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Building An Effective WebBased CRM Infrastructure

  • 卖家[上传人]:206****923
  • 文档编号:40492122
  • 上传时间:2018-05-26
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:27KB
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    • 1、ChapterChapterChapter 8:8:8: TermsTermsTerms & & ConceptsConceptsConcepts Objectives of TPSsMIS Report TypesTypes of transactions in TPSsBatch vs. Online processingBenefits of Internet TPSComponents of Accounting & Finance systemsComponents of Channel systemsBenefits of CRMPurpose of Inventory systemsUses of CAD/CAMUses of IT in Human ResourcesBenefits of ERPTypes of inter-organizational information systemsBuilding An Effective Web-Based CRM InfrastructureBY PHILIP J. MACLAREN. AND EPHRAIM FRANK

      2、EL It is apparent that companies need to implement an effective CRM strategy in order to survive and thrive. Which solution they implement depends on the organizations culture and overall strategy. Regardless of the type of solution selected, companies need to look at CRM on a lifecycle basis, which encompasses customer acquisition through retention.Telemarketing carried out by untrained, overaggressive representatives who call customers at dinnertime is not CRM. (This can upset the hard-won rel

      3、ationship the company has built with the customer.) Also, to maximize customer comfort and satisfaction, companies must allow customers to interface with them from any touch point, such as Web, IVR, phone and even in-person meetings. However, over-use of technology can backfire and is potentially devastating since customers simply may not be comfortable using interfaces such as the Web.What then is the key to CRM success? An appropriate combination of technology and people. Remember, CRM is not

      4、a product or service. It is an overall business strategy that enables companies to effectively manage relationships with their customers.The primary goal of CRM is to build a single, integrated, corporate-wide view of the customer, enabling the company to maximize the customers experience. By integrating front- and back-office systems to include records of all customer contact, purchases, requests for information and technical support, the corporation can present a single face to the customer an

      5、d, therefore, provide better service.Today, the cost to acquire a new customer is substantially more than the cost to market to existing customers via the Web. In fact, studies have shown a dollar spent on advertising during the holiday season in 1998 yielded $5 in return while a dollar spent on customer service yielded $60 in return.Customers Perspective Of Web-based CRM The benefits of Web-based CRM must be viewed from two perspectives: the customers and the companys. From the customers perspe

      6、ctive, the Web CRM solution must help in a number of key areas, including:Buying product, Solving problems, Getting answers to questions from a variety of sources, such as e-mail, fax and live agents, Providing competitive price and product comparisons,Offering cross-promotional items, Informing and educating about new or improved products and Removing all fears or uncertainties surrounding the purchase. These needs, in turn, can be placed in six broad categories: ease of doing business, single

      7、point of service, competitive pricing, trust, choice and personalized solutions.Company Perspective The benefits of CRM from the companys perspective are different than those of the customer. Yet they enable the company to best satisfy customers needs. Clearly, benefits such as increased revenue, enhanced customer relationships, acquisition of new and more profitable customers and improved customer retention rates are expected by the company and are definable. It is possible to measure the reven

      8、ue earned and number of customers. But one immeasurable benefit is that an effective Web-based CRM solution can provide a competitive differentiation, particularly when products in a global economy can become commodities overnight.The Web. The most important use of the Web from a CRM perspective is self-service so customers can make inquiries about their accounts at any time and from anywhere. The Web should also be used for electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) so customers can see wha

      9、t they owe and pay online if appropriate. For revenue enhancement, companies can also provide instant messaging to be used for cross-selling and upselling services based on the profiles of customers using their Web site.Interactive voice response (IVR). An IVR system is required for customers to perform self-service inquiries via the phone instead of the Web.Reporting. Good reporting tools are necessary for both customer and internal reports.Call center technology. Some type of call center technology with PBX or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) integrated with intelligent call routing is an absolute must for an interface with a live customer service representative. It can reduce the number of dropped calls.Integration framework. A technology framework that allows all applications and databases that contain customer information to be integrated can make a big difference in the speed of implementation.Defining the success factors of an

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