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    • 1、金融英语考试密押资料中国的金融业金融英语考试密押资料中国的金融业中国的金融业一、把下面的词语译成英语问题:1. 衍生产品市场答案: derivatives market问题:2. 国库券答案: Treasury bonds问题:3. 特定风险答案: particular risk问题:4. 清算体系答案: clearing system问题:5. 资源配置答案: resource allocation问题:6. 投机风险答案: speculative risk问题:7. 激励机制答案: incentive structures问题:8. 清算程序答案: liquidation procedures问题:9. 贴现业务答案: discount business问题:10. 不良贷款答案: non-performing loan二、把下面的句子译成汉语问题:1. A comprehensive risk monitoring and warning system, which focuses on the safety, liquidity and profitability of fin

      2、ancial institutions has been established.答案:一个重点在于监测金融机构的安全性、流动性和盈利性的综合性风险监测和预警系统已经建立起来了。问题:2. The first phase of restructuring aims at making them profit-driven entities with sound internal controls, internationally compatible prudential accounting rules, well-designed incentive structures and appropriate disclosure standards.答案:第一阶段的重组旨在使它们成为营利性的实体,拥有健全的内部监控、与国际接轨的谨慎会计规则、精心设计的激励机制和适当的信息披露标准。问题:3. To encourage competition from foreign financial institutions, China has expanded the list of areas

      3、 open to foreign banking establishments to include all large cities throughout the country.答案:为了鼓励来自国外银行的竞争,中国已经把允许外资开办银行的城市名单扩大到全国各个大城市。问题:4. Banks have been called upon to strengthen internal control and particularly separate loan approval from loan release.答案:银行已经被要求加强内部监控,尤其是把贷款审批与贷款发放的权力分开实施。问题:5. Then, viable wholly state-owned commercial banks will be allowed to reorganize into share-holding banks with the state holding the controlling share and, when conditions permit, to be listed on th

      4、e stock market.答案:然后,可行的国有独资商业银行将被允许重组为国家控股的股份制银行,并在条件许可的情况下挂牌上市。三、根据课文内容判断正误,在正确的句子前写上T,在错误的句子前写上F问题:1. Since the enactment of the Law of the Peoples Bank of China in March 1995, the PBC has no longer played the role of financing fiscal deficits in national budgetary.答案:T问题:2. The indirect policy instruments include required reserve ratio, interest rate adjustment, and credit ceiling.答案:F问题:3. The wholly state-owned commercial banks in China today used to be known as stateowned specialized bank

      5、s.答案:T问题:4. The Bank of China is considered as the sole policy bank.答案:F问题:5. Commercial banks in China today have broadened their scope of business to include deposit taking, international settlement, financial consulting, and private banking.答案:T问题:6. The increase of the presence of foreign banks in China is likely to introduce new products and expertise.答案:T问题:7. The further reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks will aim at introducing best modern banking practice, diversified own

      6、ership structure, advanced expertise in management, and intensified state control over the governance.答案:F四、 用下面的词汇填空 risks, savings, financial, funds, deposits, heart, complex, subject, appear,repay, as, lose, reserve, returns, balance Banks are crucial to a countrys economy; they serve as the center point of the exchange of money throughout the economy. They gather 1 from small and large depositors, make loans, run the payments system, and coordinate 2 transactions. In developing countries, th

      7、ey usually are the 3 of the financial market and in industrial countries with 4 financial markets they still have a role as primary providers of financial services. It is difficult for the layman to know if a bank is financially solid. Banks may 5 more solid than they really are. A bank that has loaned money to a borrower who is unable to 6 may keep the bad loan on its 7 sheet us long as possible, though the loan might never be paid back. Moreover, bank 8 are also somewhat precarious. A bank nor

      8、mally cannot refuse to accept deposits, but if, for whatever reason, its depositors 9 confidence in the banks soundness, they may withdraw their 10 not only from that bank but also from other perfectly sound banks. In seeking profits, banks lend on the basis of their customers deposits, but not all deposits can be lent out. A certain share must be held in 11 . Competing institutions providing financial services are in a different situation since they are usually not 12 to reserve and prudential

      9、requirements. Firms selling equities do not promise fixed 13 and neither equities nor bonds are payable on demand, 14 are most bank deposits. Because of the pivotal role of banks and their vulnerability to unusual 15 , there seem to be good reasons to protect deposits through an appropriate insurance scheme and, in this way, to protect both the bank and the banking system. 1.答案: savings2.答案: financial3.答案:heart4.答案: complex5.答案: appear6.答案: repay7.答案: balance8.答案: deposits9.答案: lose10.答案: funds11.答案: reserve12.答案: subject13.答案: returns14.答案: as15.答案: risks 7 / 7


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