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    • 1、首届全国小学英语教师教学技能大赛(初赛试题)首届全国小学英语教师教学技能大赛(初赛试题) (试题总分:150 分答题时间:150 分钟) 第 I 卷 英语语言技能部分 (70 分,共九大题) ListeningListening PartPart IQuestions 15(5points) Listen to the tapeYou will hear fiveshort conversationsEach conversation will be read twiceThereis one question for each conversationChoose the correct answer to each question 1What was the weather like on Wednesday? A B C 2How much did Marks pullover cost? A B C 3What did R aquel buy today ? A B C 4How many students are there at the college? A B C 5W

      2、hat is David going to buy? A B C IIQ uestions 610(5points) Listen to Philip talking to his mother about his son,SimonWhat is Simon going to do on Saturday and Sunday?For questions 610,write a letter AH next to each time of dayYou will hear theconversation twice TIME ACTIVITIES Abicycle ride Bfootball match Cjudo class Dparty Eswimming Fthe cinema Gthe park H watching television IIIQuestions 1115(5points) Listen to Chloe talking to a man abouta sailing holidayFor questions 1115,choose A,B orCYou

      3、will hear the conversation twice 11How many times has Chloe been sailing before? ANeverBO nceCTwice 12How much can Chloe spend? A380B370C450 13Chloe will go in _ AAugustBSeptemberCO ctober 14Chloe would like to sail on_ Aa lakeBthe seaCa river 15H ow does Chloe want to pay? ABy chequeBWith cashCBy credit card IVQ uestions 1620(5points) You will hear Kate and Jeremy talkingabout a partyListen and complete questions 1620Youwill hear the conversation twice KatesKates BirthdayBirthday PartyParty Kat

      4、e will be: seventeen years old Day : 16_ Time: 17_ Place: 18_ Address: 19_Sreet_ Bring some:20 _ VQ uestions 2125(10points) You will hear some information abouta cinemaListen and complete questions 2125You will hear the information twice CINEMACINEMA Name of cinema: North London Arts Cinema Next weeks film: 21_Meeting_ From: 22_Monday to_ Times: 23 _6:45pm and _ Student ticket costs: 24_ Nearest car park: 25_Street_ WrittenWritten PartPart VIMultiple-choice test:(10 points) 1We mailed a package

      5、to the New York office,but they _ to us without any comments about it Asend it back Bsend back it Csent back it Dsent it back 2Having broad knowledge is not necessarily the same as _ a good teacher Ato be Bbeing Cbe Dis 3Though he was defeated flat,he expects _ the second game Awinning Bto win Close Dto be a winner 4Neither Bills children _ his wife was expecting anything unusual that night Ahowever Bor Cnor Dand 5I dont know whether he will arrivesoon,but if he _ ,I will ask him to help you Awi

      6、ll do Bdoes Cwill Dis going to 6_ poor,his mother sent him as much money as she could AThough BAs CBecause DAs if 7Toy Kim has three bikesO ne is Japanese,_ is Italian,_ and is American Aone;one Bother;other Cthe other;another Danother;theother 8During the day ,a person has _ different thoughts and impressions from what they see and hear Aone thousand of Bthousands and thousands Cthousands Dthousands of 9It was_ great shock to the world that two aeroplanes crashed in to World Trade Center in New

      7、 York on September 11th,2001 Aa;theBa;Cthe;theD;the 10Dont forget to phone me when you get homeJust to let me know youve arrived safely I wont forgetGoodbye then _ AWith pleasure BDont mention it CHave a nice trip DIts very kind of you VIITranslation:(10 points) 1If you spend most of your time studying grammar,your English will not improve very muchYou will see improvement if you learn more words and expressions 2All good teachers have some type of plan when they walk in to their classroomsU sua

      8、lly,lesson plans are written just for the teachers own eyes and tend to be rather in formal 3Foreign language is a language which is not normally used for communication in a particular societyThus English is a foreign language in China and Spanish is a foreign language in Germany 4When you plan to introduce changes in the classroom,you should first think carefully about the context in which you teachThink about your school,the people involved in side and outside the classroom(such as other teachers and parents)and the resources that you have 5Students need to know how to deal with unknown wordsThis is very important because we will always find words we are not sure of ordo not recognizeDealing with thesekinds of words can help us enjoy reading and become effici


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