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对外汉语 拼音教学 pptA

  • 卖家[上传人]:花****
  • 文档编号:145740575
  • 上传时间:2020-09-22
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.37MB
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    • 1、pnyn1 拼音1 pinyin,本课重点Focus on,声母(b p m f d t n l g k h) 韵母(a o e i u u ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong) 声调(四个声调,轻声) 拼写规则(iu自成音节)(教师备用),Hny pnyn de zchng汉语 拼音 的 组成(components of Chinese phonetics),shngdio 声调 tones,m,m,a,shngm 声母 initials,ynm 韵母 finals,汉语拼音是由声母、韵母、声调三部分组成的 Chinese phonetics contains three parts which are initials, finals and tones.,声母Initials,韵母Finals,声调 tones,The first the second the third the forth,a o e I u ,Chinese is a tone language.It has four basic tones.,The tones are used t

      2、o distinguish meanings of a syllable. Different tones have different meanings.,m m m m 妈 麻 马 骂 mother flax horse abuse,tn tn tn tn 汤 糖 躺 烫 soup sugar lying down very hot,Shngm 声母(initials),Phonetic drills,韵母(finals),Phonetic drills,Phonetic drills,声韵拼读(spelling and reading),声韵拼读spelling and reading,Phonetic drills,Phonetic drills,音节练习exercise of syllables,Phonetic drills,Phonetic drills,Exercise,Phonetic drills,communication,N# h3o 你好! N#h3o 你好!,试一试Try it,Bbo b pi bba pob.,伯伯不陪爸爸跑步。,i开头拼音的拼写规则no

      3、tes on spelling,when “i”“ u ”“” is the first letter of the syllable, we must put “y”,“w” before them, that is“yi”,“wu”,“yu”. i -yi u- wu -yu,声母(b p m f)的发音规则pronunciation rules of ( b, p,),b p When you pronounce “b” , first close your lips tightly, and then open them suddenly, there will be a weak airflow going out through lips and then become the sound of b without oscillating your throat. p p When you pronounce“p” , first close your lips tightly to gain air, and then open them suddenly, there

      4、will be a strong airflow going out through lips and then become the sound of p without oscillating your throat.,声母(b p m f)的发音规则pronunciation rules of ( m, f ),m m Close your lips tightly and open the nasal path by hanging down the soft palate.Make your vocal cords vibrate and the breath go out from your nose. f f Use the upper teeth touch the lower lip slightly and the breath will be squeezed out from the seam between the teeth and the lip.,声母(d t )的发音规则pronounciation rules of ( d t),d t Put th

      5、e tip of your tongue against the upper gum,pronounce with weaker breath breaking through the obstruction. t t The pronunciation method is more or less the same with d,with stronger breath going out.,声母( n l)的发音规则 pronounciation rules of ( n l),n n (Put the tip of your tongue against the upper gum,open the nasal path by hanging down the soft palate.Make your vocal cords vibrate and the breath go out from your nose. ) l l (Put the tip of your tongue against the upper gum,make your vocal cords vibr

      6、ate and the breath go out from both sides of front part of your tongue. ),声母(g k)的发音规则 pronounciation rules of (g k h),g k Put the root of your town against the soft palate,pronounce with weaker breath breaking through the obstruction. k k The pronunciation method is more or less the same with g,with stronger breath going out .,hx Approach the soft palate with the root of your tongue,with a narrow chink left;pronounce with the breath squeeze out of the chink.,韵母(a o e)的发音规则 pronounciation rules

      7、of (a o e),a A Open your mouth wide,with your tongue in the middle in a low position;the lips are naturally opened. o o Half-close your mouth with the tongue in a half-high position; draw back your tongue and make your lips round-shaped. e After pronouncing o,naturally open up your mouth and keep the tongues position unchanged.,韵母(i u )的发音规则 pronounciation rules of( i u ),i i When pronoucing i,the tongue is in the highest position,the mouth is slightly opened and the lips are flat-shaped.Stretch

      8、 forward your tongue, put it against the back of the lower teeth and open up your lips. uu When pronoucing u,the tongue is in the highest position and the mouth is slightly opened.Make your lips round-shaped,draw back your tongue and make the tongue root approach the soft palate. y After pronoucing i, just make your lips round-shaped topronounce , with the tongue position unchanged.,复韵母(ai ei ao ou)的发音规则 pronounciation rules of (ai ei ao ou ),ai Open your mouth wide and pronounce a first;then gr

      9、adually close your mouth and move the tongue to the position of pronouncing i. ei Half-close your mouth and pronounce e first,then move your tongue to the position of pronouncing i ao Open your mouth widely and pronounce a first,then gradually close your mouth and move your tongue to the position of pronouncing u. ou Pronounce o first,then gradually close your mouth, move the tongue backward and upward to the position of pronouncing u.,复韵母(an en ie iou)的发音规则 pronounciation rules of (an en ie iou ),an Pronounce a first and gradually turn to n. en Pronounce e first and gradually turn to n ie Pronounce i first,then gradually raise your tongue to the position of pronouncing e. iouPronounce a shorter i first,then gradually raise your tongue to the position of pronouncing ou.,Thank you !,

      《对外汉语 拼音教学 pptA》由会员花****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《对外汉语 拼音教学 pptA》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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