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2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 3单元总复习教案

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  • 上传时间:2020-09-25
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    • 1、2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 3单元总复习教案XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 3知识详解 lose vt.丢失;错过;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于(回归课本p22)【归纳总结】he lost his wallet yesterday when he was in a crowded bus.昨天他在拥挤的公交车上丢失了钱包。you can get lost easily in these alleys!在这些小巷里你很容易迷路!he was lost in his books and did not notice my coming.他专注于他的书本,没注意到我进来。【例句探源】 lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.陷于沉思,他差点撞上前面的车。the company suffered a heavy loss as a result of the accident.由于那次事故,该公司蒙受了重大损失。he was at a loss on

      2、hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后,他慌得不知所措。lost,missing,gone三者都有“失去”之意,但又略有不同:(1)lost失去的,指无法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的,困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。(2)missing丢失的,指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的,缺少的,失踪的”,可作定语、表语。(3)gone失去的,强调时间、情况等一去不复返,只可作表语。【易混辨析】the days are gone when you could leave your door unlocked at night.your cheque must have got lost in the post.two files have gone missing.1sometimes things_will never come back.so we should make full use of every opportunity.alost blosingcto lose dhave lost解析:选a。lost相当于missing,作后置定语。句意:有时一

      3、些东西失去了就不会再来,因此我们应该充分利用每次机会。2.完成句子he soon_the excitement of the film.影片中的精彩情节很快把他吸引住了。答案:lost himself in【即境活用】 influence vt.影响 n影响;势力;有影响的人/事物;有权势的人(回归课本p26)if a band is influenced by another band,do they like them or not?如果一个乐队受到了另一个乐队的影响,他们喜欢对方与否呢?【归纳总结】(1)have(an)influence on/upon对有影响under the influence of在的影响之下 (2)influential adj.有影响的be influential in.对有影响he greatly influenced the development of chinas culture and education.他对中国文化和教育的发展产生了深远的影响。under their influence, he becomes greatly intere

      4、sted in stories of travel and adventure.在他们的影响下,他对游记和历险故事很感兴趣。who or what are your musical influences?哪些人或事对你在音乐方面产生了影响?he is influential in reaching the decision.he has a great influence on the decision.他对做出这一决定有很大的影响。【例句探源】【即境活用】3.once one is _alcohol,he mustnt drive because it is quite dangerous.aunder the influence ofbhaving an influence on3452020-02-09XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 3知识详解 lose vt.丢失;错过;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于(回归课本p22)【归纳总结】he lost his wallet yesterday when he was in a crowded bus

      5、.昨天他在拥挤的公交车上丢失了钱包。you can get lost easily in these alleys!在这些小巷里你很容易迷路!he was lost in his books and did not notice my coming.他专注于他的书本,没注意到我进来。【例句探源】 lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.陷于沉思,他差点撞上前面的车。the company suffered a heavy loss as a result of the accident.由于那次事故,该公司蒙受了重大损失。he was at a loss on hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后,他慌得不知所措。lost,missing,gone三者都有“失去”之意,但又略有不同:(1)lost失去的,指无法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的,困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。(2)missing丢失的,指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的,缺少的,失踪的”,可作定语、表语。(3)

      6、gone失去的,强调时间、情况等一去不复返,只可作表语。【易混辨析】the days are gone when you could leave your door unlocked at night.your cheque must have got lost in the post.two files have gone missing.1sometimes things_will never come back.so we should make full use of every opportunity.alost blosingcto lose dhave lost解析:选a。lost相当于missing,作后置定语。句意:有时一些东西失去了就不会再来,因此我们应该充分利用每次机会。2.完成句子he soon_the excitement of the film.影片中的精彩情节很快把他吸引住了。答案:lost himself in【即境活用】 influence vt.影响 n影响;势力;有影响的人/事物;有权势的人(回归课本p26)if a band is influen

      7、ced by another band,do they like them or not?如果一个乐队受到了另一个乐队的影响,他们喜欢对方与否呢?【归纳总结】(1)have(an)influence on/upon对有影响under the influence of在的影响之下 (2)influential adj.有影响的be influential in.对有影响he greatly influenced the development of chinas culture and education.他对中国文化和教育的发展产生了深远的影响。under their influence, he becomes greatly interested in stories of travel and adventure.在他们的影响下,他对游记和历险故事很感兴趣。who or what are your musical influences?哪些人或事对你在音乐方面产生了影响?he is influential in reaching the decision.he has a grea

      8、t influence on the decision.他对做出这一决定有很大的影响。【例句探源】【即境活用】3.once one is _alcohol,he mustnt drive because it is quite dangerous.aunder the influence ofbhaving an influence on3452020-02-09XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 3知识详解 lose vt.丢失;错过;迷路;输掉;使沉溺于;专心致志于(回归课本p22)【归纳总结】he lost his wallet yesterday when he was in a crowded bus.昨天他在拥挤的公交车上丢失了钱包。you can get lost easily in these alleys!在这些小巷里你很容易迷路!he was lost in his books and did not notice my coming.他专注于他的书本,没注意到我进来。【例句探源】 lost in thought, he almost

      9、ran into the car in front of him.陷于沉思,他差点撞上前面的车。the company suffered a heavy loss as a result of the accident.由于那次事故,该公司蒙受了重大损失。he was at a loss on hearing the sudden news.听到那突然的消息后,他慌得不知所措。lost,missing,gone三者都有“失去”之意,但又略有不同:(1)lost失去的,指无法再找到的,另外还有“迷路的,困惑的”等含义,可作定语、表语。(2)missing丢失的,指暂时不在或找不到的,另外还有“被损毁的,缺少的,失踪的”,可作定语、表语。(3)gone失去的,强调时间、情况等一去不复返,只可作表语。【易混辨析】the days are gone when you could leave your door unlocked at night.your cheque must have got lost in the post.two files have gone missing.1sometimes things_will never come back.so we should make full use of every opportunity.alost blosingcto lose dhave lost解析:选a。lost相当于missing,作后置定语。句意:有时一些东西失去了就不会再来,因此我们应该充分利用每次机会。2.完成句子he soon_the excitement of the film.影片中的精彩情节很快把他吸引住了。答案:lost himself in【即境活用

      《2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 3单元总复习教案》由会员h****q分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 3单元总复习教案》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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