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    • 1、3GPP-IMS总体进展总结,华为公司 2003.12.31,主要内容,近期主要进展( since last SA #21) CRs on 23.228 近期热点问题的介绍,近期主要进展( since last SA #21),IMS (Rel5 TS 23.228): Clarification on handling of sessions without required capabilities Clarification of trust domain restrictions IMS Phase 2 15 CRs agreed to TS 23.228: E.g. on messaging, Hold and resume, Handling of PSIs, Forking, User preferences and terminal capabilities, Trust domain clarifications IMS Commonality and Interoperability Commonality already done, no contribution

      2、s in on interoperability and it is assumed that no more work will be done in 3GPP on this item and it can hence be marked as completed in the work plan.,CRs on 23.228 (IMS Stage 2),CRs on 23.228 (IMS-CCR),重点提案的分析,S2-034283(Restrictions on Sessions without IMS required capabilities).zip 关于IMS中如何使用precondition/update等IMS能力的问题讨论。 R6 IMS中是要求必须带Precondition的,用于策略控制,决定何时为用户分配承载,具体用法可以参考RFC 3312,但是外部的非IMS网络不一定支持precondition这个扩展。对于IMS和不支持某些SIP能力的SIP服务器交互时,除了通过协议来保证之外,还可以通过运营商之间的互通协议来限制。,重点提案的分析,s2-03428

      3、5(Clarification of Trust Domain restriction for IMS ).zip s2-034305(Clarification of Trust Domain for IMS).zip 分R5和R6两个版本,R5 IMS可以认为是一个封闭网络,因此都是属于trust domain的,R6 IMS则被认为是一个open network,需要运营商根据各自的协商和配置来确定trsut domain。 Within 3GPP, there has been ambiguity regarding the issue of the implications of the undefined Trust domain and privacy handling. SA3 & CN1 held a joint workshop and an LS was sent to SA2 with the conclusion of the meeting. This CR reflects changes according to the meeting agreemen

      4、t.,重点提案的分析,S2-033766(PSI User).zip Add explanation of term PSI User. In this case, the AS hosting the PSI in combination with its entry in the HSS or home database is referred to as PSI user s2-034300(HSS as database for the PSI handling).zip 建议明确PSI就存放在HSS中,而不是什么home database。 s2-034301(PSI corrections).zip PSI的用户部分才可以被用户修改。,重点提案的分析,S2-033767(Forking preferences).zip When multiple contact addresses have been registered, then the S-CSCF shall fork the incoming SIP request. If the UE has indicate

      5、d preference information upon registration, then the S-CSCF shall use it to decide if parallel or sequential forking is used, as described in RFC 3261 12. If the UE has not indicated any preference for the contact addresses upon registration, or if the preferences for the contact addresses have equal value, then it is up to the S-CSCF if parallel or sequential forking is to be performed. S2-034329(Forking support in MGCF and AS).zip MGCF和某些AS也需要考虑支持forking的功能。前提条件是他们都是作为UA的。,重点提案的分析,S2-033580(Cl

      6、arification of user data storage).zip It is explicitly stated that all subscription data related to a single user is stored in a single HSS, even if the user has shared Public User Identifiers. S2-033769(Introduction of Session based messaging architecture).zip Some additional architecture principles and flow examples section has been added for Session based messaging. S2-033601(PSTN-initiated Hold and Resume of a Mobile-PSTN Session).zip Add a new sub-clause with a flow for a PSTN-initiated Hol

      7、d and Resume of a Mobile-to-PSTN Session.,重点提案的分析,S2-033768(Support of Multi terminals).zip SA1 has defined the service aspects of accessing IMS services with multiple terminals. The requirement has been stated in 22.228 section 5. Howere, there is lack of description on the registration reqirements needed to support the multi terminals. SIP allows one registration containing multiple contact addresses. However, this is not possible in the current release of IMS. Because each contact address (IP

      8、 address) needs to have a security association with the P-CSCF, and the only procedure to establish the security association is registration. Therefore, each contact address must register itself separatly with IMS. And this requirement needs to be stated in 23.228.,重点提案的分析,S2-034191(Requirements for IM CN Subsystem signalling flag).zip revised to 4330 approved 在R6中实现了基于IP流的计费功能之后,IMS的信令flag就不再需要了,该CR建议将该flag从R6中删除。,重点提案的分析,S2-034332(Terminal Capability with SIP Registration).zip 最终修改为增加如下的说明: 12

      9、. The UE may indicate its capabilities and characteristics in terms of SIP User Agent capabilities and characteristics described in “draft-ietf-sip-callee-caps-01” xx during IMS registration. 因为该提案的想法在IETF中已经有相关文档实现了,见上面的draft,其主要思路就是通过在CONTACT中增加对UA性能以及特征的描述,定义了描述的格式,从而可以向网络和对端传达有关UE性能的信息,比如UE是否是PC,是否是可以移动的终端,是否支持音频等等。,热点问题:利用IMS支持LCS业务,利用IMS域支持LCS业务的需要解决的首要问题是,由于现有的规范定义的几种定位方法只能通过target UE的MSISDN或是IMSI作为用户标识来进行定位,而在IMS域中却是采用SIP URL作为用户标识,因此,当LCS系统收到一个以SIP URL为用户标识的位置信息请求时,需要将SIP URL转换成用户的MSISDN或是IMSI,才能进行后续的标准的LCS规范中定义的定位处理流程。 目前能够被大家接受的是如下几种方案: S2-034218(Introduction of IMS to LCS Architecture)(Vodafone) S2-034171(LCS in IMS some thoughts on S2-033589)(Nokia) S2-034235(Integration of IMS users in the LCS architecture) (Siemens),Introduction of IMS to LCS Architecture,LCS in IMS some thoughts on S2-033589,Integration of IMS users in the LCS architecture,


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