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    • 1、译林版九年级上册英语期末复习易错题31、 单项选择1. Will you stay for _supper with us? Sure, Id love to. Home cooking is just what I like.A. a B.an C.the D./2. Mom, have you seen my new leather handbag? Well, I saw _ beside the bookshelf. Why dont you go and see if it is what you are looking for?A.it B.one C.that D.some 3. The museum is far away. Its about _walk.Why not take a taxi there?A.three hours B.three hours C.a three-hours D.a three-hour 4. Sandys mother is ill in hospital. Lets go and visit her now. Im afraid

      2、its _ the visiting time. What about tomorrow?A. on B.outside C.over D.beyond 5. I do think it _of some students to spend too much time on computer games.I agree with you.A. creative B.silly C.wise D.curious 6. Parents should teach their children to _the lights when leaving a room.A. turn off B.show off C.taking off D.put off 7. You may get worse and worse _you follow the doctors instructions.A. if B.unless C.as D.since 8. Thanks for your _. We learn a lot about the project.A. attention B.operati

      3、on C.invention D.information 9. Im going to give a talk about the Mid-Autumn Festival to the foreign travelers. Dont forget to tell them_.A. what can they eat at the festival B.how do people celebrate it C.why people enjoy the full moon D.what race is open held on that day10. Dont wait for others to be polite. Show them _ a friendly person you are.A.how B.what C.when D.where11.As a common sense, childrens development in social activities, athleties and hobbies_ just as important as achievement i

      4、n study,A.was B.were C.is D.are 12.My phone is not allowed to be brought to school. _.Teacher says its bad for our study.A.So we are B.So are ours C.Neither are we D.Neither are ours13.We must work as a team or we will fail for a second time. Yes. Just as a saying goes “_”.A.One finger cant lift a small stone B.He laughs best who laughs lastC.One stone kills two birds D.One is never too old to learn 14.Shall we meet at the train station at 6a.m. tomorrow morning? _. Will 7oclock be OK?A.Its up t

      5、o you B.No problem C.Sorry, I cant make it D.Certainly not15. Its _ that there _ more than one kid when the accident happened.A.highly possible; was B.possible; were C.probably; was D.high possibly; were16.To everyones surprise, the well-dressed lady _to be a thief.A. found out B.was proved C.turned out D.supposed 17.Which”consider” has a different meaning?A.Chinas teaching methods are considered very strict by many Westerners.B.Liz Quinn was considered as an excellent person.C.She would not con

      6、sider taking a trip until Spring Festival. However , smog has left her no choice.D.I did not consider it necessary to report this to our teacher.18.It was this small town _ Vincent Van Gogh was brought up.A.what B.which C.that D.where19.Which of the following is WRONG?A.Are you sure you know how to get there?B.Im not sure if Im pronouncing this name correctly.C.I wasnt so sure that he would come.D.Im not sure what I want to study in college.20.Who else wants to go climbing with us tomorrow morni

      7、ng? _.A.Count me on B.Do I have to? C.I doubt it D.I have no choice 二、单词拼写1.The man moved through the heavy smoke and pulled his wife to _.(safe)2.Ladies and gentlemen, lets thank the _ for bringing us their perfect performances.(music)3.Boys and girls, lets play a _game to review the words we have learnt.(guess)4.Why are the managers here? They are _ to be here in two days.(suppose)5._putting together two pieces of music requires talents and diligence.(成功)6.Fang Zhouzi is famous for _ all the f

      8、ake news and information.(怀疑)7.According to the speech, do you know what the speakers are most _ doing?(可能)8._your sons age and work experience, dont you think you are expecting too much?(考虑)9.The EU is looking for ways to protect all its _from the competition from China.(产业).10.They seemed to have difficulty _ their feelings at the end of the discussion.(控制)三、动词填空1.Have you heard that the valuable gold horse _(steal) the other day?2.My computer fan doesnt work now. Where can I have it _(repair)?3.Is there any mistake in your homework, Jim? Im sure I can get an A this time.I _(check) it carefully twice.4. Mom didnt tell me which city we _(move) to.But I think it must be a city without smog.5. I believe if drivers obey the new traf


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