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    • 1、 I年产 160 万吨熟料干法生产线设计摘要随着近年来我国社会经济发展迅速,水泥需求量连年递增,水泥市场呈现出供不应求的现象。为了满足徐州市及其周边广大地区水泥需求,充分利用当地自然资源,促进当地经济发展,增加就业岗位,经过严密的分析考察,决定在徐州市青龙山建设年产 160 万吨熟料生产线,根据当地实际情况,进行水泥厂设计。本次设计的主要内容包括:1、选择厂址;确定石膏、混合材掺量;计算要求塾料生产能力;确定窑的 n、计算烧成车间生产能力和工厂生产能力;确定配料指标,配料计算;确定各工序物料生产损失;计算各物料消耗定额;编制物料平衡表。2、确全厂生产流程,进行主机平衡计算;确定全厂物料的储存方案、各物料储存期的确定、选择和计算储存。绘制全厂生产流程图和全厂总平面布置图。3、重点车间设计。4、整理设计文件。本次设计采用了利用窑尾废气预热生料和粉煤灰的方法,降低系统热耗,把从篦冷机出来的热气体用来作为热源烘干煤粉,本次设计的工艺设备可有效地降低系统热耗。考虑到实际情况与理论相结合,经过缜密的计算,本设计选用了4.874 的回转窑。在水泥粉磨系统方面,选用的是辊压机联合粉磨系统,该系统是当今

      2、世界上应用最广泛的水泥粉磨系统,其大大提高了水泥产量和粉磨效率,有效地节约了电耗和设备投资,现在已经成为水泥粉磨得发展趋势。关键词:新型干法生产线,配料计算,物料平衡,水泥粉磨关键词:新型干法生产线,配料计算,物料平衡,水泥粉磨II1600000 TONS PER YEAR CLINKER PRODUCTION OF DRY-PROCESS CEMENT PRODUCTION LINE DESIGNABSTRACTIn recent years, Chinas rapid socio-economic development, cement demand increased year after year, cement market is showing a shortage phenomenon. In order to meet the needs of Xuzhou city and the surrounding areas of cement demand, make full use of local natural resources, promote local ec

      3、onomic development, increase employment opportunities, through rigorous analysis and observation, the decision in Xuzhou City Qinglongshan construction with an annual output of 1600000tons of clinker production line, according to the local actual situation, to cement plant design. The design of the main contents include: 1, Selection of plant site; Determination of gypsum, the admixture; computational requirements Sook feed production capacity; determine the kiln firing workshop n, calculation o

      4、f production capacity and production capacity; determine the burden index, burden calculation; the process of determining the material production loss; calculation of the material consumption quota; preparation of material balance table. 2, Ensure entire factory production process, host balance calculation; determine the whole plant material storage solutions, the material storage period determination, calculation and selection of storage. Mapping the entire plant production flow chart and the w

      5、hole plant general layout. 3, Key design workshop. 4, Finishing the design document. This design using the utilization of kiln exhaust gas preheating raw material and fly ash method, decrease the heat rate of the system, from the grate cooler out of the hot gas is used as a heat source for drying pulverized coal, the design of the process equipment can effectively reduce the system energy consumption. Considering the actual conditions and the theory unifies, after careful calculation, the design

      6、 chooses a 4.8 74rotary kiln. In cement grinding system, is the IIIselection of combined grinding system with roller press, the system is one of the worlds most widely used in cement grinding system, greatly increasing the output of cement and grinding efficiency, effectively saves the energy consumption and equipment investment, has now become the development trend of cement mill.KEYWORDS: new dry production line, burden calculation, material balance, cement grinding安徽理工大学毕业设计i目录摘要(中文) .I 摘要(英文) .II 目录 .i 1 总论.1 1.1 引言.1 1.2 厂址选择.2 1.2.1 设计任务.2 1.2.2 建设水泥厂的原始资料.2 1.2.3 厂址及其选择.3 1.3 生产产品.5 1.3.1 生产产品的意义和价值.5 1.3.2 生产方法.5 1.3.3 煅烧方法.6 1.3.4 水泥标号.6 1.3.5 粉煤灰掺量.6 1.3.6 石膏掺量.


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