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大学英语精读四unit6 How to Mark a Book电子教案课件

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  • 上传时间:2020-09-23
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    • 1、1. A Survey,2. Listening Comprehension,3. Background Information,Before Reading_Main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,John Deway,4. Warm-up Questions,Mortimer J. Adler,Rembrandt,Robert Maynard Hutchins,Mr. Vallee,“Paradise Lost”,“Gone with the Wind”,Do teenagers read?,Before Reading_A survey,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,A Survey,Here is a survey about “Young Peoples Attitudes towards Reading”. Below are the results from the survey condu

      2、cted by Mori of Nestle Family Monitor. The results are based on questionnaires completed by over 900 teenagers at 33 state and independent schools and 6 colleges between March and May in 2003.,Directions:,Examples:,Eighty-three percent read in spare time. Eleven percent never read outside of school hours (these students were more likely to come from a home where neither parent nor guardian worked). Sixteen percent boys never read in their spare time compared to only seven percent girls.,Before R

      3、eading_A survey2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,What makes young people want to read?,Forty-three percent will read something as a result of a peer recommendation. Ten percent will read something if it is recommended by a teacher. Fifteen percent are keen to read a book about a film they enjoy. Twenty-three percent say they will read a book about a famous person they are interested in or as a hobby (this figure is higher for boys).,Before Reading_1_other results,Bef

      4、ore Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Other results:,Age from 13 to 14 is a key period where an interest in reading dwindles. Seventy percent say they will prefer to watch TV or a DVD than read a book. On the whole, girls are more enthusiastic about reading than boys. Boys are “significantly more likely than girls to say that they are encouraged to read if the book is about a place, subject or hobby in which they are interested”.,Before Reading_1_other results2,Before Reading

      5、,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Try to do such kind of survey in different classes. Use the statistics you get to analyze their attitudes towards reading. Then report your results orally to the whole class.,Directions:,Your preferred places for recreational reading (multi-choices),Before Reading_1_other results3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Sources of books you read in the last 12 months,Before Reading_1_other results4,Before Reading,Global Reading,

      6、Detailed Reading,After Reading,What type of books do you consume?,Adler was an He got his Ph.D. from He taught in University of Chicago from He organized an adult discussion group program in He edited Great Books of the Western World in He became director of planning for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica in,Before Reading_mortimer j adler,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.,Mortimer J. Adler,Listen to the passage and finish the exercise.,Dire

      7、ctions:,educator and writer,_.,Columbia University,_.,1930 until 1952,_.,1946,_.,1952,_.,1969,_.,Before Reading_mortimer j adler2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,M. J. Adler (19022001) is an American educator and writer. Born in New York City and graduated from Columbia University (Ph. D., 1928), he taught philosophy and philosophy of law at the University of Chicago from 1930 until 1952, when he founded and became director of the Institute for Philosophical Research

      8、 in San Francisco. With Robert Hutchins, Adler organized in 1946 an adult discussion group program centered on the “Great Books” of the past and edited Great Books of the Western World (54 volumes, 1952). Adler also edited the two-volume index and guide to the ideas in Great Books. In 1969 he became director of planning for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica which was published in 1974.,Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was born into an that was conducive to . After years of war and uphea

      9、val (动乱), life in the United Provinces of the Netherlands was renowned for its tranquility (宁静). Rembrandts father was a miller and his mother was the daughter of a baker. The van Rijns were Calvinists. In the year of the artists birth, Leiden, his hometown, was known as one of intellectual and artistic centers in the country.,Before Reading_rembrandt,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Listen to the passage and fill in the words that you hear.,Directions:,atmosphere,_,creativity,_,prosperous,_,principal,_,Rembrandt,Before Reading_rembrandt2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_India_ National Flag,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Achievement:,His educational psychology and philosophy had a great influence on educational development.,John Deway (18591952), American philosopher

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