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    • 1、精品 料推荐Unit 6 Women, Half the SkyText A I m Going to Buy the Brooklyn BridgeTeaching Subjects:Teaching Objectives:Ss will be able to1. grasp the main idea (the belief in superwoman encourages average women to achieve their goals) and structure of the text;2. appreciate how the author achieve coherence for her essay;3. masker key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.Teachin

      2、g Procedure:1. Lead-in activities;2. Text comprehension;3. Language points;4. Exercise after Text A;5. Text B along with questions for discussion;6. Do quiz and fast reading.Step I: Lead-in activities.1. Do you think society still discriminates against women? Give facts to support your conclusion. (What is your impression of the female Doctor?)2. Do you know any superwomen at home and abroad? (China: Wu Zetianthe firstChinese empress; The three sisters of The Songs: Song Ailing & Kong Xianxi / S

      3、ong Qingling & Sun Yat-sen / Song Meiling & Chiang Kai-shek; Hillary Rodham & Bill Clinton)41精品 料推荐(Song Qingling)(Hillary Rodham)(Song Meiling)(Notes: Teachers may introduce the above superwomen to students, creating the impression of the importance of women in the society.)Step II. Text comprehension:(Teachers draws students attentions to the Text Organization Exercise 1. Studentswill notice that the appearance of the new word“ bridge ” coincides with a new partof the text. )1.Part One (Paras

      4、1-3): Despite her friend s advices, the author, unable to resistthe temptation, believes superwomen stories again.T invites some students to give alternative terms for“ a bridge in Brooklyn(an incredible story, something impossible)Students scan the text and underline sentences containing the world“ bridge ”2. Part Two (Paras 4-7): Her encounter with a superwoman and its influence on her.3. Part Three (Paras 8-11): She tells about what prevents her from becoming a superwoman.Do the exerciseif on

      5、ly (P.191)4. Part four (Paras 12-14): She analyzes and explains why she is still fascinated by modern superwomen tales.Despite my friend s warning against being taken in, despite everything I have learned, I find that I am not only willing, but positively eager to buy that bridge she mentioned.(Although my friend had warned me not to believe in the stories about any incredibly successful woman, I am still willing to believe that they are true.)Do the exercise on“ Too +adj. + for” (P.191)5. Part

      6、Five (Paras 15): She draws the conclusion that to her, admiring a heroineis something worth doing.Then I ll tell her a story: the tale of a woman who bought her own version of that bridge in Brooklyn and found that it was a wise investment after all. (Then I will tell her about myself: how I believe in superwomen tales and42精品 料推荐how this belief had encouraged me to attain my own goal.)Step III. Language points:1. Bulletin: a short printed newspaper or leaflet, esp. One produced regularly by gro

      7、up or organization.BBS:Bulletin Board System 公告牌系统或电子公告板 Bullet 子弹 Bullet-proof glass 防弹玻璃E.g. I learned from the BBS in moon-ship that there would be an English corner this evening.2.Item: 1) a single piece of newsE.g. I heard an interesting news item on radio this morning.2) a single article or unit on a list or among a set E.g. There are at least 26 items in my E-mail box.3. Draft: a rough outline or versionE.g. You should hand in your first draft of the essay with 1,000 words on next Friday.

      8、4. Hit / strike home : (of remarks, ete.) have the intended effectE.g. The teachers words hit home. I really lacked confidence in learning English.5. Incredible: that cannot be believedE.g. It seems incredible that I could get No. 1 in the vocabulary contest.6. Skeptical: (in the habit of) doubting that sth. is true, right, etc. (followed by about/ of; spelled skeptical in British English)Be skeptical about sth.E.g. Sometimes I am skeptical about my ability of passing CET-4. But now I have realized that process is more important than result.7. Consume: 1) eat or drinkE.g. Every day people consume a lot of food and drinks.2). Use upE.g. If consumers don t consume, then workers don t work.consumeconsumerconsumptionpresume/ presumption; assume / assumption; amuse / amusement 8. corporation: a large business or companycooperatecooperationcooperatorE.g. I would like to work with a well-known multi-national


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