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    • 1、,人文社科经典导引,小组讨论,CONTENS,目 录,崇高与自然,问题概述,在尝试第三次登顶的过程中,他的身影从此消失在云层的后面。人类在多次冲顶卡瓦格博峰失败后,通过一个宣言,永远不在攀登慈善;卡瓦格博峰作为藏传佛教的圣地和自然的圣地得到了尊重。试结合席勒的相关论述,围绕崇高与狂妄,敬畏与懦弱的复杂关系,探讨人与自然应有的相处之道。,01,“为什么要攀登珠峰?因为他就在那里。” George Mallory,关于崇高,刚刚拿到题目,我们并无太多头绪。于是我们从最简单的关于崇高开始谈起。马洛里消失在雪山之中,究竟是崇高的牺牲还是狂妄的咎由自取?崇高与狂妄,二者又是怎样的关系?登山过程又如何体现了美学的崇高与内心的崇高?结合审美教育书简,我们给出了相面的论述。,02,关于崇高的概述,于崇高,我们的精神世界感到自由,是因为感性冲动对理性的立法毫无影响,是因为精神在这里行动,仿佛除了自身的规律以为他不受任何其他规律的支配。,另一种崇高感就是像马洛里一样的登山者,在向上攀登的过程中,通过自己的体力与意志征服,挑战自然,自己内心产生的一种崇高感。,从另一个角度来看,我们人类从猿猴到现在进化的过程

      2、中,纵使我们纵使想征服自然,但是与自然相比,我们的力量还是过于渺小,以我们人类的微弱力量去挑战征服自然,可以看成是我们的狂妄。,从老人与海谈崇高,在小组讨论中以及向老师提问后,我们又有了新的思路,人类向大自然的挑战,以及对大自然发起征服的最终活动,出发点无疑是崇高的,但是否一定包含着狂妄呢?又或者,对大自然的征服本就是人类不自量力的狂妄举动?我们在深入讨论之后,决定选取老人与海做为研究的对象,来探究崇高与狂妄之间是否有必然的联系,03,从老人与海谈崇高,01,02,03,01与身体极限的斗争,02与心理极限的斗争,03与强大自然力量的斗争,崇高正是在与各种严重的敌人, 与困难、凶恶、灾祸、苦难、挫折的斗争中 (不管它们是采取狂风暴雨的激烈方式还是表面上比较和缓的形式) , 才光芒四射的。,竭尽全力, 撑起自己的信念, 与自身的心理状态作斗争, 克服这种极端的孤独与压抑, 驱逐负面的情绪, 激励与鼓舞自己。在这过程中, 老人的崇高美也得到体现。,崇高是人的本质力量在经过巨大的异己力量的压抑、排斥、震撼之后, 最终通过人生实践尤其是审美实践活动而得到全面的高扬和完整的体现。在与自然的斗争之

      3、中, 老人圣地亚哥竭尽全力抵抗足以摧毁他的来自自然的强大力量,老人圣地亚哥竭尽全力抵抗足以摧毁他的来自自然的强大力量, 昭示了人类那不可摧毁的精神力量, 崇高之美再次得到体现。,崇高与自然,在通过例子对崇高和狂妄进行分析后,我们从席勒论崇高一文中进一步深刻认识自然中美和崇高的关系,并据此提取出人和自然应有的相处之道。有哪几种对自然的审美活动?如何才能通过对自然的审美活动获取崇高感?席勒的看法是怎样的?我们将以文本为基础阐明这些问题,并提出有实际意义的看法。,04,崇高与自然,美感,崇高感,只有当崇高与美联姻,我们对它的感受能力得到同等的培育,我们才是自然的完美的公民,并没有因此而成为自然的奴隶,也没有轻率地失去我们在精神世界中的公民权。 埃贡席勒,从美感的角度出发,我们想要征服自然。,相比自然的破坏力,人类的力量或许不值一提。,但是人类崇高的精神力量是可以与自然比肩的。,面对自然,我们应该利用其提供的大量客体来训练自己对美和崇高的感受力。,我们要与自然一致的具体办法就是创造对于自然的模仿造型。,THANKS,Click Here,Someday, when we are no long

      4、er teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,Click Here,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,Click Here,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,关于崇高,

      5、关于崇高,Click Here,Click Here,Click Here,Click Here,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve, we wont have to rely on lawsuit to communicate with each other .,Click Here Add Your Point,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representatives of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve, we wont have to rely on

      6、lawsuit to communicate with each other .,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,Click Here,Click Here Add Your Point,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,Click Here,Click Here,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my fri

      7、end once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.,Click Here Add Your Point,Click Here,Click Here,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.,But as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that

      8、they force us to overcome our fears.,Click Here,Click Here Add Your Point,25%,45%,30%,65%,Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the worlds largest educational service cooperation, you may finally show us the respect we deserve.,Click Here,Click Here,Click Here,Click Here,Click Here Add Your Point,S,W,T,O,Strengths,Weakness,Threats,Opportunities,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they forc

      9、e us to overcome our fears.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak.,老人与海,Click Here,Click Here,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.,Now, I am standing here, terrified even as we speak, but as my friend once said, some things are so important that they force us to overcome our fears.,


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