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    • 1、语音语调击破方案,语音课我们可以学到的,那些我们错过的知识,中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别,何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音,英式发音与美语发音的区别,大麦独创最为有效的对比练习,中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别,中式发音被我们成为口腔发音 英语中的发音是一种腹腔发音 拼音对我们的影响 比如 看你如何正确读出下列单词 Said Sad Side Rose Road Around World Help 通过这些我们可以发现 英语的发音 音与音之间区别很小,何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音,发音位置的不同 The Front Vowels The central Vowels The Back Vowels,何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音,元音 前元音 i: i e 中元音 : 后元音 : : u: u 双元音 ei ai i au u i u 语音最基本的纠正,看看你能否读准下列单词,你能读准下列单词吗 Arm Dance Due Hot City Ball Calm What Italy Air,美式发音的几个重要的特征,美音的可“儿”化,: 音变成 , 音同样有变化,t

      2、的读法讲究大及其它小特征,美式发音的几个重要的特征,美音的可“儿”化,一般来说 R出现在 a e I o u 就会发出r的儿化音 如 arm :rm 而并非英音的:m 下面是美语常见的“儿”化语音组合 Car Near Air Tour Floor,美式发音的几个重要的特征,: 音变成 ,当英式英语中的元音:出现在 f s m n 之前时,在美式英语里一般都发的音 比如 fast 但也并非所有 例词 Advance Advantage After Answer Ask Basket Bath Cast Chance Dance Example France Glance Half Last Master Mask Pass Past Path Piano Plant Rather Staff Task Translate,美式发音的几个重要的特征, 音同样有变化,从前面英式与美式的元音对照表可以看出 英式英语的 在美式英语中读作 例如 Box Doctor Hot Clock Shop Not,美式发音的几个重要的特征,t的读法讲究大及其它小特征,T在英式英语中无论出现在单词的首 词尾

      3、还是词中发音都很规矩, 但是在美语中,t如果出现在两个元音之间 就要发 d 的音 例词 Butter City Letter Citizen Water,练习一下,1 Lisa held a baby in her arms 2 A dog is barking at Jack 3 My father is not a doctor 4 Betty is due for promotion 5 Dual nationality 6 I run faster than you run 7 I like to watch stars in the sky. 8 They are dancing while singing the tune. 9 I live on the first floor 10 Which answer is the best?,练习前的小结,中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别,何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音,英式发音与美语发音的区别,下面我们介绍大麦认为最有效地对比练习,练习前的小结,中国人的发音系统和外国人的发音系统的区别,何为前元音 中元音 以及后元音,

      4、英式发音与美语发音的区别,下面我们介绍大麦认为最有效地对比练习,练习一下,对比练习 Front vowels Central vowels Back vowels Diphthongs Conclusion of vowels,Front vowels, i: Freeze! Seeing is Believing. Its my treat today its a deal Look before you leap What does it mean? Hes leaving this evening. Teenagers should eat a lot of beef. Do you want some coffee or tea? Please see me in three weeks.,Front vowels, i Business is business. Does it fit? Zip your lips! Its only a slip of tongue He know a bit of everything You are kidding! A pig fal

      5、ls into a bit pit. Would you pick up the stick for me?,交叉对比练习,对比练习 i: i Freeze! Business is business. Seeing is Believing. Zip your lips! Its my treat today Does it fit? its a deal Its only a slip of tongue Look before you leap,Front vowels, e Multiply You bet it! It depends Forget it What a mess! I get your message. Better late than never East and west, home is the best. What is the cutting edge of the company Remember to check out before you leave. Its not the end of the world!,Front vowels, M

      6、ultiply Thanks a lot! Ill catch you later Ill now let cat out of the bag He laughs best who laughs last. Please pay for the bag at the cash desk. Im glad you didnt marry Miss Parry Pack the baggage in the back of the taxi Canners can can what they can can, but cant can what they cant can.,交叉对比练习, e 对比练习 You bet it! Thanks a lot! Forget it He laughs best who laughs last What a mess! Ill now let cat out of the bag I get your message. Ill catch you later East and west, home is the best. Canners can

      7、 can what they can can, but cant can what they cant can. Its not the end of the world!,Back vowels,u Multiply You can either push it or pull it. You are pulling my leg She is looking at a good cookbook They shook hands and stood talking for a while He took the cushion and shook it.,Back vowels,u: Multiply Its too good to be true No news is good news I have just bought a new blue suit You should choose between the two Would you please book a ticket for me? Its a season to recruit new members agai

      8、n.,诗歌练习一下,At noon I look a good book And sat by the pool in the wood I soon took off my boot And put my foot in the pool. Oh! How cool how cool 等我们掌握了连音与弱音后再来回头看,练习一下刚才复习过的双元音,u Multiply Man proposes , god disposes A rolling stone gathers no moss There is no smoke without fire I hope so No smoking You have to do it alone Oh , I didnt know that.,练习一下刚才复习过的双元音,ai Multiply All right A cat has nine lives Great minds think alike Strike while the iron is hot Out of sight , out of mind. Time and tide w

      9、ait for no man The kite is flying high in the sky Would you like to go ice skating with me tonight?,辅音要区分和拼音的区别, p b Multiply Practice makes perfect. Lets try to make the impossible possible Pat has a Polish pen pal called Peter Did you pay for the book Pride and Prejudice Peel the pineapple and I will prepare the pineapple pie.,辅音要区分和拼音的区别, t d Multiply I live in the downtown area of the city Not at all Its just a waste of time! Whats the date today? He has a daughter and two brothers. I get into bed about ten thirty every day,诗歌的练习,Good, better ,best Never let it rest Until good is better And better is best,辅音要区分和拼音的区别, k g Multiply Care kill a cat A cat may look at the king A good beginning makes a good ending The kids often go hiking during the weekends,辅音要区分和拼音的区别, f v Multiply Fortune favors the brave Dont always follow the fashion I like very wet weather very much Id prefer a face-to-fac


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