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    • 1、2020-2021学年人教版初三英语上学期期中高频考点Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!【高频词汇】(A)单句填词1. There is something sweet in the m_.2. The book is for w_wants to learn more about the Internet.3. The car alarm went off last night when someone was trying to s_the car.4. For d_we both ate chocolate cakes with fresh cream on the top.5. In Chinese culture, red l_ are the symbol of great life and good luck.6. Mikes father punished him because he _ (steal) others things.7. I dont think _ (lay) these flowers in t

      2、he kitchen is a good idea.8. The teacher warned us not _ (read) this kind of novel anymore.69. The young children crowded against one another for _ (warm).10. Sam _ (spread) the news to the whole school and soon everyone knew it.11. The writer wrote more than 20 _ (novel) in the 1990s.12. Some of the plants are _ (die), but most of them are still living.13. Wendy didnt catch the early bus because she helped a _ (strange) on the way.14. You can feel the _ (warm) of spring when you take a walk on

      3、a March afternoon.15. Alex _ (lie) in bed the whole night, awake and in the morning he fell asleep.16. Theres a t_in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.17. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in the world. A lot of young people a_him very much.18. Cathy is going to read some English _ (novel) during the holiday.19. His grandpa has been _ (die) for five years.20. In many Western countries people usually give _ (present) on big holidays

      4、.21. At yesterdays dinner, Mr. Green wore a black suit and a blue t_.22. A manatee (海牛) eats about 100 p_ of food a day.23. Sally is quite shy when she is talking to _(strange).24. Emily sent postcards with best wishes to her friends and r_.25. There are many different kinds of flowers in the g_.26. The 13-year-old girl wants to start her own _ (business).27. They do charity work just to show _ (warm) and love.28. I never expected that these people would t_ me so nicely.29. When his mother came

      5、in, Jason was _(lie)on the bed watching television.30. The teacher often _(警告)the children to wash their hands before lunch.31. Will your parents p_ you if you fail the exam?32. Matt has a strong love for Chinese music. He hopes to s_ it all over the world.(B)短文填空hungry, important, share, drive, celebrate(1)A: Mom, are we almost there yet?B: No. We have about another hour of (33) _ before we reach Grandmas house.A: I am hungry! Can I have a piece of bread?B: Not yet, Tom. Dont you want to wait u

      6、ntil you get to Grandmas house and (34) _ the bread with everyone? Remember, Thanksgiving is a holiday to (35) _ with family.A: OK, Mom. Oh, I cant wait to eat Aunt Graces sweet potatoes, Uncle Toms turkey, or Aunt Sues pumpkin pie!B: I know you are very (36) _, so how about an apple?A: Yes, please! Will we get to Grandmas house in time for Thanksgiving dinner?B: Of course we will! So, you see how (37) _ Thanksgiving is!(2)根据短文内容,用括号内所给的提示词以及恰当的关联词(that, whether / if)补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。 Katie bought

      7、a new CD. She listened to it twice and then Sandy borrowed it. Sandy showed it to Mike. The next day, Mike asked Sandy (38) _ (can borrow) it, because he liked it. After a week Katie asked Sandy (39) _ (can return) the CD to her. Sandy said (40) _ (lend) it to Mike. So Katie called Mike. Mike said (41) _ (borrow) it from Sandy, but he had given the CD back to Sandy. Mike said (42) _ (buy) the same CD at the music shop. Katie wondered where her CD was.(3)根据短文内容及所给首字母提示,补全文中所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。The weath

      8、er is fine. Dad and Mom go out. Billy has nothing to do. He goes to the g_(43). Its very quiet here. Billy takes off his t_(44), coat and shoes and puts them on the bench (长椅). Then he l_(45) on the ground. The sunshine is very nice. This boy goes on making up his n_(46) in his mind.Ten years later, Tom grew up. He became a trader. He went to China on b_(47). The first day he arrived in China was the Mid-Autumn Festival. His Chinese friend Liu Qiang invited him to his home. Then he treated him w

      9、ith kindness and w_(48). He invited him to taste a Chinese traditional food m_(49). He started to tell him the story of Change. Long long ago .“Billy, Billy, where are you?” His mom comes back. And her voice from the living room comes to his ears. Billy has to stop his story.(4)根据材料内容及首字母提示补全所缺单词,使短文内容完整、通顺。A 90-year-old grandmother has become the worlds oldest primary school student. Priscilla Sitienei is f_(50) a small village in Kenya. She has s_(51) most of her life working as a midwife. She helps women to give birth to babies. She wants to read and w_(52) so she can p


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