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2021年高考[英语]一轮复习考点2 Module 4 Fine Arts -Western, Chinese Pop Arts(教师版)

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  • 文档编号:145574642
  • 上传时间:2020-09-21
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    • 1、2021年高考考点扫描高考一轮考点扫描真题剖析逐一击破2021年高考英语一轮复习考点扫描10解析版 Book 2 Module 4 Fine Arts -Western, Chinese Pop Arts基础盘点自测自评重点词汇扫描阅读单词快速排查本模块阅读词汇并在不认识的词汇前划1.artist n.艺术家 2.contemporary adj.当代的 3.drawing n.图画4.paint vt.绘画;(用颜料)画 5.painter n.画家 6.painting n.绘画;油画 7.aspect n.方面 8.imitate vt.临摹;仿造;模仿;仿效 9.style n.风格 10.unusual adj.不寻常的;非凡的 11.landscape n.风景;景色;风景画;山水画 12.portrait n.画像;肖像;人像 核心单词1.colourful adj.彩色的 2.scene n. 景色;风景 3.alive adj. 有活力的;有生气的 4.aim vi. 以为目标;打算;意欲5.stand vt. 忍受 6.destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏【会应用】根

      2、据汉语提示完成下列各句1.It is because of various colours(颜色) that we have a colourful(多彩的) world.2.The education program aiming/aimed(力求) at combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.3.The house destroyed(破坏) by the terrible fire has been repaired by local workers.拓展单词1.like n爱好;嗜好dislike n憎恶;不喜欢2.delight n高兴 v使高兴delightful adj.令人愉快的;可爱的delighted adj.高兴的3.tradition n传统;习俗traditional adj.传统的;习俗的traditionally adv.传统地4.observe vt.观察;注意到observer n观察者observation n观察;观测

      3、;观察力5.adopt vt.采纳;采用adoption n收养 ,过继;采取adopted adj.收养的 ,领养的6.exhibit v展览exhibition n展览7.express v表达expression n表现;表达8.realise vt.领悟;了解;实现;实行realistic adj.现实主义的;写实主义的reality n真实;现实;9.live adj.活的;现场直播的alive adj.活着的;有活力的;有生气的living; adj.活着的;有生命的lively adj.活泼的;活跃的;充满生气的【语境活用】用所给词的适当形式填空1.In reality, I have realised that I must stop daydreaming and be realistic(realise)2.To our delight, the delightful picture drawn by my brother made all the judges delighted, so he got the first prize.(delight)3.He e

      4、xpressed in his speech that he would support us and the expression on his face suggested that he meant what he said.(express)4.After many years of observation, he has observed that lions have their unique way to communicate.(observe)5.Tom, an adopted child, was adopted at the age of four and his success in life was largely due to the adoption(adopt)6.Its traditional for women to keep house at home, but many women have broken with tradition and are entering traditionally male jobs.(tradition)7.I

      5、watched a live TV program, in which there was a lively boy liking all living things.He kept a live fish in a small jar.But later on he decided to free it and hope to keep the fish living/alive in the river happily.(live)重点短语1.be/get tired of对厌烦2.be fond of 喜欢;喜爱3.tell by 从可以看出4.put off 推迟;延期5.take turns 轮流6.a series of 一系列的7.give up 放弃8.develop an interest in 对产生兴趣【语境活用】用左栏短语的适当形式填空1.be/get tired of the urban life 讨厌都市生活2.be fond of going to the cinema 喜欢看电影3.put off the meeting to next week 会议推

      6、迟到下周4.take turns to do the housework 轮流做家务5.a series of car accidents 一连串的车祸6.give up ones job 辞去工作7.tell by the look on ones face 根据脸上的表情判断8.develop an interest in learning English 培养学习英语的兴趣重点句式句型1:considersb./sth.(to be)adj./n.认为是教材原句 This is a painting by the Spanish artist ,Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 这是西班牙画家巴勃罗毕加索的一幅油画 ,他被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的画家。句型仿写在2018年世界杯上英格兰队被认为是最好的足球队之一。The England national team is considered (to be) one of the best fo

      7、otball teams in the 2018 World Cup.句型2:with宾语宾语补足语教材原句 Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time. 在描绘物体或人的时候 ,立体派画家会同时展现对象的多个不同侧面。句型仿写随着冬天的来临 ,天气变得越来越冷了。With the winter approaching/drawing near/coming, it is becoming colder and colder.句型3:What.make of.What.think of.你认为怎么样?教材原句 What do you make of (it)?你认为它怎么样?句型仿写你认为昨晚上映的那部电影怎么样?What do you make/think of the film that was shown last night?知识主线串记Part 1Part 2Tom is a famous E

      8、nglish teacher whose spoken English is very good.In order to make his class more alive, he decided to adopt a new teaching method.He knew that he would stand great pressure and difficulty.But he would spare no efforts to realise his aim.We believe he will be more popular, wont he?Mary was considered a good student and always studied hard.But at one time her headteacher observed her get tired of study.What do you make of it? Her teacher was worried about her.So he made contact with Marys parents.Later the teacher and parents took turns to help arouse her interest in study.Finally, they made it.拓展速记1. 前缀a表语形容词大全alive有活力的asleep 睡着的awake 醒着的afraid 害怕的alone 单独的ashamed 羞愧的2. 否定前缀un形容词一览unusual不寻常的unfit 不合适的uncomfortable 不舒服的unfriendly 不友善的unfortunate 不幸的unsuccessful 不成功的3. 后缀al形容词一览traditional传统的natural 自然的cultural 文化的

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