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2021年高考[英语]一轮复习考点6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature(教师版)

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  • 上传时间:2020-09-22
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    • 1、2021年高考考点扫描高考一轮考点扫描真题剖析逐一击破2021年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描32解析版 Book 6 Module 2 Fantasy Literature基础盘点自测自评重点词汇扫描阅读单词快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划1.vanish v.消失 2.invisible adj.看不见的 3.alarm n.惊慌;恐慌4.edge n.边;边缘 5.roughly adv.大概地;粗略地 6.prospect n.视野 ,景象 ,景色 7.bare adj.光秃秃的 8.revenge v.报仇;复仇 9.cottage n.小屋 10.output n.(文学等的)作品数量;输出;产量 11.anecdote n.趣闻;轶事 12.draft n.草稿 13.swift adj.快的;迅速的 14.stubborn adj.顽强的;坚持的15.automatic adj.自动的;习惯性的;自然发生的 16.target n.(批评等的)对象;目标 17.criticism n.批评;评论 18.curriculum n.课程 19.distribute v.

      2、(书报的)发行;分配;分发 20.attain v.达到;得到21.status n.身份;地位 核心单词1. series n.系列 ,丛书 2shape n.形状 3bend v.弯腰 ,屈身 ,弯曲4. dream v.做梦 5awake adj.醒着的 ,清醒的 6appeal n.吸引力 ,魅力7gifted adj.有天才的 ,有天赋的 8burden n.负担 ,重负 9overcome v.克服 10thus adv.因此 ,所以 11sorrow n.悲哀 ,伤心 ,苦难12magical adj.魔法的;不可思议的 13power n.力量 ,能力 ,权力【会应用】根据汉语提示完成下列各句1. My friend Alice loved diving very much and she dreamed/dreamt(梦想) of becoming a professional diver one day.2To defeat the other players, the athlete overcame(克服) a lot of difficulties in hi

      3、s training in the past.3Those who have trouble bending(弯腰) can have a rest in the room.4The Beatles have never really lost their appeal(魅力)5Jones will be elected because many powerful(强大的) men are back of him.拓展单词1.behave v.表现 ,举动behavior n.行为;举止2.definite adj.确定的 ,一定的definitely adv.确定地 ,一定地definition n.定义3.hesitate v.犹豫 ,迟疑hesitation n.犹豫4.doubt n.&v.怀疑doubtful adj.怀疑的5.direct v.指导 ,给指方向direction n.方向6.exhaust vt.使疲惫 exhausted adj.精疲力竭的exhausting adj.使人疲惫不堪的.exhaustion n疲惫 ,精疲力竭7.marry v.结婚 ,娶

      4、,嫁married adj.已婚的marriage n.婚姻8.punish v.惩罚punishment n.惩罚 ,处罚9.adjust vt.调整adjustment n.调整10.accumulate v.积累 ,积聚accumulation n.积累 ,积聚11.possess v.拥有possession n.所有物;拥有;(法律)占有【语境活用】用所给词的适当形式填空1.Without hesitation he rushed into the burning house to save the baby, but his companion hesitated at that moment. (hesitate)2.In traditional Chinese culture, marriage decisions are often made by parents for their children. However, they got married without their parents permission. (marry)3.The exhausting

      5、 training made everyone exhausted and the exhaustion bored us. (exhaust)4.There is no doubt that Catherine is doubtful of her future, for she doubts whether she can continue to work. (doubt)5.With his business going on well, he at first possessed big houses and cars; and later he took possession of stocks of different companies. Eventually, he found that everything he dreamed of was in his possession. (possess)6.Parents shouldnt punish the children for small mistakes, because too much punishment

      6、 will lead to their losing confidence. (punish)重点短语1. play an important part in 在中起重要作用 ,对有重要影响2put down 放下3hold out 伸出4come up to 朝走过来5turn away 走开;解雇;拒绝进入6keep ones eyes on 注视 ,盯着看7fix on 注视 ,凝视8cast about 寻找 ,搜索 ,想办法9look around for 四处寻找10(be) associated with 与有联系 ,与联系在一起11 appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力 ,引起某人的兴趣12ahead of 在前面13look back over ones shoulder 回头看14catch a glimpse of 瞥见15set out 出发 ,动身;陈述【语境活用】用左栏短语的适当形式填空1. put down a glass放下了玻璃杯2hold out ones hand 伸出手3set out on a journey 出发去旅行4As teach

      7、ers, we should keep our eyes on future development of each child.5As a matter of fact, the teachers play an important part in the study and life of the students.6Hundreds of people were turned away from the concert because all seats were sold out.7While there are many positive developments associated with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns.8She studies so hard that she is always well ahead of the rest of the class.重点句式句型1:独立主格结构:名词过去分词/介词短语教材原句Then she leapt backwards, back

      8、arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly.然后它向后一跃 ,脊背拱起 ,毛发竖立 ,尾巴僵直地伸着。句型仿写任务完成后 ,他开心地去度假了。Task finished, he went to have a holiday happily.句型2:It looks as if.“看起来好像” ,后可接虚拟语气教材原句 It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air.那儿看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块句型仿写这两个陌生人说起话来就好像是认识多年的朋友一样。The two strangers talked as if they had been friends for years.知识主线串记Part 1Part 2There is no doubt that the boy should make necessary adjustments to his new surroundings. Besides, he has determined to take up the parttime job that appeals to him. Afraid to be turned away ,he is hesitating about whether to apply for the job or not.No one doubts that Tom is a hardworking young man. He has made up his mind to work harder so that he can achieve his dream that one day

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