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    • 1、1,版本: 1.00 日期: May 2003,6西格玛绿带培训教材 ONE,2,DAY1 第一天(定义阶段): - 6西格玛及精简优化与COQ(質量成本)的关系 COQ的脑力风暴 - First Pass Yield Exercise II初始直通率的練習 IPO(輸入輸出流程)and flow diagram(IPO和流程圖) Flow analysis of dropping cards onto target Repeating the exercise重復練習 Results and discussions結論和檢討 - 西格玛培训中的某些质量改进工具 脑力风暴技术 第一天結束 wrap up 通過以上的教學引導學員對品質成本的認識運用六西格瑪就是有效的降低品質成本,課程安排,3,DAY2 第二天(Variance Reduction降低变差的理解): - The power of Plato chart and the 80/20 rules柏拉圖表的功能和80/20的規則 Construction of a Plato Chart using computer flow

      2、diagram and its associated symbols流程圖和其制作符號含義 Two 实例of flow diagram (using a common scenario)兩個流程圖的實例(使用通用的情節) Barriers that hinder 6西格玛implementation阻礙開展執行六西格瑪的因素 -Break- What is FMEA 什么是FMEA Example of FMEA關于FMEA的實例 Group exercise on FMEA of barriers to 6西格玛implementation FMEA presentations關于FMEA的介紹 -Lunch- - Concept of precision and accuracy對准確和准確的理解(Cp和Ca) How does it link to the mean and 标准偏差(如何將平均值和標准偏差聯系起來) Precision and accuracy example (i.e. Selection of fund manager准確和精確的實際例子 Catapult

      3、exercise I彈弓拋物發射器的思維練習一 -Break- - Introducing concept of variance reduction (i.e. PF/CE/CNX/FMEA/SOP)介紹降低變差的觀念 Variance reduction 脑力风暴exercise for Catapult用彈弓發射器進行降低變差的腦力風暴練習 Catapult exercise II彈弓拋物發射器思維練習二 Computation of Catapult exercise result after variance reduction評估計算彈弓發射器游戲中的數據來了解降低變差的含義 Discussion of variance contributors討論降低變差的意義 第二天wrap up 在以上學習中通過彈弓發射器游戲的了解在游戲中掌握了解在六西格瑪中(Variance Reduction)降低变差重要性,4,DAY 3 (Measure Phase測量階段): Recap of statistical terminology全新的統計學朮語 Histogram and a

      4、normal data對直方圖和常態數據的理解 Construction of histogram對直方圖的解釋 Transformation of data數據的轉換 Calculate Cp, Cpk from non-normal data計算非正態數據的Cp, Cpk -Break- The importance of good measurement正確的測量方法的重要性 Direct 和indirect measurement (i.e. Introduction to scatter diagram) Risk of wrong interpretation錯誤解釋的風險 - Under and variance concept in measurement system在變異范圍內的測量系統的觀念 - Introduction to Gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GR Project / Candidate Selection,Candidate Selection,To fill in ; Characteristi

      5、cs of 6西格玛candidate Score-sheet 和Summary Leadership Values Score-sheet 6西格玛Candidates Leadership Values Summary 6西格玛Candidates,Project Selection,To fill in ; 6西格玛Project Selection Summary Ease of Implementation Assessment ROI Impact Assessment,Candidates must score greater than 2.5 pts for each to qualify,Candidates must score at least 0.9 pts in the in the 6西格玛Project Selection Summary to qualify,6西格玛Project Summary,Matching right project to the right people,31,Phase 2; 6西格玛培训和application of 6西

      6、格玛工具s,Collect Baseline Data on Project,yield COQ Cost Cycle Time Inventory level,To fill in ; 6西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet 6西格玛COQ Template 6西格玛Project Progress Report To get all relevant parties approval signatories,Attend 6西格玛GB/BB Academic 培训,Application of 6西格玛工具to Project(s),PF/CE/CNX/SOPs FMEA MSA PARETO PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION ANOVA DOE STATISTICAL INTERVAL SPC,Create Certification Template,Follow DMAIC Presentation Summary Rev A , to complete each phase of the project,流程to 6西格玛GB/BB cert

      7、ification,32,Phase 3; Certification of Candidate,Complete Closure Technical Report,Presentation of 6西格玛Certification Project(s),Site Assessment of Project(s),Issue Plaque /Certificate Achievement to candidate,Update Candidate LOR Career Profile on 培训和Recognition,Finance to verify project savings Champions 和MBB to assess candidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation Form,流程to 6西格玛GB/BB certification,Finance to verify project savings Champions 和MBB to assess ca

      8、ndidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation Form,33,Requirements for Certification,Completion of 6西格玛培训course Successful project completion (goal achievement 和documentation) Demonstration on the understanding of 6西格玛工具s Effective 和successful completion of steps to “hold the gain” Completion of each project within 1 yr 绿带Certification; completion of 2 projects with minimum saving of US$25,000 per project 黑带 Certification; completion of 2 projects with minimum

      9、saving of US$100,000 per project,交付ables for Certification,Demonstration of six-sigma though 流程 Completion of 6西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet Completion of 6西格玛 Project Progress Report Completion of 6西格玛COQ Template Completion of DMAIC Presentation Summary Completion of Closure Technical Report,34,Certification 结构,Candidate Certification Board Site Leader Champions Master 黑带 Certification Board Review 流程 Candidate to distribute the Closure Report Summary to the board at least one week before the review date (may be waived at the discretion of the site leader) MBB to act as the chair of the board Candidate to present project details using using thought 流程map with emph


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