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《TOEFL 听力习语必备》

  • 卖家[上传人]:纯***
  • 文档编号:39924161
  • 上传时间:2018-05-21
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:123.50KB
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    • 1、TOEFL 听力习语必备A a big sale 大减价 a bite to eat 一口(饭) ,一点儿(吃的东西) a bunch of 一束;一群,一伙 a change of pace 节奏的改变 a conflict in ones schedule 日程中有冲突 a couple of 两三个 a far cry from 离差得老远,有很大的差别 a great deal 很不错的买卖,很划算的买卖 a heart of gold 心地好、慷慨大度 a long way off 还有好长一段距离,还早着呢 a matter of time 时间问题 a million things 很多事情(常用于形容某人很忙) a million times 很多次 a must 必须的条件,不可缺少的东西 a phone call away 一个电话之远, 随叫随到(意为愿 意帮忙,只要打个电话, 对方就会立刻跑过来帮忙) a quarter of an hour 一刻钟 a rare treat 少有的款待 a roll of film 一卷胶卷 a sheet of paper

      2、一张纸 a stack of 一堆、一摞 a waste of money 钱的浪费,浪费钱 a waste of time 时间的浪费,浪费时间 a while back 一段时间之前,不久之前 absent-minded 心不在焉,健忘 absent-minded professor 心不在焉的人,健忘的人 abstract painting 抽象画 academic calendar 校历 account for 解释,说明 acquire a taste 对有兴趣,开始喜欢 act up 发作(尤指疾病的发作) add up 加,加起来,加到一起 address book 通讯薄 administration building 行政楼 advanced course 高级课程 aerobics class 健身操班 after all 毕竟,终究,到底,终于 agree on 商定,达成一致 agree with 同意,适合 ahead of time 提前 air conditioner 空调 air-conditioned 空调的;有空调的 aisle seat 靠近过道的

      3、座位 alarm clock 闹钟 all along 一直,始终 all I need is 我只需要 allergic to 对过敏 and how 对,正确,是这样的 annual checkup 年度体检 answering machine (电话)答录机 antique car 古董车,老爷车 antique show 古玩展览 anything but 单单除之外;恰恰不 apartment building 宿舍楼 apartment complex 公寓大楼 apple pie 苹果派 apply for 申请 Are you kidding? 你开什么玩笑? around the clock 一天不间断,一天 24 小时不停 around the corner 在街角附近 art gallery 美术馆 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 一般来说,通常 as far as I know 就我所知 as far as Im concerned 就我来讲,我的意见是 as fit as a fiddle 身体特别好 as good as

      4、和一样好 as long as 只要;和一样长 as soon as 一就 as soon as possible 尽快 ask for 要求找 ask for a refund 要求退钱 ask somebody for a ride 请求搭车 at all 一点也不 at hand 在手头,在手边 at home 感觉很自在 at home with 对感到很熟悉 at least 至少 at once 同时 at the most 至多,顶多 at this point 这时候 at this rate 以这种速度 at your service 愿意为您效劳 audition for 参加面试 auto inspection center 汽车检测中心 auto show 汽车展览B back out 退出 baggage counter 行李柜台 basketball game 篮球比赛 basketball practice 篮球训练 bathing suit 游泳衣 be a mystery to someone 对某人来讲是个谜,不明白 be a total bore

      5、特没意思 be about to 就要做 be absent from school 缺课,没上学 be absorbed in 专注于 be accustomed to 习惯于 be acquainted with 和认识 be addicted to 对上瘾 be all in a days work 日常生活的一部分 be attached to 对有感情 be backed up (交通)堵了;(活)拖下来了 be behind in 落后 be behind schedule 晚点 be better off 会更好的 be bound for 去地方 be bound to 一定会,必然会 be burned up 生气 be capable of 有能力做 be critical of 对持批评态度,批评 be done (菜)熟了 be done (with) 完成,做完了 be finished 做完了 be finished with 做完了,完成了 be free of 摆脱,清除 be free to 自由去做 be good with 擅长 be hard o

      6、n 对苛刻 be hard up for 缺少 be head and shoulders above 比高出很多 be headed for 去地方 be in a mood for something 有心情做某事 be in luck 有运气,幸运 be in the dark 蒙在鼓里,不知道 be known to 为所熟知 be made of money 是钱做的;很有钱 be off caffeine 不能沾咖啡因 be off to 去地方 be on a diet 正在节食 be on loan to somebody 借给某人 be oneself 显得自然 be ones old self 恢复常态 be onto something 想到点儿什么东西,有些想法 be overwhelmed 招架不住 be overwhelmed with 忙着做 be prepared for 为做好准备 be relevant to 和相关 be responsible for 对负责任 be right on target 正中靶心;讲得很到位 be sensitive

      7、to 对敏感 be sick of 对感到厌恶 be slated to 提名作候选人;内定的职务 be stuck 卡住了,动不了;被困住了,被难住了 be suitable for 合适做 be supposed to 应该 be swamped with 忙于 be through (with) 做完 be tied up 被占用 be tied up in 忙于做 be up to somebody 由某人来做决定 be used to 对习惯了 be worth the wait 值得等 bear up well 表现得很坚强 before long 不久,很快 begin ones diet 开始节食 behind the times 落后于时代 believe in 相信 believe it or not 信不信由你 belong to 属于 benefit concert 慈善音乐会 better luck next time 下次好运 better than half 一多半 birth certificate 出生证明 birthday present 生日礼物

      8、bit by bit 一点儿一点儿,逐步地,慢慢地 bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂 black and blue 青肿的;淤血的 black coffee 黑咖啡 boil down to 归结为 book bag 书包 book up 订光(常用于被动语态) box office 售票处 break down 坏了,出故障 break even 收支相抵 break new ground 有了新的突破 break up 散了; (男女朋友)吹了 bright sides 光明面 brighten ones spirits 使情绪好起来 bring somebody up-to-date on 告诉某人最新的消息 bringalong 一块带来 broad claims (论文中)宽泛的论点 broken string 弦断了 brown paper 牛皮纸 brush up on 重温,再练(荒疏的学业、技术) bulletin board 广告栏,布告栏 bump into 碰到某人,撞上某人;撞上 burn a hole in ones

      9、 pocket 有钱存不住,有钱就花 burn the midnight oil 点灯熬夜 burn up 生气 bus fare 公共汽车票钱 bus schedule 公共汽车时刻表 bus station 汽车站 bus tour 乘公共汽车旅游 busy signal (电话)占线的声音 by air 乘飞机 by all means 当然 by accident 不小心,偶然 by and by 很快 by leaps and bounds 跳跃地,非常快地 by oneself 自己一个人,单独C cable TV 有线电视 call for 打电话找 call for 说,预报 call for directions 打电话问方向 call it a day 就此结束,到此结束 call off 取消 call on sb. 访问,拜访 call up 给打电话 camping trip 露营 campus security office 学校保卫办公室 can help 能够避免 cant get enough of something 听不够,用不够,吃 不够 cant help doing 避免不了;忍不住 cancel an appointment 取消约会 care for 喜欢 carry on 继续下去 carry out 执行,履行 cash the check 将支票兑现 catch on 流行起来;理解 catch on the nail 钩在钉子上(常用于被动语态) catch ones breath 喘气 catch ones eye 吸引的目光,引人注意 catch up on 赶上,补上 catch up with 赶上某人 change ones mind 改变主意 check out

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