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八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Inventions Inventions words课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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    • 1、Unit4 Inventions,Module 2 Science and technology,Words,n advertisement 广告 telephone 电话 wheel 车轮 carriage 四轮马车 century 世纪 passenger 乘客 distance 距离 mobile phone 手机,移动电话号码,n. lamp 灯 candle 蜡烛 daytime 白天 dust 灰尘 wing 翅膀 topic 话题 introduction 引言 petrol 汽油,adj. funny 好笑的 comfortable 舒服的 practical 有用的,实际的 special 特别的 V. create 创造 invent 发明 develop 发展,adv. anytime 任何时间 prep. since 从。以后 instead of 代替 作为。的替换,since then 自从那时开始 keep in touch 保持联系 in the daytime 在白天 keep off 使。不接近 at the same time 同时,adverti

      2、sement n 广告 put an advertisement in a paper 在报纸上打一个广告 advertise V. 为。做广告 We have advertised for someone to look after the garden. 我们已经登广告找人管理花园了。,funny adj. 滑稽的 ,好笑的 (amusing, interesting) He is a funny man. 他是一个滑稽的人。 My teacher likes to tell some funny jokes. 我的老师喜欢讲那些很好笑的笑话。 fun n. 乐趣 have great fun =have a good time=enjoy oneself 过得愉快,开心 We have great fun on the beach . 我们在沙滩上玩的很开心,create v. 创造,创作 He created a very funny man in this film. 在这部电影里,他创造了一个很有趣的人。 creation n. 创作,作品 an artists creat

      3、ions一个艺术家的创作作品 creative adj. 有创造力的 a very creative musician 一个非常有创作力的作家,telephone n.电话,电话机 Telephone is a great invention. It makes our world smaller. 电话是一个很伟大的发明。 它使我们的世界变小了。 telephone v. 打电话 I telephoned him to tell him about this yesterday. 我昨天打电话告诉他这件事了,Wheel n. 车轮,轮子 There are four wheels in the car.,comfortable adj. 舒适的, Travelling by train is more comfortable than by car. 坐火车旅游比坐小车旅游要舒适点,It is comfortable to travel by train.,carriage 四轮马车 In old days, people travelled by carriage.,century

      4、 n. 世纪 In 21st century , people use computers a lot . 在21世纪,人们 用电脑很多。 1 century = 100 years.,passenger n. 乘客, 旅客 可以指飞机,火车,汽车等的乘客 When the accident happened, there were 10 passengers on the plane. 当事故发生的时候, 有十个乘客在飞机上。,invent v.发明,创造 He likes inventing lots of useful things in daily life. 他喜欢发明生活中的有用的东西。 inventor n. 发明者,发明家 Edison was a great inventor in the world. 爱迪生是一个世界上伟大的发明家,invention n. 发明 The invention of TV set makes our life more colorful. 电视机的发明使我们的生活丰富了很多。,practical adj. 有用的。适用的 This m

      5、achine is very practical. It can help us do lots of things. 这机器很实用。 它可以帮我们多很多事情。 Be practical-We dont have much money. 实际点吧, 我们没有很多钱。,since prep. 从。以后,自从。 I have known him since he was ten years old. 在他十岁的时候, 我已经认识他了。 I have been in Shenzhen since 1995. 自从1995年,我已经在深圳了。,distance n. 距离,间距 Planes can cover a long distance in a short time. 飞机能在很短的时间内飞很长的距离。 What is the distance between your home and school? 学校和你家之间的距离是多少?,mobile phone n.移动电话,手机 Mobile phone is very popular now. 手机现在很流行了 It is very

      6、convenient for us to make a call with mobile phone. 用手机打电话是很方便的。,anytime 任何时候, 随便什么时候 You can come here anytime you like. 你随时都可以来这里的。 develop v.发展,开发 The company has developed into a big one in a few years. 这公司在短短几年内已经发展成了一个大公司了。 development n. 发展,lamp 灯 Lamp can give us light at night. 灯能够在黑夜里给我们光明。,candle n. 蜡烛 There are different candles in this shop.,daytime n. 白天, 日间 in the daytime 在白天 at night 在晚上 at noon 在中午 in the morning 在早上 in the evening 在晚上 in the afternoon 在下午,dust n. 灰尘 (不可数名词) dus

      7、tbin 垃圾箱,special adj. 特殊的, 特别的 It is a special day for me . 对我来说是一个特殊的日子。 He is a special man . 他是一个很特别的人。 What is special today? 今天有什么特价菜吗?,wing n. 翅膀,机翼 The wings of the bird are wet , so it cant fly now. 这只鸟的翅膀被打湿了,所以现在它不能飞了,topic n. 话题, 主题 What is the topic today? 今天的话题是什么? The topic of the article is “How do we use computers correctly?” 作文的主题是“我们如何正确使用电脑”。,instead of prep. 代替 Mr Li gave us math class today instead of Mr Wang. 李老师今天代替王老师给我们上数学课。 We should use cloth bags instead of plastic ba

      8、gs for shopping . 我们应该使用布袋代替塑料袋去购物。 instead let 1. _ me tell you what I saw last night. 2. My parents dont _ me to stay out too late. (b) instead; instead of 3. You should do it at once _ just saying “Ill do it”. 4. Mr Wang was ill, so Mrs Chen took his lesson _.,Let,allow,instead of,instead,根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. This bottle has as _ (much) water as that one. 2. Who lives _ (far) from school, Li Ming or Zhang Hua? 3. Who got _ (bad) mark in Science, Tom, Jim or Sam?,much,farther,the worst,4.

      9、Cars have made our lives more convenient. Now _ (many) people buy cars than ever before. 5. I think he is _ (good) at playing football than any other football player. 6. Jenny asked as many _ (question) as Jane did. 7. She got _ (little) money than the others did. The others got 100 yuan, but she got only 50 yuan.,more,better,questions,less,8. In English learning, reading is more important than speaking, I think. I dont agree. I think speaking is as _ (importance) as reading. 9. He prefers skiing to climbing because he thinks climbing is not as _ (excite) as skiing. 10. My English is _ (bad) than Marys. I need some help.,important,exciting,worse,Thank you !,

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