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    • 1、四级美文100篇1 Born to Win生而成功You cannot teach a man anything,You can only help him discover it within himself.-Galileo任何事都不能由别人教会,而只能在别人的帮助下自己去发现。-伽利略Each human being is born as something unique, something that never existed before. Each person is born with what he needs to win at life. A normal person can see, hear, touch, taste, and think for himself. Each has his own unique potentials-his capabilities and limitations. Each can be an important, thinking, aware, and creatively productive person in

      2、his own right-a winner.每个人生来都是一个独一无二的个体,在此之前他从未存在过。每个人生来都具备在人生舞台上成功所必备的潜质。一个正常的人都具有视觉、听觉、味觉和触觉,都能够思考。每个人都有独特的潜质,即他的能力与不足,并且每个人都能凭借自己的能力成为赢家,一个举足轻重、敏于思考、明于事理,富有创造力的成功者。The words “winner” and “loser” have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who defeats the other person by dominating and making him lose. Instead a winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive, both as an individual and as a member of a society. A loser is one who fails

      3、 to respond genuinely.“成功者”和“失败者”两词有很多层意思。当我们说一个人成功时,并不是说他通过支配别人打败了他们。相反,成功者值得信赖,反应敏捷,不管是作为个体还是社会一员,他都能够真诚处事。失败者做不到这一点。Few people are winners or losers all the time. Its a matter of degree. However, once a person has the capacity to be a winner, his chances are greater for becoming even more so.很少有人永远成功或失败,因为成功或失败是个程度问题。尽管如此,只要一个人具备了赢者所需要的能力,他成功的可能性就会更大。Achievement is not the most important thing for winners; genuineness is. The genuine person realizes his own uniqueness and appreciates the uniq

      4、ueness of others. 更多信息请访问:http:/ winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. He can separate facts from opinion and doesnt pretend to have all the answers. He listens to others, evaluates what they say, but comes to his own conclusions.成功者不会畏惧独立思考,施展自己的知识才华。他甄别主观意见和客观事实,不会装作什么都懂。他聆听他人,权衡他们的话,却得到自己的结论。A winner is flexible. He does not have to respond in known, rigid ways. He can change his plans when the situation calls for it. A winner has a love for life. He enjoys

      5、 work, play, food, other people, and the world of nature. Without guilt he enjoys his own accomplishments. Without envy he enjoys the accomplishments of others.成功者灵活变通。他不会通过现有的、死板的方式行事,而会根据外界的需要改变自己的计划。成功者热爱生活。他乐于工作,喜欢游玩,享受美食,欣赏他人和自然带来的乐趣。他享受自己的成就心安理得,欣赏别人的成就毫不嫉妒。A winner cares about the world and its people. He is not separated from the general problems of society. He tries to improve the quality of life. Even in the face of national and international difficulty, he does not see himself as help

      6、less. He does what he can to make the world a better place.成功者关心这个世界及其人民,与社会诸多普遍问题息息相关。他尽力提高自己的生活水平,即使面对国内或国际困难,他也不会认为自己无能为力。他会尽其所能让世界变得更加美好。Although people are born to win, they are also born totally dependent on their environment. Winners successfully make the change from dependence to independence, losers do not. Somewhere along the line losers begin to avoid becoming independent. This usually begins in childhood. Poor nutrition, cruelty, unhappy relationships, disease, continuing disappointm

      7、ents, and inadequate physical care are among the many experiences that contribute to making people losers. 虽然人们生而成功,但同时生来也要完全依赖于外部环境。成功者顺利地完成了从依赖到独立的转变,失败者没有。在人生的某个阶段,一般在童年时期,失败者开始逃避独立。导致人们失败的原因很多,其中包括营养不良、家庭暴力、人际关系不好、疾病、接二连三的失败、所受照顾不足等。A loser is held back by his low capacity to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. He may be unaware of other choices for his life if the path he chooses goes nowhere. He is afraid to try new things. He repeats not only his own m

      8、istakes and often repeats those of his family and culture.失败者不善于通过一系列可能的行为表达自己,这阻碍了他的成功。如果选择的人生之路不通,他可能意识不到还有其他选择。他害怕尝试新事物,不仅会重复自己的错误,还会重复家人或所属文化群体的错误。A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. He does not enter into close, honest, direct relationships with others. Instead, he tries to manipulate them into living up to his expectations and channels his energies into living up to their expectations.失败者不善于爱别人,也不善于接受他人的爱。他不能与他人密切、真诚、直接地交往,相反,他试图让别人按照自己的期望生活,也努力是自己按照别人的期望生活。 1 Happiness Many

      9、people think that when they become rich and successful,happiness will naturally follow.Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.The world is full of very rich peoplewho are as miserable as if they were living in hell.We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or died from drugs.Quite clearly, money is not the only answer to all problems.Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness.Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.Gamble winnings do not bring happiness.To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work,There is no use sayingin your contribution towards others happinessand in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort.If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means,you will know that it is ill earne


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