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    • 1、高三英语开放作文如何写?,看图片,应在对漫画主题准确理解的前提下,选择最佳角度切题立意。要集中一点,力求说透。最好不要就画论画,应抓住漫画所揭示的本质,广泛联系现实,写出深度来。行文过程中力求多照应画面、涉及画意。要扣紧实际生活来确定立意、选择论据,论证力求深刻透彻,脱离漫画寓意或不联系相应实际,都属于脱题、偏题。,应根据画面联想生发,不能游离于漫画意旨之外找材料。,用自己的语言对画面进行简明、清楚叙述,紧承叙述,引出观点(话题) (力求自然、准确),联系实际,摆事实,讲道理 (力求深度、力度),综合上文,再申主旨( 力求完整、有力),起,承,转,合,描图-解图-议图-圆图,用第三人称和一般现在时描述图片内容,描图时做到内容充实、具体、形象、生动。描图时不加入个人观点。 描图是为下文对漫画的理解奠定基础,要根据所要阐明的理解内容有的放矢、中心突出,而并非仅仅将漫画中的所有看到的内容都逐一罗列出来。 描图篇幅一般不超过1/3。,开放作文评分参考,文章扣题 内容充实 思维活跃 逻辑清晰 语言规范,例1 2009 北京高考 根据下面提示, 写一篇短文, 字数不少于50. In your sp

      2、oken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,写作思路,1、图画中的要素是什么? (人、桌子、面条、叉子) 2、要素之间有何关系? (他在做什么) 3、如何理解这幅图? (把两只叉子当筷子用;模仿) 4、从中得到什么观点? (选择正确工具和方法;不能盲目模仿) 篇章结构: 描图-解图-议图-圆图,可接受的观点,做事要用正确合适的方法(工具)。 不要盲目模仿别人。 复杂不都是好事,在某些情况下,简单是好的解决方法 。 随着环境的不同而改变思维和方法。 入乡随俗(不同国家有不同的文化,要了解和尊重外国习俗。) 中西文化虽然都很好,但是若结合不好,后果则会更糟。,不可接受的观点,多实践,努力坚持到最后就能成功。 做事注意力要集中。 光学知识不行,还要学会运用。 父母太溺爱孩子,以至于孩子生活不能自理。 要学会独立。 加强中西文化的交流,多教外国人中国的文化。 呼吁

      3、保护中国的传统文化。,What an interesting picture! A Western young man, sitting at a table, is ready to eat a bowl of noodles. He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks. He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot. At first glance, I think its a bit funny, for we Chinese take it for granted that chopsticks are the tools for eating noodles. The man in the picture is trying to copy us. Obviously he is doing it the hard way. Maybe using one fork will do a bet

      4、ter job. In my opinion, we dont need to copy others ways of thinking. Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.,考生的主要问题,1、审题: 看不懂图,造成立意错误。 只有描图,没有议论;或是只有议论, 没有描图。 2、写作技巧: 描图和议论脱节。 展开议论时,表述不清,逻辑混乱。 议论空洞,缺乏内容。 3、思维能力: 比较简单,不够活跃。 4、语言基本功: 时态、单词拼写错误多。,例 2,In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.,积极合理的立意:,不能自私 互相帮助 承担责任 团结就是力量 面对共同问题时不要推卸责任 解决共同的问题, 清楚共同的垃圾 老鼠是世界环境的破坏者, 各国国家之间不要自私 要合作, 停止破坏环境,

      5、保护世界共同环境。,不可接受的立意,中西方文化交流 单方面帮助别人 自扫门前雪 父子关系不合,老鼠做协调人 父子对待问题和困难, 有不同方法,缺乏沟通。(老鼠在同区域),As can be seen in the picture, two men are holding sticks ready to kill the mouse . When they drive the mouse to the common area, both of them expect the other to catch it. If they work together , they will surely kill the mouse. The picture tells us that we should cooperate to overcome the difficulties . The two men are just like we students and the mouse is just like the difficulties shared by us. In face of d

      6、ifficulties, each of us should take on our own responsibility and work together to achieve success. Just as an old saying goes: unity is strength. Only when we work together will success come.,One possible version-互助,One possible version-互助,As can be seen in the picture, two men are holding sticks ready to kill the mouse . When they drive the mouse to the common area, both of them expect the other to catch it. If one helps the other kill the mouse , he will surely live a peaceful life without a

      7、mouse. The picture tells us that helping others means helping ourselves. The two men are just like we students and the mouse is just like the common difficult math problems in our studies. In face of the problems, discussion and helping each other may improve and benefit both of us. So in my opinion , those who are always ready to help others are those who improve themselves at the same time.,实用模板,1、 As can be seen in the picture, there is a small spot on the table . The picture has a reflection

      8、 in our daily life. The spot is just like a persons strong point or weak point. In my opinion, we should make it clear .,2、 From the picture I can see a boy trapped by a heavy stone, on which “Laziness” was said. . The picture really sends a message to us that .,3、In the picture, we can see a man picking apples. But in order to pick the apples, he cuts down the tree. The picture wants to tell us that whatever we do, we shouldnt only focus on what we are doing at present. The picture reminds me o

      9、f the environmental problems. If we pay no attention to the environment just in order to earn more money now, how can we live a happy life in the dirty surroundings? So try to think about our future when doing things.,4、 From the picture we can see that I think the picture conveys the message that working together can bring people happiness In my opinion, we have to realize the importance of teamwork and try to involve ourselves in the activities as much as possible.,5、 In the picture, there is a cup, which is usually presented to the winners in sports competitions. What I see in this picture reminds me of people who use a magnifying glass to see the faults in others . Only in this way can harmony be achieved and conflicts be avoided.,6、 What an interesting picture! A boy is sleeping on a large opened book with sheets of paper and a pair of glasses beside him. . To my understanding, the picture intends to tell us the importance of doin


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