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    • 1、6 6 级单词级单词1Day-11.abnormal/bn:ml/ adj.不正常的;变态的【派生词】【派生词】normal adj.正常的norm n. 准则normal university 师范大学2.abolish/bl/ v. 废除,取消【核心讲解】【核心讲解】这些动词均含“取消、废除”之意abolish,正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。cancel,用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。repeal,书面用词,指撤销立法机关通过的协议、法案或法律等。【真题例句】【真题例句】Abolish the patent law concerning genetically engineered seeds.(2013.12.1)废除专利法涉及转基因种子的条款。3.abolition/bln/n. 废除;消灭;废止【真题例句】【真题例句】Literary works calling for the abolition of slavery.(2013.12.1)文学作品呼吁废除奴隶制。4.abrupt/'brpt/ adj. 突然的,意外的,唐

      2、突的【近义词】【近义词】sudden adj.突然的,意外的unexpected adj.想不到的,意外的【派生词】【派生词】abruptly adv. 突然地【常考搭配】【常考搭配】an abrupt ending 突如其来的终止6 6 级单词级单词2an abrupt change 骤然的变化an abrupt departure 突然的离去【词根讲解】【词根讲解】rupt 断裂,破裂corrupt adj.使.腐化堕落corruption 腐败bankrupt adj.破产的bankruptcy n.破产;彻底丧失abrupt adj.突然的erupt v.喷发interrupt v.打扰,打搅disrupt v.使. 中断;打断disruption n. 中断;扰乱5.absence/'bsns/ n. 不在;缺席;缺乏【派生词】【派生词】absent adj.缺席的absent-minded adj.心不在焉的absent-mindedness n.心不在焉【反义词】【反义词】present adj. 出席的【常考搭配】【常考搭配】in the absence of

      3、缺乏;当不在时【真题例句】【真题例句】Thus, when hearing the remark “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the abilityto deal with them”, we can perceive its implication.(2013.12.2)因此,当我们听到这个评论“幸福不是没有困难,而是有能力应对困难”时,我们就明白其隐含意。6.absolute/'bslut/adj. 纯粹的;绝对的;完全的【派生词】【派生词】absolutely adv.绝对地【近义词】【近义词】entirely adv. 完全地6 6 级单词级单词3completely adv. 彻底地,完全地7.abstract/'bstrkt/ n. 摘要 v. 使抽象化,提炼 adj. 抽象的;深奥的【派生词】【派生词】attract v.吸引attraction n.吸引(力);具有吸引力的事物(或人)distract v.分心,使分散注意力distraction n.消遣,娱乐,精神涣散contract

      4、n. 合同【真题例句】【真题例句】Many current discussions of immigration issues talk about immigrations in general, as ifthey were abstract people in an abstract world.(2014.6.3)当前许多关于移民问题的讨论都笼统的谈论移民, 就好像移民是生活中在抽象世界里的抽象的人。8.absurd/bs:d/ adj.不合理的,荒唐的【同义词】【同义词】ridiculous adj.可笑的,荒唐的,荒谬的【真题例句】【真题例句】And they end up producing something utterly ridiculous.(2013.12.3)那他们最终写出来的东西就会很荒谬。9.abundance/'bndns/ n.丰富,充裕【派生词】【派生词】abundant adj.丰富的,大量的【常考搭配】【常考搭配】be abundant in 盛产 ,在丰富【真题例句】【真题例句】In America, white tailed deer

      5、 are more numerous than ever before, so abundant in factthat theyve become a suburban nuisance and a health hazard.(2013.12.2)在美国,白尾鹿的数量空前庞大,已经成为郊区的祸害,而且对健康也造成了危害,10.abuse6 6 级单词级单词4/'bjus/ n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 v. 滥用;辱骂;虐待【常考搭配】【常考搭配】child abuse 虐待儿童alcohol abuse 酗酒abuse ones power 滥用权力【真题例句】She used to abuse her children when she was a young mother.(2014.6.1)当她是年轻妈妈的时候经常虐待他的孩子。11.academic/kdemk/ adj. 学院的,学术的【常考搭配】【常考搭配】academic achievement 学术成就academic instruction 学术指导academic performance 学术成绩academ

      6、ic authority 学术权威【派生词】【派生词】academia n.学术界academyn. 学院academician n. 学会会员,学者【真题例句】Partly this is a result of how bleak the academic job market is, but theres also a risingawareness of career options that Ph.D. scientists havent trained for directly but forwhich they have useful knowledge, skills, and experience.(2013.12.1)从一定程度上来说,这是学术性就业市场萧条的结果,但是同事也是因为(这些毕业生)对职业选择具有越来越强的意识, 虽然这种意识不是取得博士学位的科学家们通过训练直接获得的,但是他们却具备这方面的有用知识、技能和经验。12.accelerate/k'selreit/ v.(使)加快,(使)增速【派生词】【派生词】acceleration n. 加速;

      7、加速度;促进decelerate v. 减速deceleration n. 减速【同义词】【同义词】speed up 加速hasten 加快hurry 使加快6 6 级单词级单词5【真题例句】【真题例句】And as a recently published paper shows, the process of urbanization will only acceleratein the decades to comewith an enormous impact on biodiversity and potentially onclimate change. (2014.12.1)在最近发表的一篇论文中也可以看到,在接下来的几十年中,城市化进程将继续加速,对生物多样性,并对气候变化有巨大的潜在影响。13.accessory/k'sesri/ n.同谋 adj.附属的【派生词】【派生词】access n. 接近;通道, 入口 v. 取出;接近;使用accessible adj. 易接近的, 可进入的14.accidentally/ksdentl/ adv. 偶然地;附带地

      8、;意外地【常考搭配】【常考搭配】by accident 偶然by chance 偶然【真题例句】【真题例句】The “Mona Lisa” may not be a worthy world champion, but it was in the Louvre in the firstplace, and not by accident.(2015.6.3)蒙娜丽莎也许称不上是世界之最,但它从一开始就被展出在卢浮宫,而且绝非偶然。15.acclaim/'kleim/ n. 欢呼;称赞;喝彩 v. 向欢呼;称赞;为喝彩;宣布【派生词】【派生词】claim v.声称, 要求reclaim v 回收利用;拿回proclaim v.宣布,表明【真题例句】【真题例句】As contemporary artists like Warhol and Damien Hirst have grasped, critical acclaim isdeeply entwined(交织) with publicity. “Scholars”, Cutting argues, “are no diffe

      9、rent from thepublic in the effects of mere exposure.”(2015.6.3)正如沃霍尔和戴米恩赫斯特这样的当代艺术家所了解的,批评家的赞扬与宣传效应是密切交织在一起的。卡廷认为:“在纯粹曝光效应上,学者与大众没有区别。”6 6 级单词级单词616.accommodate/kmdeit/ v. 使适应 ;容纳,提供住宿【常考搭配】【常考搭配】accommodate oneself to sth 使某人适应某事【真题例句】【真题例句】As Karen Seto, the led author of the paper, points out, the wave of urbanization isnt justabout the migration of people into urban environments, but about the environmentsthemselves becoming bigger to accommodate all those people.(2014.12.1)论文的第一作者卡伦塞托指出,城市化浪潮不仅仅指人们移居到城市环境当中,也包括城市环境变得更适合容纳更多人生存。They can accommodate students with special needs. (2014.12.3)他们能满足学生的特殊需要【派生词】【派生词】accommodation n. 适应;和解;预定膳宿17.accompany/kmpni/ v. 陪同,伴随;伴唱【常考搭配】【常考搭配】be accompanied by 由.陪伴accompany sb to somewhere 陪某人去某地【真题例句】【真题例句】But the real difference is that in developing nations, the move from rural areas to citiesoften leads to an accompanying increase in income and that increase leads to anincrease in the consumption


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