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    • 1、人教版高一英语必修一语法填空专项练习题(含答案)1Take a walk in the morning, for the morning air is good _(breathe).2The newspaper Id like to recommend(推荐) to you is China Daily, one of the most _ (influence) newspapers in China.3Van Gogh had a great influence _ the development of modern painting.4I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph _(take).5I must make a note _ your telephone number and address.6They all find _ not a easy thing to win medals in the Olympic Games.7During summer holidays, many stu

      2、dents long for travelling. _(fortunate), they cant because they always have a lot of homework to do.8The people _ called yesterday want to buy the house.9We cant afford _(spend) so much money on the computer.10The doctor suggested a _(mix) diet of fruit and vegetables.11The boy is Japanese, _he?The book isnt interesting, _ it?He knows a lot about English names, _ he?The girl doesnt like apples, _ she?There are two birds in the tree, _ there?The man came to China last month, _ he?12She performed

      3、the most _ (challenge) task without a mistake.(用单词适当形式填空)13In my opinion, my best friend changed my attitude _ life.14In his speech, he _ (refer) to a recent trip to Canada the other day.15The study was _ (base) on data from 2,100 women.16In ancient times, the wood _ (carve) into the shape of a flower.17These data have been collected from _ (variety) sources.18She majored math _ and physics at university.19The novel is regarded _ one of the excellent works.20As we all know, _ (globe) warming is

      4、a real problem.21Wed appreciate your _ (leave) as fast as possible.22So far, every possible means _ (try) to solve the problem.Directions:Complete each relative clause with proper conjunction.23The thief _ had robbed the man was caught by the policeman.24He lives in a hotel, _ is only five minutes walk from here.25I still remember the night _ I first came to the house.26Can you take the reason _ he gave you for his absence from the lecture.27It takes the boy _ family is poor 2 hours to come to s

      5、chool on foot.28He introduces the neighbor _ he is getting on well to me.29By using ears one can tell the direction _ a sound comes.30He is the only person in his company _ is invited to the party.31Do you know the reason _ she refused the invitation?32We are living in an age _ the society develops rapidly.33I like the second novel _ I read in the summer holidays.34Can you tell me the name of the town _ you live?35He lives in a small village _ is three miles away from his school.36They talked ab

      6、out the things and people _ they met during the trip.37That is the new machine _ parts are too small to be seen.38This book requires a great deal of_.(concentrate)(所给词的适当形式填空) Located in the Pacific,Fiji attractions bring together the traditional world and the modern world in a unique 39(combine). Here you will find luxury resorts and hotels,historic sites,surfing and diving;another attraction is the island tour by small plane,bus or boat. The archipelago(群岛)consists of 332 islands,of 40 226are

      7、uninhabited due to lack of drinking water or too little space. Sunny,unique and undamaged,Fiji attractions 41(be)one thousand miles of pure white sand,lovely coral gardens and blue lagoons. According to the legends of the great Fijian chief,Lutunasobasoba 42(pass)with people across the sea to the new land of Fiji. And most scientists agree 43 the idea that local people came here from Southeast Asian tourist attractions via Indonesia. Europeans discovered the islands 44(accident)in the 17th centu

      8、ry. The first visitors from the continent there were shipwrecked(遭遇海难)and 45(escape)criminals. Sandalwood traders and missionaries began later to visit the islands. Nature in Fiji attracts many 46(tourist)to the islands. 47 you are interested in customs,traditions and crafts of local people,do not forget 48(visit)Fiji attractions and the National Museum of Fiji.Hangzhou, as the only candidate city of the 2022 Asian Games, 49 (win) the bid (投标) on September 16th, 2015. Thus, it will be the third Chinese city 50 (host) the Games.Hangzhou is a beautiful city 51 a long history. Hosting the Asian Games will give it a new look. 52 the event will cost the government a lot, the benefits are easy for us to see. To the citizens in Hangzhou, the best part of it is that it will give them the chance to watch world-class 53 (competition) up close. Secondly, there is no doubt lhal the event will attract more visitors to enjoy 54 (visit) this wonderful city.At the same time, it is good for the 55 (


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