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    • 1、降低采购成本的优选渠道Optimized Channel for Cutting Down Purchasing Cost,中国顺德龙江 亚洲国际家具材料交易中心China Shunde Longjiang Asia International Furniture Material Purchasing Center总经理:钱江GM: Qian Jiang,引言 Foreword,经商之人重诺、多思、善夺。Business men pay more attention to honesty and are good at thinking什么事物都多提几个为什么。Ask more whys for everything. 请带着这样几个问题来观赏我们的推介Please bring the below questions to listen my introduction马来西亚的采购商需要什么?What do Maylasia purchasers need?为什么马来西亚的采购商要到中国顺德亚洲国际去采购材料?Why do Malaysia purchasers have to bu

      2、y materials from China Shunde Asia Star?为什么亚洲国际能帮助马来西亚乃至全球的采购商降低采购成本?Why Asia Star can help Malaysia or even global purchasers to cut down purchasing cost?以下,请允许我来为您一一解答Now, please let me answer those problems for you,目录Content,全球家具行业与中国的关系Relation between global furniture industry and China,1,马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser,2,亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望Furture cooperation between Asia Star and Malaysia,3,4,顺德、龙江、亚洲国际 对全球家具产业的影响Effect of Shunde Longjiang Asia St

      3、ar on global furniture industry,2009年世界家具总产值将为3500亿美元,中国将占到全球总产值的20%以上,超过美国19%的份额,首次位列世界第一。,2009年中国家具出口预计253.3亿美元,比2008年下降6%,12月份家具出口30.9亿美元,同比增长10.8%,比11月份上升26.56%,中国家具内销总额3250.3亿,比去年2866.2亿增长13.4%,内销大国Domestic sales dominant country,出口大国Export dominant country,家具生产大国Dominant country for furniture production,全球家具看中国Turn to China for Global Furniture,中国家具备受全球瞩目China furniture is the global focus,The forecast for China furniture exporting in 2009 is 25.33 billion USD, which decreased by 6% compar

      4、ed with 2008. Furniture export is 3.09 billion in December, which is increased by 26.56% compared with November.,The GDP of world furniture is 35billion USD in 2009. China covers more than 20% of the global GDP, which exceeds USA(19%) and it ranks No. 1 for the first time.,The total domestic sales of furniture is 325.03 billion Yuan which has 13.4% increase compared with 286.62 billion Yuan in last year.,勒流Leliu,乐从Lecong,伦教 Lunjiao,均安Junan容桂 Ronggui,大良Daliang,中国家具看顺德Turns to Shunde for China Fur

      5、niture,龙江 Longjiang,木工机械之城The city of woodworkingmachinery,布料、涂料之乡The hometown of cloth and coating,五金配件重镇The main town of hardware accessories,展会、商贸流通Exhibtition and trading center,家具商贸之都The capital of furniture trading,家具原辅材料之都、家具制造重镇The capital of furniture materialThe famous town of furniture manufacturing,顺德龙江的家具制造与家具原辅材料总产值约占全国的1015%,总额达600多亿元人民币,从业人员5万多人,占地460多万平方米。GDP of Shunde Longjiang Furniture and furniture raw and auxiliary materials covers 10-15% of Chinas GDP and the sales amount

      6、is more than 60 billion RMB, with more than 50 thousand of employees and more than 4.6million m2 of areas.,据统计,2009年龙江镇现有家具制造企业1832家,家具材料企业3010家。According to the statistics, furniture manufacturing enterprises in Longjiang town are 1832 in 2009 and the furniture material enterprises are 3010.,龙江镇家具制造企业个数每年保持约6%的增长,而企业总产值则保持约15%左右的增长幅度。The number of furniture manufacturing enterprises in Longjiang town is increasing about 6% every year, while the output is increasing about 15% every year.,基本情况Bas

      7、ic Information,企业众多Numberious enterprises,持续增长Continuous increasing,实木、板式、软体(含沙发、床垫)、玻璃、金属、竹藤、塑料等。其中:家具五金零配件90%都可以在龙江采购或落单订造。配套产业涉及了商贸会展,物流配送,网络营销、木工机械、木材加工、涂料化工和包装印刷等产业。Solid wood, plates, soft furniture materials(including sofa, mattress), glass, metal, rattan, plastic and so on. 90% of the hardware accessories can be purchased and ordered in Longjiang. The equipped supporting industry is including exhibition, logistics, website marketing, woodwork machinery, woodworking, coating, packing, pri

      8、nting and other industies.,顺德家具看龙江Turn to Longjiang for Shunde furniture,顺德龙江的基本介绍Basic introduction for Shunde Longjiang,龙江镇家具材料及配件主要为下列成品家具配套The main furniture materials and accessories of Longjiang are as below:,项目规模Project Introduction,家具龙头亚洲国际Furnitrue leader-Asia Star,亚洲国际于2004年启动,总投资额逾30亿元人民币,占地近60万平方米,总建筑面积约120万平方米。是中国家具原辅材料的最大集散地,汇集了来自国内外的家具材料经销企业。Asia Star was started in 2004, with total investment of 3billion RMB and 600thousand m2 areas. The total floor area is about 1.2 million m2.

      9、Asia Star is the biggest collecting and distributing center for furniture raw and auxiliary materials in China, which collected the furniture material distributing enterprises from home and abroad.,项目整体鸟瞰图Birds eye view of the whole project,亚洲国际家具材料交易中心Asia International Furniture Material Purchasing Center中国家具材料总部基地-China Furniture Material Headquarters,成熟市场 Mature Market,成熟A区Section A,皮革B区Section B(leather),旗舰C区Flagship Section C,场内设五金、皮革、布艺、板材、涂料、辅料各专区;目前原材料销售企业达1018家,物流配送企业达180多家。交易中心平均每天车流量

      10、达到了12000车次、人流达到22000人次。其中A、B区经过近五年运营,市场已经非常成熟;旗舰C区招商反应热烈,定位高端旗舰品牌。,亚洲国际家具材料交易中心Asia International Furniture Material Purchasing Center中国家具材料总部基地-China Furniture Material Headquarters,家具龙头亚洲国际Furnitrue leader-Asia Star,It has setspecial sections respectively for hardware, leather, fabric, plate, coating and auxiary materials; At present, furniture raw material sales enterprises are amount to 1018 and logistics enterprises are more than 180.The daily traffic flow and people flow are amount to 12000 and 22000 respectively in Asia Star. After five year management, section A and section B has been developed very well; The flagship section C is aso get good response from market,which only sales the high-end flagship brand products.,


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