowly since it has been started in the 60s of last century.The key problems that provent developm

      5、ent of the exploration are,where is the source of the gas in Jialingjiang Foemation?when and how was the gas flowed in the reservoir of Jialingjiang Formation?why the gas pools have been discovered only in Moxi structure and have not been obtained in the othes?what is the main factor that control the accumulating of the natural gas in this area?About to the problems upwards,the paper will do some researches and discussions by analyzing the fundamental geological conditions that natural gas accum

      6、ulates,and applying the technology of organic geochemitry analyse of source rock,the evolution analyse of structure and the basin thermal simulation At first,this paper will do some synthetical appraisal to the character of the source rock,the reservoir,the evolution of the structure,the the trap and conservation conditions of Jialingjiang Formation,Moxi-longnvsi area;then the generation and bleed history of the source rock,the manner and process that the natural gas accumulating ,the relationsh

      7、ip matching with the trap evolution during the history are studied;And finally,an accumulating model of natural gas in Jialingjiang Formation is established, and the regulation of accumulation is generalized,at the same time,some superior exploratory zones that have better prospect in the study area are proposed. After the content above is studied,the paper gives the following conclusions:the reservoir of Low Triassic of Jilingjiang Formation, Moxi-longnvsi area is developed,and the best is the

      8、reservoir in Moxi structure;by analyzing the sample of 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IVsource rock and natural gas,it considers that the gas of Jialingjiang Formation is oil type gas,which is mature or post mature,and the main source rock is the carbonate rock of Permian;the thick gyprock developed in Jialingjiang Formation in the study area supplys nice conservation condition for the gas accumulating,the most water in the bed is CaCL2 type,the degree of the water mineralization is a little high,which presents t

      9、he superior environment for the conservation of gas;the traps best developed in the study area is Moxi、Longnvsi and Guangan structure,the traps experienced migration during depositing of the bed and evolving of the structure,the distance Moxi structure migrated is least,and the distance Longnvsi structure migrated is further;Combined with evolution of the source rock,by calculating the pressure of Permian and Feixianguan Formation of Low Triassic,it suspects that the source rock of Permian produced oil during about Middle Triassic to Middle Jurassic period(210Ma160Ma),and Formed paleo-oil pool by flowing into the upside beds of Feixianguan Formation,during about late Jurassic to early Cretaceous,the paleo oil started thermal crack because the effect of high temperature,and generated natural gas,with the help of the extraordinary pressure,the generated gas injected into the Jialingjiang Formation and formed gas pool.by breaking though the pressure of the upper beds,its adj


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