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    • 1、西安交通大学 18 年 3 月课程考试专业英语作业考核试题 试卷总分:100 得分:100 第 1 题,The delay of the flights is due to (_) beyond our control. A、conditions B、causes C、circumstance D、inconvenience 正确答案:B第 2 题,It is reported that two cars (_) into each other this morning on the highway, killing both driver and two passengers. A、crawled B、crouched C、pressed D、crashed 正确答案:D第 3 题,A desktop computers sound card sends signals to external _. A、printer B、speaker C、Modem D、keyboard 正确答案:B第 4 题,A group of scientists are conducting a(_)i

      2、nto the feasibility of cloning human beings. A、entrance B、research C、inquiry D、investigation 正确答案:B第 5 题,What day is today?- (_) . A、Today is March 25th B、Today is Saturday C、Today is fine D、Today is cold 正确答案:B第 6 题,These heavy walls expressed mans fear of the outer world and his need to find (_) . A、prevention B、protection C、preservation D、preparation 正确答案:B第 7 题,On my birthday I got a watch from my uncle, _ was made in Japan. A、who B、that C、which D、what 正确答案:B第 8 题,The distance protection is

      3、applied to protect _. A、transformers B、generators C、transmission lines D、buses 正确答案:C第 9 题,When an induction motor with 10 poles is supplied by 50Hz three-phase ac power source, the synchronous revolutions per minute is _. (Synchronous r/min = 120 f/p) A、1000 B、900 C、700 D、600 正确答案:D第 10 题,I would die (_) marry him!“ she screamed. A、instead of B、rather than C、other than D、more than 正确答案:B第 11 题,Could I use your dictionary for a moment? -(_). A、Its wellB、It doesnt mattter C、By all means D、I have

      4、no idea 正确答案:C第 12 题,The thermal energy of the steam is converted into _ energy by the turbine. A、electrical B、mechanical C、chemical D、potential 正确答案:B第 13 题,She is an easy-going girl. _ you meet her, she will smile to you. A、As B、Everything C、While D、Since 正确答案:B第 14 题,“Have you seen Lao Wu recently?”“It looks (_) he would return home tomorrow.” A、like B、as C、as if D、that 正确答案:C第 15 题,Can you come over for dinner with us? - (_) A、Id like to but I have a meeting tonight B、It doesnt matter C、No,

      5、I dont like D、Oh, that sounds well 正确答案:A第 16 题,In a coal-fired power plant, an electrostatic precipitator is used to remove _ from the combustion gases. A、solid particle B、SO2C、CO D、water vapour 正确答案:A第 17 题,She hardly ever eats (_) potatoes. A、or bread or B、bread or C、both bread or D、neither bread or 正确答案:B第 18 题,Lucy is _ of all. A、young B、younger C、youngest D、the youngest 正确答案:D第 19 题,The cold weather (_) the planting by two weeks. A、set back B、set forth C、stuck up D、stuck to 正确答案:A第 20 题,Th

      6、e precision of ADC ( analog-to-digital conversion ) is determined by _. A、its speed B、its gain C、the accuracy of the reference voltage D、the number of binary bits 正确答案:D第 21 题,Finally, the teacher realized that the girl was crying _. A、because what he had said B、because that he had said C、because of what he had said D、because of that he had said 正确答案:C第 22 题,_ carries data out to speakers and headphones, or back from a microphone. A、A graphics card B、A modem C、A network card D、A sound card 正确答案:

      7、D第 23 题,(_),you must show your ticket to go into the cinema A、No matter whoever you are B、Whoever you are C、Whomever you are D、No matter who are you 正确答案:B第 24 题,A 15-year-old boy was (_) for stealing 22 charity boxes from local shops. A、convicted B、sentenced C、arrested D、attacked 正确答案:C第 25 题,Charlie _ here next month. A、isnt working B、doesnt working C、isnt going to working D、wont work 正确答案:D第 26 题,Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _getting water is not the least. A、for

      8、which B、to which C、in which D、of which 正确答案:D第 27 题,Look at the rainbow! What a view!- (_) ! A、Yes. What beautiful it isB、Yes. How beautiful it is C、Yes. What a beautiful it is D、Yes. How a beautiful it is 正确答案:B第 28 题,May I have a look at your photo album?- (_) . A、Yes, you have B、Its very interesting C、This is my girl friend D、Yes, of course 正确答案:D第 29 题,Tom didnt come to class yesterday. He (_) ill. A、must be B、should be C、must have been D、should have been 正确答案:C第 30 题,The transformer is a st

      9、raightforward application of Faradays _ Law. A、Ohms B、Electromagnetic Induction C、Kirchhoffs Current D、Kirchhoffs Voltage 正确答案:B第 31 题,The unit of logarithm of the magnitude of a transfer function is _. A、radians per second B、volts C、decibel D、octaves 正确答案:C第 32 题,The relation results in _. A、null B、identity C、indefinite value D、zero正确答案:B第 33 题,The government is taking effective measures to overcome (_) difficulties. A、average B、radical C、current D、typical 正确答案:C第 34 题,These are all (_) demands. A、reasonable B、available C、logical D、formal 正确答案:A第 35 题,(_) the interruption, he was able to finish his exercises before the class was over. A、Instesd of B、Even if C、Because of D、In spite of 正确答案:D第 36 题,The hydropower is well suited for switching according to _


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