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    • 1、请同学们准备好双色笔、英语书和导学案,学习目标:,1能了解并正确使用so that 引导的目的状语从句 2谈论你心目中的英雄。,Can you name any heroes?,heroes,Jet Li,Yang Liwei,Qian Xuesen,Liu Xiang,Lin Zexu,Dr Norman Bethune,Talk about your heroes.,e. g. Whos your hero? Its Jackie Chan! Why? Because hes a great film star. I think all his films are fantastic! zxxk,Talk about your heroes.,e. g. Whos your hero? Its Liu Xiang! Why? Because hes a great sports star. He won a golden medal in Athens and the 16th Asia Games.,Talk about your heroes.,e. g. Whos your

      2、hero? Its Dr Norman Bethune! Why? z.x.x.k Because hes one of Chinas most famous heroes. He gave his life to help Chinese people.,Preparation for the lesson,学友将答案写在黑板上 学师修改 学友朗读出所写单词及句子。,be good at 在方面擅长 look forward to 渴望, 期待 so that 目的是 try to do sth. 尝试做 start to do sth. 开始做 on ones own 独立地, 独自地 be quiet 安静 come up 出现, 发生 get back to 回到 Whats wrong with? 出问题、有毛病,Useful phrases,. Complete these sentences. 1. The boy tried to _ (避免) answering his father. 2. Tim is a _ (勇敢的 ) and hard-working man

      3、. 3. Have you any _ (想法) about our next holiday? 4. John _ (重写) his homework yesterday evening.,avoid,brave,thoughts,rewrote,learning the dialogue,学友独立完成 学师检查、订正,Listen to the dialogue and check T/F.,Sally missed the final practice because her hand hurt. Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own. Kylie is having problems with her parents, and Sally is trying to be kind. Lingling is guessing why Sally and Kylie are both standing up. z.x.x.k Kylie asked Mrs Styles to rewrite the danc

      4、e music because she couldnt play it on her own.,Read the conversation quickly and check the true statements.,Listen and check your answers.,Improvement,Step1 学师先说,学友复述,Step2 学友做,学师检查,1. She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own.,2. I imagine that she did it so that Kylie could avoid problems with her parents.,3. so she asked their teacher to rewrite the final dance music so that two people could play it.,Useful sentences,Summary,学师总结,Consolidation & fe

      5、edback,学友完成,学师检查 学师学友共同展示。学科网,Sallys orchestra is giving a concert. Tony, Betty and Daming think that all the people play well. Betty is looking forward to the last _. Tony asks whether Sally is going to play it. Betty tells him that Sally _ the final practice so that Kylie would play this piece of music on her own. She tells the others that Sally said her hand _, but that was only an excuse.,piece,missed,hurt,Complete the passage according to the conversation. Then, practice the conversation wi

      6、th your partners.,Daming asks why Sally did that. Betty explains maybe Sally was just trying to _ Kylie. Daming thinks that it is a very kind thought. Then Lingling comes, and the friends find that Kylie and Sally are both standing up _ they are going to play. Tony cant understand what they are doing now. Lingling says that Kylie and Sally are going to play _ because the teacher has rewritten the final dance music so that two people could play it.,help,because,together,1. Preview the vocabulary in Unit 2组卷网,Homework,Thank you!,


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