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  • 上传时间:2020-09-18
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、练习1.1. How (be)you?2. (I) bike is black.3. What color (be) your jacket?4. Nice (meet) you.5. Whats this in English? - Its (a) English map.6. Whats that (用英语)?- Its a key.7. (早上好), Mr. Zhang.8. (什么颜色) is your pen?9. Its a (棕色的尺子)10. - (拼写它),please。 - M-A-P. 练习21. (be) you a student?2. (his) is a Chinese boy.3. (this) is my brother. (that) are my sisters.4. Whats (you) telephone number?5. These (be) his parents.6. This is my (蓝色的杯子)7. (他的名字)is Tom.8. This is (她的电话号码)9. My father is a good (中学) tea

      2、cher.10. That is your (家庭照)练习3.1. This is (I) good friend.2. I must (help) my sister.3. (he) father is my teacher.4. Where are (they) keys?5. That is (Tim) watch.6. Excuse me, is this your (文具盒) ?7. The books are (在椅子上)8. (为而感谢你)your help!9. Whats that in English? _ Its . (一张身份证)10. He likes (飞机模型) very much.练习4. 1. Do you (have) a volleyball?2. Do you want (play) basketball with us?3. your brother (like) English?4. Fruit is (health) food.5. I have a good (eat) habit.6. I can (踢足球) very well.7.

      3、I like chicken. (怎么样) you?8. I eat (健康食品)every day.9. Tina (吃午餐) at school every day.10. My (饮食习惯) are very healthy.练习5. 1. Do you want (buy) a T-shirt?2. How much are the trousers? Theyre 120元 - OK. Ill take . (they)3. The watch is 100 (dollar)4. (Lucy) birthday is on May 5th.5. (we) English class is very interesting.6. Well have a trip to Beijing next month. - (玩得开心)7. The black sweater is (出售) for only 20 yuan.8.How much are the (运动鞋)?9. When is Daves (生日派对)?10. There are some (服装店)in the cit

      4、y.练习6.1. September is the (nine) month of the year.2. I like math because its very (use).3. Ms. Zhang is our English (teach).4. (he) favorite subject is English.5. Jim always (finish) his homework after dinner.6. We go to school (从周一到周五)7. Miss Zhang is our (语文教师)8. My father likes to watch (足球赛)9. After that I have an art class for (两个小时)10. - (你今天过得如何)? - Great. Todays my day.练习71. How (be) he?- He is fine2. - (spell) it, please. M-A-P3. This is my (parents) room.4. They are my (friend)5. Ther

      5、e (be) two photos on the wall.6. Whats your (电话号码)?7. Whats that (用英语)?8. (打扰一下), is this your pencil?9. Mr. Greens (车牌号) is G0886.10. There is (一串钥匙) on the sofa.练习81. The (dictionary) are on the desk.2. They are not Jennys oranges. They are (my)3. That is (he) mother.4. This is Toms (parent) room.5. Bob and I (be) in No. 5 Middle School.6. I lost (电子游戏) this morning.7. Here are my (全家福)8. Whats this in English? Its (一张中国地图)。9. Where is Tom? - He is in the (学校图书馆)10.- Whats this in English? Its

      6、 a (飞机模型)练习9 1. (her)is my mother.2. Are those your (pencil)?3. His telephone number (be) 022-4835.4. My cup is red. And (you)is white.5. My (one) name is Mike.6. His keys are (在沙发上)7. Im Tom Green. Green is my (姓).8. There are five people (在我的家庭中)9. Jims room isnt tidy, the books are (到处)10. Look! (一双)shoes is under your bed.练习10.1. Im in China now. I have (China) lesson every day.2. They have many soccer balls, but Jim (not have) one.3. I want (buy) that green skirt.4. Thats an (interest) computer game.5. Is this your blue pen? No, It isnt. (I) is black.6. Whats your favorite food? I like (蔬菜沙拉) best.7. We (过得愉快) at school every day.8. I play Ping-Pong with my classmates (放学后)9. Please give me (一杯水).10. I like eating (蛋炒饭) very much.练习111. Lets (has) bananas. Its good for us.2. My brother (not like) salad.3. Today is my aunts (twenty-two) birthday.4. I like strawberry ice cream, but I dont like (strawberry)5. Tom is a (health) boy.6. I got a full mark in my


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