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  • 常见问题
    • 1、1.My Little Cat I love animals(动物)very much.But I love my little cat best.My little cats name is MImi. When I get home ,she walks to me.When she feels hungry,she meows loudly (大声地).Now shes very fat. Mimi is very lovely .I like my little catMimi. Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上 T(正确)或 F(错误) 。 ( )1.My favorite animals name is Mimi. ( )2.My cat is very fat now . ( )3.Mimi is not lovely. ( )4.When the cat is hungry ,she meows loudly. ( )5.I dont like Mimi. 2.

      2、I Love My Family I have a happy family.There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother, my sister and I. My father is a doctor.My mother is a housewife(家庭主妇).My sister and I are pupils(小学生) 。My father is very tall.He likes reading.My mother is a little fat .She likes watching TV.My sister is very beautiful.She likes singing.They love me ,and I love them too. Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1.There are four people in my family. ( )2. My father is not

      3、a doctor. ( )3.My mother likes reading. ( )4, My sister likes watching TV. ( )5.My sister is a pupil. 3.A Bedroom(卧室卧室) This is Toms bedroom.Its a big and clean room.The desk is near(在附近) the window. The light (灯) is on the desk.Some flowers are also on the desk.A small table is near the bed .A TV is on it .Two pictures are on the wall. A little cat is under the chair.A football is under the bed . Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1.This bedroom is Toms . ( )2.The ligh

      4、t is on the bed . ( )3.A TV is on the small table. ( )4.A little cat is under the chair. ( )5.A football is under the table. 4.Our School Our school is NO.1 Primary School in the city.Its very big and clean.You can see many trees, grass and flowers in it .There are about 900 students in our school.All of the students study hard.And there nearly(几乎,差不多)50 teachers in our school.The teacher work hard ,too. Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1.Our school is very big and cl

      5、ean. ( )2.You can see many trees, grass and flowers in our school. ( )3.There are about 600 students in our school. ( )4.All of the students study hard. ( )5.here nearly(几乎,差不多)50 teachers in our school. 5.A Good Student Li lei is a good student.He is ten years old.He studies in Yu Cai Primary School. He gets up very early every morning .He goes school by bike.He studies hard .He likes to help others.When he is at home,he always helps his mother to do homework(家务;家务活).We all love him. We think h

      6、e is a good student. Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1.Li lei is a good student. ( )2.He is ten years old. ( )3.He goes school by bus. ( )4.He doesnt help his mother to do homework. ( )5.We all like Li Lei. 6.My Foreign Classmate I have a foreign(外国的) classmate(同学)He is John.He comes from America.He is eleven years old.He is a black man His father is s doctor.Hie mother is an English teacher in our school.She teach us English.John and I always play together after cla

      7、ss.He likes playing basketball(篮球). He likes to live in China Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1.My oreign classmates name is John. ( )2.John comes from England. ( )3.He is a black man . ( )4.His mother is a doctor. ( )5.His mother teaches us English. 7. Childrens Day (儿童节儿童节) Its June (六月) 1 st today. Its Childrens Day.The school is off(停着的;休歇的). Mary is ten years old.She is going to see a film.Tom is thirteen years old.He is going to the park. Mike is twelve.He is g

      8、oing to play football.All of them are very happy. Choose the best answer ,A,B,C or D,to these question. 在选项在选项 A,B,C 或或 D 中选择一个最佳的答案。中选择一个最佳的答案。 ( )1、 is Childrens Day. A.June 1 st B.July1 st C.October 1 st D.June 2 nd ( )2、How old is Mary? A,12 B, 10 C, 14 D .15 ( )3.Mary is going to on Childrens Day. A,see a film B, the park C, play football D .the zoo ( )4、 is going to the park on Childrens Day. A,Mary B.Tom C, Mike D . Mary and Mike ( )5. What is Mike going to do ? A.He is going to the park.

      9、 B.He is going to the hospital. C.He is going to play football. D .He is going to see a film. 8.Seasons There are four seasons in a year,spring, summer,autumn and winter.In spring ,the trees and grass are begin to grow.In summer the sun keeps burning(燃烧)in the sky and people feel very hot.In autumn,the crops(庄稼)mature(成 熟)and the leaves turn yellow. In winter,it snows and snow is white. Read the following sentences,choose true(T) and False(F). ( )1. There are six seasons in a year. ( )2.Spring is very cold. ( )3.The sun keeps burning(燃烧)in the sky in summer. ( )4.In autumn,it snows. ( )5.In winter ,the trees and grass are begin to grow. 小升初英语阅读理解强化训练题(共 26 篇) (一) A man was walking through(穿过) a forest. He had a few caps in his hands. In the forest there were a lot of monkeys. The day was hot, so he decided to have a rest under a t


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