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  • 卖家[上传人]:雨水
  • 文档编号:149212245
  • 上传时间:2020-10-25
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    • 1、 车间基层管理英文的自我评价车间基层管理英文的自我评价一Our company development and production of hook-tail box, on the heart plate, support blocks and other new railway products, transferred from JuneQC department after the initiative to help guide the leadership of new product debugging and production, will know and in the work should focus on issues and front-line staff one by one detailed, auxiliary production work carried out smoothly. In the independent sent to the machine shop, the timely and timely follow up the pr

      2、ogress of each new product processing and the establishment of accounting, so that each new product from the machine into the workshop to start the process, each step real-time monitoring. Timely detection and feedback of new products in the process of the existing problems and to assist the technology sector to improve the processing technology. And ensure the successful completion of mechanical processing of sample samples for crcc certification of Forged steel upper plate for railway wagons,

      3、13b forged coupler end frame and 17 forged hooktail frame.personal strengths and weaknessesI learned mechanical manufacturing, and previously engaged in Haier is mainly automated robotic aspects of testing, came after the company has only been working in the machine shop, the knowledge of the relatively lack of forging. When I first came to the QC department of the forging workshop, I almost did not know the companys forging products. After consulting with my colleagues, I quickly learned about

      4、the performance and key points of each product. . I am from the machine plus apprentices began to come step by step, mechanical processing, programming knowledge more solid. In the machine after the workshop, not only to ensure that machine products and timely detection, and can be found in the process of the hidden dangers, to avoid the occurrence of quality accidents, auxiliary site production. personal development goals in the companyQuality inspection work is not a simple size detection. At

      5、present our departments involved: forging detection, machining finished product testing, tensile, impact test, metallographic test, hardness, magnetic detection, ultrasonic testing. Debugging products related to bridge bearings, construction machinery, coal mining machinery, truck parts, etc., processes heating, forging, roll forging, heat treatment, machining, etc., these things are the wealth of the hands of the company in the detection sector is not To so many things. In future work, I will,

      6、as always, people: people with good, the work: to perfect, the quality: strict hold. And constantly strive to learn and expand their knowledge, assiduously enhance their business level to look forward to the development of the company to do their part.recommendations for the companyAttention to detail, emotional trivia in life to increase points, in principle, equality and discrimination on the issue of everyone, improve employee sense of belonging and well-being, to retain talent to create a wi

      7、n-win situation. I listed below a few examples of Qingdao Haier Mold Co., Ltd.: employee birthday, wedding anniversary, the birthday of the children and other commemorative date, timely delivery of small gifts or leave, pull the distance between the company and employees to improve staff members of the familySatisfaction and Support.车间基层管理英文的自我评价二In the past year, as a team leader, deeply feel themselves shoulder the workshop production and team members safe sustenance and responsibility.This ye

      8、ar through the study of the company and plant, workshop production line and general manager of the 36-word approach, quality and efficiency strategies, a profound understanding of quality and efficiency of the importance. According to the safety and production tasks put forward at the beginning of the year by the branch and workshop, we should work together with the whole class to work out the situation, clarify the target and implement the plan in light of the reality. Dedication and consciousl

      9、y engaged in work practice for the full completion of the production tasks, to achieve the safe operation of the team year to do their due obligations. In the team and all the staff working life, although busy, but always maintain a sense of balance, always remember that he is a leader of the soldiers.The head of the team is a locomotive, is a great responsibility, how to really see the safe operation of the road and ensure the safety of passengers on the car to reach their destination is their duty, so the team leader is a special soldier. They must understand the knowledge business, but also good management.Years of work practice to make their own touch a superficial rules: as long as the spirit of the upper class, eyes down, mind the whole class, combined with the actual conditions, we can find work ideas, and then progressive, drive overall.Therefore,


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