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    • 1、2018 年初一下册英语试题两套初一下册英语试题 1一、情景匹配:从右栏中选出左栏各句的答语。1. Whats Bob doing? A. Thats Jenny.2. Whats Mike like ? B. Shes medium height.3. Where did you go last Sunday? C. Yes, I do.4. Hows the weather in Toronto? D. It was pretty good.5. What do you think of the game show? E. I went to the movies.6. What does Nancy look like? F. Yes, you can listen outside.7. Can we listen to music now ? G. Hes very serious.8. Do you like hot weather? H. Heswatching TV at home.9. How was the park? I. I cant stand it.10. W

      2、hos that? J. Its windy and cloudy.二、逻辑编排:给下列句子排序,使之成为一段符合逻辑的对话。_ I love it ._2_ Yes , I watched “Harry Potter” yesterday._ Oh, I cant stand them._ Do you like to watch TV?_ I dont mind them. How about you?_ I do , too. What do you think of soap operas?_ What do you think of it ?三、选择填空。1. You dont have to clean the classroom now .You _ clean it tomorrow.A. cant B. can C. do D. dont2. The game show is boring. I _ it .A. like B. dont like C. love D. mind3. Ms Lin is short _ curly hair.A. of B. by C

      3、. for D. with4. He _ me his watch and asked me what I thought of it.A. bought B. put C. showed D. liked5. Do you enjoy _ to country music?A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened6. - _ was your vacation, Nancy?- _ It was great.A. What B. Where C. How D. Why7. - _- Its raining.A. Hows the weather? B. What do you think of it ? C. What does it look like? D. Whos that?8. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing football. _ are playing basketball.A. Others B. Other C. The ot

      4、her D. Some9. The American likes Chinese food, _ jiaozi , rice and so on.10. Liu Ming likes _ jokes. He never stops _.四、连词成句:把下列每组单词连成句子,注意大小写和标点符号。1. football , captain , Li Jie , of , team , the , the , is_2. tall , hair , who , the , with , curly , girl , is_3. cartoons , blackboard , drawing , he , the , is , on , funny_4. classroom , the , crying , in , I , found , boy , the , thin_5. class , dont , late, arrive , for_6. sunglasses , they , the , cant , classroom , in , wear_7. guitar , you

      5、 , pratice , do , to , day , every , have , your_8. bed , morning , your , you , to , the , have , make , in_五、短文填词:选用所给单词填入相应的空格内,使短文意思完整通顺watch , happy , want , night , for , eatDear Mike,Gong He Xin Xi! I am on vacation in Beijing. I _ to see the Chinese New Year celebrations here.Many things are happening (发生) here . I am going to _ the lion dance . It will be the first time I see it and I am very _ . After that , I am going to _ Chinese food . They were very delicious . At _ , there will be

      6、 fire works.What are you doing _ Chinese New Year in Toronto?Lots of love,Wendy六、句型转换:根据要求改写句子,每空填一词1. David is medium height.(对画线部分提问)_ _ David _ _ ?2. Lin Tao is looking out of the window in class.(改成否定祈使句)_ _ out of the window in class , Lin Tao.3. Its snowinghere today.(对画线部分提问)_ the _ here today?4. Marcowent to the post office yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Marco _ yesterday?5. Sally wants to be a bank clerk. (改为一般疑问句)_ Sally _ to be a bank clerk ?6. Id like a large size.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ a large size

      7、?7. Listen to the music.(改为否定句)_ _ to the music.8. They have to clean the classroom now. (改为否定句)They _ _ to clean the classroom now.七、 根据汉语完成句子。1. 在感恩节,美国人吃什么?_ at Thanksgiving?2. 体育课上我们得穿运动鞋。We _ gym class .3. 你认为体育世界这个节目怎么样?_ Sports World?4. 他们从 8 点到 10 点一直在打网球。They played tennis _ .5. 你们将和谁一起过圣诞节?_ Chrismas Day with?6. - 他们在干什么?- 他们在参观博物馆。- _ ?- Theyre _.7. 他是一个聪明的卷发男孩吗?Is he _?八、完形填空Do you know Mr King ? He and his wife work in the 1 office. She works harder than he does , so she is the 2 of the office . The man has to 3 her.When they get home , the woman a


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