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    • 1、1 一、单项选择(共 10 题,每 1 分,共 10 分)一、单项选择(共 10 题,每 1 分,共 10 分) 1. A person who hasfinal say in an international company is usuallyinfluential one. A. a; the B. the; an C. the ; the D. a ; an 【答案】B 2. Advertisements give us _about products, such as their prices and uses. A. information B. news C. words D. pictures 【答案】A。解析:考查名词辨析。information 表示“信息,资讯”;news 表 示“新闻”;words 表示“单词”;pictures 表示“图画”。句意应为“广告可 以给我们提供产品的信息,例如产品的价格和用途”。故选 A。 3. Racial discrimination has still _ in some parts of the U.S.A. since i

      2、t after the Civil War. A. been existed; has been done away B. existed; has been done away with C. been existed; has been done away with D. existed; was done away with 【答案】D。解析:考查动词语态和时态。第一个空,exist“存在”,不能用被 动语态,排除 A、C;第二个空,时间状语 after the Civil War 与一般过去时 连用,又是被动语态,排除 B,只能选 D。句意:虽然种族歧视自从美国内战之 后就被取缔了,但是至今它还在美国一些地方存在着。 4. where the sound laboratory ? A. Has it decided; will build B. Will it be decided; will be built 2 C. Has it been decided; will be built D. Is it decided; is built 【答案】C。解析:考查语态和时态。

      3、第一个空,事情被决定,强调其结果,故 用现在完成时的被动语态。第二个空,语音室应该是被建造,故选 C。 5. -Would you please lend me some money? - _ . I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. A, No problem B. Out of question C, Without question D. No way 【答案】D。解析根据后句的“我不是含着金汤匙出生的”可知,答案足否定的; 故选 no way“决不”;其余选项的意思是“没问题”,与句意不符。 6.The pretty girl is known _ the public _ a little film star her excellent performance in a film. A. in; as; with B. to; as; for C. among ; with ; in D.by ; for; because of 【答案】B。解析 be known to sb.是常见搭配,意为“为某人所知”;as 作为

      4、; be known for 因而出名。B 正确。 7. -Could I borrow your bike? -Yes, certainly you _. A. can B. might C. could D. will 【答案】A。 解析could 可用于疑问句,表示征求建议;回答时应该用 can。 8.Most people _ the view that children should be independent while some are opposed to it. 3 A. leave out B. let out C. feel like D. subscribe to 【答案】D 。解析subscribe to 意为“同意;赞成”,与 opposed to(反对) 相对应。leave out 省略,遗漏,缺漏;let out 发出,泄露;feel like 想要, 想做。根据句意,D 项符合题意。 9.-I m going to study engineering in Qinghua University tomorrow. - _. A. All the be

      5、st in your study B. All the best with your study C. All the best in your business D. All the best in your new job 【答案】A。【解析】all the best(in)表示对别人的祝贺。 10.- Here is a piece of paper for you! - Oh, thanks. It s _ for me to write a long letter on. A. big enough B. enough big C. small enough D. enough small 【答案】A。【解析】根据句意排除 C、D。形容词和 enough 的搭配语序应该是 形容词在前,所以选 A。 二.完形填空(共 20 题,每 1 分,共 20 分)二.完形填空(共 20 题,每 1 分,共 20 分) I consider myself something of an expert on apologies. A quick temper has ( 11 )me wit

      6、h plenty of opportunities to make them. In one of my earlier ( 12 ), my mother was telling me“Dont watch the( 13)when you say, Im sorry. Hold your head up and look at the person in the(14) , so hell know you( 15 )it. ” 4 My mother thus made the key point of a(n)( 16 )apology: It must be direct. You must never( 17 )to be doing something else. You do not( 18 )a pile of letters while apologizing to a person( 19 )in position after blaming him or her for a mistake that turned out to be your( 20 ). Yo

      7、u do not apologize to a hostess, whose guest of honor you treat( 21 ), by sending flowers the next day without mentioning your bad( 22 ). One of the important things we should do for an ( 23 ) apology is a readiness to( 24 )the responsibility for our careless mistakes. We are used to making excuses, which leaves no( 25 )for the other person to( 26 ) us. Since most people are open-hearted, the no-excuse apology leaves both parties feeling( 27 )about themselves. That, after all, is the( 28 ) of ev

      8、ery apology. It( 29 )little whether the apologizer is wholly or only partly at fault. Answering for ones( 30 )encourages others to take their share of the blame. 1. A. provided B. mixed C. compared D. treated 2. A. dreams B. courses C. memories D. ideas 3. A. side B. ground C. wall D. bottom 4. A. mind B. soul C. face D. eye 5. A. imagine B. enjoy C. mean D. regret 6. A. useful B. successful C. equal D. basic 7. A. pretend B. forget C. refuse D. expect 8. A. hold on B. put away C. look through D

      9、. pick up 9. A. poorer B. weaker C. worse D. lower 10. A. fault B. reason C. result D. duty 11. A. cruelly B. freely C. roughly D. foolishly 12. A. mannersB. excuses C. efforts D. roles 13. A. active B. effective C. extra D. easy 14. A. raise B. perform C. admit D. bear 5 15. A. situation B. need C. sign D. room 16. A. advise B. forgive C. warn D. blame 17. A. wiser B. warmer C. better D. cleverer 18. A. purpose B. method C. end D. advantage 19. A. cares B. matters C. depends D. remains 20. A. facts B. states C. rights D. actions 【答案】1-5:ACBDC6-10:BACDA11-15:CABDD16-20:BCABD 解析: 本文阐述了一个观点, 道歉要真诚, 要敢于承担责任, 同时也批评了一些 “假”道歉的行为。 1:选 A。考查背景常识。作者是急脾气当然会提供给作者很多道歉的机会。 provide 提供; mix 混合; compare 比较; treat 治疗。 2:选 C。考查对上下文语境的理解。母亲过去告诉我道歉时不应该看地面, 这当 然应该是记忆中的事。memory 记忆; dream 梦想; course 课程; idea 主意。 3:选 B。考查词语复现。根据后面的 hold your head up 可知用 ground。 4:选 D。考查背景常识。道歉时看着对方的眼睛, 以示真诚, 在这一点上中西方 是一样的。 5:选 C。考查词义辨析。mean it 意为“这样对方就会


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