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四六级英语口语 30题(精编)

  • 卖家[上传人]:binzh****nxia
  • 文档编号:142819845
  • 上传时间:2020-08-23
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:331.64KB
  • / 8 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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    • 1、本讲义旨在给大家提供一些四六级基础口语素材,口语素材保罗万象,所以我们要做的是 学会一些素材和表达,到考场时可以灵活自由嫁接。 使用方法: 本讲义旨在给大家提供一些四六级基础口语素材,口语素材保罗万象,所以我们要做的是 学会一些素材和表达,到考场时可以灵活自由嫁接。 使用方法: 1. 先不看答案,而是自行回答题目;先不看答案,而是自行回答题目; 2. 看答案,结合自己的观点,准备一些基础素材;看答案,结合自己的观点,准备一些基础素材; 3. 根据“点评”了解灵活嫁接的方法。 考试的主题大概为: 根据“点评”了解灵活嫁接的方法。 考试的主题大概为:education work people traffic food media science friendship plan clothing reading money music travel sport skill health culture festival environment appliance family 1. Should high school teach music and art besides basic sc

      2、ience? I bet no one could deny that the main responsibility of a high school is to help its students develop academic abilities. But for a student himself, it is also very important to get fully educated in other fields like music and art as well as basic science. Music and art can help the students appreciate beauty in our lives and that will also increase the efficiency of their basic science study. Music and art reflect our wisdom and are the creation of human civilization. Therefore, they sh

      3、ould be advocated to help understand our culture more profoundly. 点评:此题可以延伸到诸多题目,类似于你觉得文学、艺术和音乐给我们带来了什么,中国 古典诗(poem)词(prose)应不应该被教授。别忘了,万能理由一定可以使用。 2. Should universities provide physical education? Being healthy is the premise for students to achieve their academic goals. So attending sports courses into the universitys education program is very important. Besides, doing sports is a good way to relax after a hard days work with lab research or papers for students. That will help increase the ef

      4、ficiency of their study. Besides, sports can burn a lot of calories and help me to lose weight. Doing exercises can also offer a new outlet for our energy. Last but least, it can help us develop a sense of good sportsmanship. 点评:本题目顺带可以学习一下关于“运动”的优点,我们授课讲述过,大家别忘记复习。 3. Do you think college education is of vital importance in ones life? In my opinion, the study in the university is pretty important. Take myself as an example. I used to be a student of Computer science in the university. I learned

      5、 how to build system, how to write code, how to find security vulnerabilities and so on. And then I went to the Lenovo to work as an intern during my third year. I found what I had learnt in the university was really useful, though not practical; it is the basis to handle with the real problem. On the second thought, the 四六级口语 四六级口语 30 题题 certification of university is a proof of your learning ability for many employers. It is an essential competitiveness when you seek for jobs. 点评:大学教育的作用,非常经典的

      6、素材,任何关于教育的主题都可以使用。 4. Should the university education be free? I dont agree with the statement about university education for free. First of all, it can cause tension on teaching resources and available facilities. Without any charge of tuition for college students, there will definitely be an increasing enrollment, which will result in great budget and resources pressure. Moreover, the more college students the less value of the degree. It may go against the original selective purpose of the hi

      7、gher education. So I dont think its wise to make university education for free. 点评:大学教育是否该付费,这道题目较难,供大家参考。 5. Do you prefer the internet-based teaching or the traditional classrooms? In my opinion, I prefer traditional courses better. In the spring of 2003, when SARS attacked our city, we students were not allowed to gather in a classroom taking lessons; on-line course is our only choice. And I found it really boring and tedious. My only teacher and partner is the cold computer without any emoti

      8、on. If I do not understand the text pretty well, I have no one to ask for help. The computer could answer some typical questions, which seldom satisfied me. But on the other hand, attending traditional courses means we have teachers to interact and classmates to discuss or cooperate with. You cannot imagine how much I missed my teacher and classmates those days. 点评:这道题目是一道热题。大学教育确实应该用传统的教室,而网络教育作为辅助手段。 当然答案中说在线教育很无聊,显然不对,哈哈,比如你可以来考神团队看看,已经和 2003 年的在线教育差距很大了。我们有互动,有答疑,甚至用视频(强势植入一波广告) 。 6. Some pe

      9、ople believe that first-year college students should live in a dorm building that homes only freshmen. Others may prefer the idea that first-year students must live together with students in 2nd 3rd or even 4 grades. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why. In my opinion, it is better for freshmen living in the same dormitory with students from senior grades. Living together offers the students from different grades to communicate more often. This is especially helpful for freshmen. If the freshmen have any problem about study, they could simply go upstairs or downstairs asking for help from their seniors. For example, they will learn which professor is kind who will not give D or F to students from their seniors and select his/her course, and then got a good average GPAat the end of the semester more easily. 点评:这道题目是学校住宿,这也是曾经考试的热点,你觉得应该住学校还是住外面等。本 题还建议的是学长学姐和学弟学妹之间的互动,该素材仍然有广泛的应用。 7. Do you think it is necessary to prohibit people from using phone calls in some places? I defi

      《四六级英语口语 30题(精编)》由会员binzh****nxia分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四六级英语口语 30题(精编)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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