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    • 1、Exercise I:冠词I. Choices.1. She looks best in _ of that colour.a. dressingb. a dress c. dressd. the dress2. They come to see us at least _.a. once the yearb. once a year c. one time the yeard. one time in one year3. “These shirts suit you.”“Whould you please show me _?”a. white onesb. white onec. the white oned. one the white4. Does Louisa like _ ?a. playing violinb. to play violinc. playing the violind. to playing violin5. The workers in this factory are paid _.a. by an hourb. by the hourc. by h

      2、oursd. by hour6. _ found four-leaf clover(车轴草) is considered a lucky sign.a. Rarelyb. It is rarelyc. The rarelyd. Despite its being rarely7. _ to be taken good care of.a. Young areb. Young isc. The young isd. The young are8. The canal extends five hundred miles_.a. from south to northb. from the south to the northc. from the south to northd. from southern to northern9. Later, the chance to enter _ came and he took it.a. into collegeb. to collegec. into the colleged. college10. Have you ever sail

      3、ed across_ Channel?a. Englishb. an English c. the Englishd. England11. This is _ Nanjing.a. second time I have been to b. the second time of my beingc. the second time I have beend. the second time I have been to 12. My neighbour is a photographer; lets ask him for _ about color films.a. some advicesb. advicec. the adviced. an advice13. I had _ very bad night, I didnt sleep _ wink.a. athe b. the ac. a a d. _14. you will get _ shock if you touch _ live wire with that screwdriver.a. a _b. _c. a th

      4、e d. _ the 15. Now Im on _ diet. Im trying to lose _ weight.a. a _b. the ac. _ the d. a a16. He looked at me with _ horror when I explained that I was _ double agent.a. _ ab. the _c. a _d. a a17. I want an assistant with _ little knowledge of French and _ experience of office routine.a. the a b. the anc. a _d. a an18. You mean you had _ nightmare. Anyway, dinosaur didnt eat _ meat.a. _ _b. a _c. _ ad. the a 19. _ Mr. Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this man). He was in _ ver

      5、y bad temper.a. _ ab. a _c. the the d. a a 20. I probably know him _ but not _.a. by the sight by namec. by a sight by nameb. by sight by named. by the sight by the nameII. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences:1. He expected his orders to be carried out on spot.2. The mountain was covered with trees from the top to the bottom.3. We have some new goods on the hand.4. In those days Father was fighting at front 5. Mary can speak French in fashion.6. The children have taken fancy to th

      6、eir nurses. 7. You can approach my secretary in the case of need.8. The new musical comedy took a fancy of the public.9. Every time I was in a trouble, my husband would not lend the land.10. He flew into a rage, and common sense went by board.11. There are shops within the reach of the house.12. Put these books on the top of the others.13. Nobody was allowed to eat out. In case of Jones an exception was made.14. Margarets excellent performance left all the other girls in shade.15. Her husbands a

      7、bsence left her completely at loss when the accident happened.16. They are in the possession of a large amount of new information.17. Before the land reform more than 70% of Chinas arable land was in possession of the landlords.18. He kept his invention under the cover until it was patented.19. Dont burn the daylight about it; we have short time to spare.20. We have to leave for America at a short notice.Exercise II: 名词I. Choices:1. That fellow is clever; he has _.a. brain b. a brainc. the brain

      8、d. brains2. My father never gave me_.a. many adviceb. much advicec. many advicesd. a lot of advices3. You will see _ in the hills.a. a few fine sceneriesb. few fine sceneriesc. many fine sceneriesd. much fine scenery4. What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any _ .a. ideab. meaningc. sensed. significance5. We dont have _ tonight.a. many homeworksb. much homeworksc. many homeworkd. much homework6. Dr. Jones ordered _ for the laboratory.a. two equipmentsb. two pieces of equipmentsc. two pieces of equipmentd. two equipment pieces.7. “ Why couldnt they catch the 6:30 train?”“ Because they were delayed by _.”a. some heavy trafficsb. any heavy trafficc. a heavy trafficd. heavy traffic8. _ is a well-informed man.a. This Johns old friendb. Thats Johns old friendc. This old friend of Johnd. This old friend of Johns9. Hatred and misunderstanding between communities _ which we can no longer afford.a. ar


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