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新视野读写4 comprehesion答案

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    • 1、扬州大学 查霆 qq :2583993476UNIT 11.Because when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.2. Their work begins to show a lack of continuity in its appeal and it becomes difficult to sustain the attention of the public.3.Because The public simply discounts styles other than those for which the artist has become famous.4.They have to give up the freedom to express themselves with other styles or forms. 5.They must often please his or her audiences by saying things he or s

      2、he does not mean or fully believe.6. To show that an artist who remains true to himself or herself is particularly amazing.7. They may justify their failure by convincing themselves their genius is too sophisticated for contemporary audiences. 8.To tell people that failure has motivated some famous people to work even harder to succeed and failure is not the end of struggle, its the beginning1. Because he thinks that an artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captur

      3、es it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction. 2.No. I dont want to be tired of fame, I just need a life of freedom and do what I want to and express what I like.3.No one likes failure in his life. But not all can always succeed. Its a pity that someone will neverstand up after a failure. We must learn to accept failure. After all, failure is not always a bad thing

      4、. We can learn something from it. Just as the saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.” Wecan know our own shortcomings and learn some experiences from a real failure. If we make up our minds to start again, it will be easier to succeed next time. Further more, failure can make our will stronger.UNIT 31.To tell readers that a welfare clients life is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food with the cat, their lives need extra money to be bettered.2. Actually he can go out and drum up so

      5、me business and draw cartoons. But the magazines he yielded to will keep his records, and that information goes right into the governments computer.3. Because caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by many of their clients, and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation.4.Hes being bitter to the caseworker5.Because they live in a system that practically requires people to lie扬州大学 查霆 qq :25839934766.He called Suzanne, She was supposed to notify the medical

      6、 worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid. Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office at the state capital. They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to move. Finally, if I was lucky, they called back and approved the repair. 7. He thinks that There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, because the system so easily lends i

      7、tself to abuse by the welfare givers as well as by the clients.8. He is dreaming of a new system that will encourage them, not seek to convict them of cheating. They will be free to develop their talents without guilt or fearor just hold a good, steady job.1. US Welfare System - Help for US Citizens Federally funded and governed US welfare began in the 1930s during the Great Depression. The US government responded to the overwhelming number of families and individuals in need of aid by creating

      8、a welfare program that would give assistance to those who had little or no income. The US welfare system stayed in the hands of the federal government for the next sixty-one years. Many Americans were unhappy with the welfare system, claiming that individuals were abusing the welfare program by not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried so as to qualify for greater benefits. Welfare system reform became a hot topic in the1990s. Bill Clinton was electe

      9、d as President with the intention of reforming the federally run US Welfare program. In 1996 the Republican Congress passed a reform law signed by President Clinton that gave the control of the welfare system back to the states. Eligibility Requirements for State Welfare Program Eligibility for a Welfare program depends on numerous factors. Eligibility is determined using gross and net income, size of the family, and any crisis situation such as medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness or unemployment. A case worker is assigned to those applying for aid. They will gather all the necessary information to determine the amount and type of benefits that an individual is eligible for. The Federal government provides assistance through TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). TANF is a grant given to each state to run their own welfare pr

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