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    • 1、毕业论文致谢英文范文 毕业论文致谢英文范文是一篇好的范文,感觉写的不错,希望对您有帮助,希望大家能有所收获。 的主要作用是表示对导师或者某些辅导的感谢之词,以下是搜集的毕业论文致谢英文范文,供。 论文致谢一: Before concluding this thesis,I would like to take the precious opportunity to extend mywholehearted gratitude to all that have helped me with my aomplishment of this paper. First and foremost,I owe my deepest gratitude to my distinguished and cordialsupervisor,Ms.Chen Li,who has supported me from the material and psychological aspect,guided me in collection of abundant materials,and enlighte

      2、ned me while in confusion. Without her dedicated assistance and insightful supervision,this paper would have gonenowhere. Secondly,I would express my heartfelt thanks to my family for their unconditional loveand care all the time without whose support I would be easily beaten down by the difficultiesencountered in the writing process. Last but not least,my sincere appreciation also goes to my prestigious and edifyingprofessors in our English department including Prof.Yan Jinglan,Prof.Wang Zhiqin

      3、,Prof. Shao Zhihong and Prof.Wang Jianguo,who have inspired me and push me forward to theacademic world,and to Ms.Ren Zhiyi the librarian of ECUST,who has provided me withtimely material support. 论文致谢二: There are many people to whom I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for theiracademic guidance and supervision,and their constant encouragements and supports duringthe two and a half years studying at ECUST. First and foremost,my deepest and sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor,Profess

      4、orYan Jinglan.Without her patient instruction and enlightening suggestions,I would not havefinished this thesis on time.Thanks for her help in academic research,her loving care to me,her positive attitude toward life,and her proactive attitude in teaching,which has inspired,warmed,and encouraged me. I am also feel grateful to Prof.Shao Zhihong,Prof.Chen Li,Prof.Wang Zhiqin,andProf.Yang Huimin for their inspiring lectures,which throws light on my study. I would like to thank other teachers like M

      5、r.Ming Pingzhi,my friend Mr.Xia Yangyang,who have given me valuable advice during my thesis writing. At last,I deeply feel indebted to my parents for their supporting in the past twenty twoyears. 论文致谢三: At the last press on the keyboard,I am so excited to finish the thesis,and at the sametime,I want to express my appreciation to lots of people without whom I couldnt make it intime. My wholehearted appreciation goes first to professor Huang Shufang,my supervisor,forher selfless and patient guidan

      6、ce to my graduate study in ECUST.My supervisor gives meabundant help both in the published essay and in my graduate thesis.I will never forget thedifficult time when I was in a loss to finish the thesis.It is my supervisor who keeps onencouraging me and looking for references for me.Without her generosity and patience tohelp and without her wide literature and critical knowledge,I cannot get through the graduatestudy.Besides,her personal charm and attitude have always been and will ever be anill

      7、umination instruction for my future life. Then I would like to extend my genuine thanks to my prestigious and edifying teachersof school of foreign languages in East China University of Science and Technology,ProfessorShao Zhihong,Professor Yu Yuguo,Professor Yan Jinglan,Professor Wang Jianguo,Professor Wang Zhiqin,Professor Chen Li and all the other responsible teachers andprofessors.Their classes,lectures and suggestions shed invaluable enlightenment on me andwill have great influence on my fi

      8、iture study. Finally,my sincere gratitude goes to my family and friends for their unweaving supportand understanding which encourages me to overe academic struggle and support me tospend three years life here.With the help of such selfless individuals,I am glad to dedicatemy heartfelt thanks to all of you. 论文致谢四: This thesis would not have materialized but for the numerous support and encouragementI have received from many parties.I would like to take this opportunity to express myheartfelt grat

      9、itude to all who have helped me. My deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor Professor Yan Jinglan,who has broadenedmy horizons of literary theories,acquainted me with academic norms,and guided me with herpatient instructions during my two and half years at ECUST.Her critical way of thinking,dedicated devotion,inspiring insight and in _ectual rigor have impressed me a lot and willexert a profound influence on my future work.Whats more,her passionate and positiveattitude toward life sets a good example for me. I also own an important debt of thanks to other teachers in our school,including Prof. Shao Zhihong,Prof.Wang Jianguo,Prof.Yu Yuguo,Prof.Chen Li,and Prof.Wang Zhiqin fortheir instructi


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