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广东省高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The United Kingdom同步精练(附解析) 新人教版必修5

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    • 1、Unit 2The United Kingdom. 完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects(缺陷)that can never be changed.“Im impatient.”“Im always behind.”“I always put things off!”Youve surely heard them.Maybe youve used them to describe yourself.These comments may come from stories about us that have been _1_ for yearsoften from as far back as childhood.These stories may have no _2_ in fact.But they can set low expectations for us.As a child,

      2、my mother said to me,“Marshall,you have no mechanical skills,and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life.”How did these expectations _3_ my development?I was never _4_ to work on cars or be around _5_.When I was 18,I took the US Armys Mechanical Aptitude Test.My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!Six years later,_6_,I was at California University,working on my doctors degree.One of my professors,Dr. Bob Tannbaum,asked me to write down things I did well an

      3、d things I couldnt do.On the positive side,I _7_ down,“research,writing,analysis,and speaking.”On the _8_ side,I wrote,“I have no mechanical skills.”Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills.I explained my life _9_ and told him about my _10_ performance on the Army test.Bob then asked,“Why is it that you can solve _11_ mathematical problems,but you cant solve simple mechanical problems?”Suddenly I realized that I didnt _12_ from some sort of genetic defect.I was just living out expectat

      4、ions that I had chosen to _13_.At that point,it wasnt just my family and friends who had been _14_ my belief that I was mechanically hopeless.And it wasnt just the Army test,either.I was the one who kept telling myself,“You cant do this!”I realized that as long as I kept saying that,it was going to remain true.On the contrary,if we dont treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects,we can _15_ well in almost anything we choose.【解题导语】 本文陈述了一个普遍存在的观念:人们常常不能正确认识和对待别人对自己的看法,产生消极、悲观的自我偏见。作者

      5、结合自身经历,分析这种偏见产生的原因,告诉读者:我们并没有什么天生的缺陷,能做好自己想做的任何事。1A.said Bspoken Cspread Drepeated解析:根据后面for years和often from as far back as childhood,选repeated。答案:D2A.basis Bplot Ccause Dmeaning解析:根据上文和下文But they can set low expectations for us,待选词的意思是“依据”,故选A。答案:A3A.lead Bimprove Caffect Dchange解析:“影响”某人的发展。故选C。答案:C4A.encouraged Bdemanded Choped Dagreed解析:从搭配上只能填A。答案:A5A.means Btools Cfacilities Dhammers解析:从前面to work on cars应填tools,表示围着工具转。答案:B6A.therefore Bsomehow Cinstead Dhowever解析:与上文构成转折关系,故选D。答案:D7A.set

      6、tled Bturned Ctook Dgot解析:take down写下,同write down,put down。答案:C8A.passive Bactive Cnegative Dsubjective解析:与前面提到的positive构成对比关系。答案:C9A.experiences Btrips Croads Dpaths解析:表示生活经历。答案:A10A.unexpected Bpoor Cexcellent Daverage解析:由后文的you cant solve simple mechanical problems可知他在军事测试中的很差的表现。答案:B11A.complex Badvanced Ccommon Dprimary解析:与后面的simple构成对比关系。答案:A12A.arise Bseparate Csuffer Dcome解析:suffer from患有遗传性缺陷(疾病)。答案:C13A.believe Bsuspect Cadopt Dreceive解析:live out实现(已计划或想做的事),根据上面所提到的选believe是表示“(我自己宁愿去

      7、)相信”。答案:A14A.weakening Bstrengthening Cabandoning Daccepting解析:根据前后文在这里表示“使我的信念根深蒂固”之意。答案:B15A.do Bgo Cwork Dget解析:能做好我们所选择的任何事情。do well in在方面做得出色。答案:A. 词语填空用所给单词的适当形式填空。Separate low link as well as suit make up attract settle be known as/for possibleAustralia is as old as time. Probably it was once _1_ to South America,but the continent _2_ as the earths plates moved. Australia was discovered about 53,000 years ago. It is _3_ that the first people crossed into Australia from Asia on a great lan

      8、d bridge when the water level of the oceans was _4_. Once they _5_ aborigines,which means the first people of a country. They developed a strong system of society _6_ a way of life that was _7_ for this hot and in many places dry country. No one knows how many Kooris lived in Australia,but today they only _8_ a little over 1% of the population.Australia,with its natural beauty and the beautful buildings,_9_ tourists from all over the world. And many birds and animals are found _10_ only on this

      9、land.答案:1.linked2.separated3.possible4.lower5.were known as6.as well as7.suitable8.make up9.attracts10.settled . 词汇运用1It is clear that most of fieldwork _(以扫地为主)2From now on,Ill _(分配我的自习) equally between English and maths.3_(最让我困惑的) was why he left without telling anyone.4We _(争论这个计划) for several hours before making the final decision.5He asked her to _(说明她是什么意思)6I wonder what _(影响你接受这份工作)7The hospital has _(安排一名医生来为他检查)8When information _(一得到),well let you know.9_(使所有球迷都高兴的是),their favorite football team won the match.10We gathered around him,listening to _

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