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2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 4单元总复习教案

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    • 1、2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 4单元总复习教案XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 4知识详解 observe vt .& vi.观察,注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝(节日等);评论,评述(回归课本p33)qi baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this.齐白石对自然界观察得很仔细,他的画因此而别具特色。【归纳总结】he observed that the key was missing the moment he got home.他一到家就发现钥匙不见了。ben knew that someone had observed him meeting ryan. 本知道有人看到他和瑞安见面了。does everyone observe the speed limit in your country?在你们国家是否人人都遵守限制车速的规定?she observed that the j

      2、ourney was long and tiring.她说这次旅行又长又累。【例句探源】1.though having lived abroad for years,many chinese still _ the traditional customs.aperform bpossesscobserve dsupport解析:选c。observe在此句中意为“遵守”。perform履行,执行,表演;possess占有,拥有,摆布,支配;support支持,支援。2完成句子every one is expected to_.人人应该遵守交通规则。答案:observe the traffic rules【即境活用】 adopt vt.采纳,采用;收养(回归课本p32)a style of painting adopted by a group of artists一种被一群艺术家所采用的绘画风格【归纳总结】having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.因为他们没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。many

      3、of the suggestions were quickly adopted.许多建议很快就被采纳了。the chinese government has adopted several noise control plans.中国政府已正式通过几条噪音控制方案【例句探源】【易混辨析】adopt,adapt(1)adopt表示“采纳(意见/计划/方法);采用;收养”等。(2)adapt表示“适应”时常用adapt oneself to,表示“修改(为之用)”时常用adaptn.for use。the children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school.wed like to adopt your idea.3(高考浙江卷)the good thing about children is that they_very easily to new environments.aadaptbappealcattach dapply解析:选a。考查短语辨析。句意:关于孩子们,好的一点是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt to表示“使

      4、适应于”;appeal to表示“对有吸引力”;attach to表示“(使)相关”;apply to则表示“运用,适用于”。根据语意,故选a项。【即境活用】4.完成句子our school has _.我们学校采用了一个新的教学方法。答案:adopted a new method of teaching stand v站立;忍受;承担 n看台;摊子;立场(回归课本p33)but i cant stand that picture of a goldenhaired girl.342020-04-28XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二module 4知识详解 observe vt .& vi.观察,注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝(节日等);评论,评述(回归课本p33)qi baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this.齐白石对自然界观察得很仔细,他的画因此而别具特色。【归纳总结】he observed that the

      5、 key was missing the moment he got home.他一到家就发现钥匙不见了。ben knew that someone had observed him meeting ryan. 本知道有人看到他和瑞安见面了。does everyone observe the speed limit in your country?在你们国家是否人人都遵守限制车速的规定?she observed that the journey was long and tiring.她说这次旅行又长又累。【例句探源】1.though having lived abroad for years,many chinese still _ the traditional customs.aperform bpossesscobserve dsupport解析:选c。observe在此句中意为“遵守”。perform履行,执行,表演;possess占有,拥有,摆布,支配;support支持,支援。2完成句子every one is expected to_.人人应该遵守交通规则。答案:obs

      6、erve the traffic rules【即境活用】 adopt vt.采纳,采用;收养(回归课本p32)a style of painting adopted by a group of artists一种被一群艺术家所采用的绘画风格【归纳总结】having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.因为他们没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。many of the suggestions were quickly adopted.许多建议很快就被采纳了。the chinese government has adopted several noise control plans.中国政府已正式通过几条噪音控制方案【例句探源】【易混辨析】adopt,adapt(1)adopt表示“采纳(意见/计划/方法);采用;收养”等。(2)adapt表示“适应”时常用adapt oneself to,表示“修改(为之用)”时常用adaptn.for use。the children are finding it hard

      7、 to adapt to their new school.wed like to adopt your idea.3(高考浙江卷)the good thing about children is that they_very easily to new environments.aadaptbappealcattach dapply解析:选a。考查短语辨析。句意:关于孩子们,好的一点是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt to表示“使适应于”;appeal to表示“对有吸引力”;attach to表示“(使)相关”;apply to则表示“运用,适用于”。根据语意,故选a项。【即境活用】4.完成句子our school has _.我们学校采用了一个新的教学方法。答案:adopted a new method of teaching stand v站立;忍受;承担 n看台;摊子;立场(回归课本p33)but i cant stand that picture of a goldenhaired girl.342020-04-28XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修二mod

      8、ule 4知识详解 observe vt .& vi.观察,注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝(节日等);评论,评述(回归课本p33)qi baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this.齐白石对自然界观察得很仔细,他的画因此而别具特色。【归纳总结】he observed that the key was missing the moment he got home.他一到家就发现钥匙不见了。ben knew that someone had observed him meeting ryan. 本知道有人看到他和瑞安见面了。does everyone observe the speed limit in your country?在你们国家是否人人都遵守限制车速的规定?she observed that the journey was long and tiring.她说这次旅行又长又累。【例句探源】1.though having live

      9、d abroad for years,many chinese still _ the traditional customs.aperform bpossesscobserve dsupport解析:选c。observe在此句中意为“遵守”。perform履行,执行,表演;possess占有,拥有,摆布,支配;support支持,支援。2完成句子every one is expected to_.人人应该遵守交通规则。答案:observe the traffic rules【即境活用】 adopt vt.采纳,采用;收养(回归课本p32)a style of painting adopted by a group of artists一种被一群艺术家所采用的绘画风格【归纳总结】having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.因为他们没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。many of the suggestions were quickly adopted.许多建议很快就被采纳了。the chinese government has adopted several noise control plans.中国政府已正式通过几条噪音控制方案【例句探源】【易混辨析】adop

      《2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 4单元总复习教案》由会员h****q分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年高考英语知识点必修二Module 4单元总复习教案》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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