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    • 1、,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,rainstorm alarm go off begin heavily suddenly pick up strange,n. 暴风雨 n. 闹钟 (闹钟)发出响声 v.开始 adv.在很大程度上;大量地 adv. 突然;忽然 接电话 adj.奇特的;奇怪的,Words its strange youve never met him. The stranger said something strange and then left.,5. I called at seven and you didnt pick up. pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话 pick up 还有以下含义: 1) 拾起;抱起 e.g. Thechildrenpickedupmanysea shellsattheseashore. 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。 Pickthatbookup. 把那本书捡起来。,2) 搭载 e.g. Thecarstoppedtopickmeu

      2、p. 汽车停下来接我。 Wellsendtheambulancetopickhim up. 我们要派一辆救护车把他接走。,写出下列短语。,in the library at the time of go to work wait for the bus walk home on the street play basketball play the piano at that time So many times,1. 在图书馆 2. 在的时候 3. 去上班 4. 等公共汽车 5. 走路回家 6. 在街上 7. 打篮球 8. 弹钢琴 9. 在那时候 10.很多次,Summary,=go home on foot,1.I_(have)my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning. 2.When I _(get) to school yesterday, it_(rain)heavily. 3.They _(not make)a model ship when I _(see)him. 4._it_(rain)when you_(leave

      3、) school?Yes,it_. 5.While I_(walk)in the park,it_ (begin)to rain. 6.I_(call)a friend when Bon_(come)in.,was having,got,Was raining,werent making,saw,Was raining,left,was,was walking,began,was calling,came,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,Section A 2 3a-3c,Revision,一 英译汉,walk home_ 2. take a hot shower_ 3. at the time of_ 4. miss the early bus_ 5. wait for the bus_ 6. begin to rain heavily_ 7. at the bus stop_ 8. see a car coming _ 9. go off_ .,错过早班车,冲热水澡,在.时候,走回家,等公共汽车,开始下大雨,在

      4、公共汽车站,看到一辆小汽车正开过来,(闹钟)发出响声,二 用when或while填空,1. What were your classmates doing_ you came into the classroom. 2._ I was walking to the mall yesterday, I met an old friend of mine, Jake. 3._ you called, I was talking a walk in the yard. 4. Tim was riding his bike _ he saw his teacher. 5.We arrived in Wuhan _ it was raining.,when,While,When,when,while,总结:when “当的时候”,后面接_; while “当的时候”,后面接_。,一般过去时的句子,过去进行时的句子,New words,storm wind light report area wood window flashlight match,stm,n. 暴风雨;,wnd,n.风;,lat

      5、,n.光;光线;光亮,rp:t,n.报道;公布,er,n.地区;区域,,wd,n.木;木头;,windu,n.窗,窗户;,fllat,n.手电筒;火炬,mt,n.火柴,beat against asleep fall asleep die down rise fallen apart,bi:t,vt.打败;敲打;,genst,prep.倚;碰;撞,sli:p,adj.睡着的;,进入梦乡;睡着,逐渐减弱;逐渐消失,raz,vi.上升;增强;,f:ln,adj.倒下的;落下的;,p:t,adj. 分开;分离,Look at the pictures and what you can see.,lightning,black clouds,heavy rain,fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish,Read the passage and answer the questions.,What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhoo

      6、d like after the storm?,3a,Task One,What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm?,Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight., The neighborhood was in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.,Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that

      7、 a heavy rainstorm was in the area.,The Storm Brought People Closer Together,1,With no light outside, it felt like midnight. 外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。 此句中介词with表示一种伴随的状况.,2,2,Black clouds were making the sky very dark. =The sky _ very dark _of black clouds.,1,was,because,风暴把人们更拉近在一起。,在阿拉巴马,本可以听见屋外的强风。乌云使得天空变得很黑。在外面没有亮光,感觉就像午夜。电视新闻报道说在这个区域中有场暴风雨。,Everyone in the neighborhood was busy. Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.

      8、 She also put some candles and matches on the table.,Bens dad while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.,3,3,【解析1】 while conj “当的时候;和同时”,“确认,查明,核实;确保 _,【解析2】,在你离开屋子前确认关闭了电视。,_ _you turn off the TV before you leave the house.,Make sure,make sure,社区里的每个人都很忙。本的爸爸忙着往窗户上加固一些木片,他妈妈也忙着确认手电筒和收音机是否好使. 她也放了些蜡烛和火柴在桌子上。,Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have

      9、fun with a serious storm happening outside.,4,5,4,敲打着窗户_,beat against the windows,but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.,5, 做怎么样_ 对某人来说做怎么样_ 对我们来说学英语很重要。 It is _ _ _to learn English.,It is adj.+ to do sth.,It is adj. for sb. to do sth.,important for us,当雨水开始猛烈地敲打窗户的时候,本正在帮助他的妈妈做饭。在晚饭后,他们尽力玩牌,但是外面有暴风雨,很难玩得很开心。,Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.,6,He finally fell asleep when the win


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