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    • 1、描述类,描述类作文通常要求学生描写叙述所见到的情景、发生的事情、工作经历、想象的印象、某地的风景或风俗、某人的外貌特征、工作情况、职位、性格特征、能力等,此外,在写作时可以运用一些修辞手法使描述生动形象,同时运用一些恰当的连贯词使文章条理清晰。,1. 毫无疑问,做某事是的。 There is no doubt that it isto do 2. 谈到我相信而且 When it comes to, I hold the belief that Whats more, 3. 不可否认的是 There is no denying the fact that,4. 当我的那一刻,语言是无法描述我的兴奋的。不仅而且 Words can not describe my excitement the moment I Not onlybut also 5. 众所周知,不仅而且 As is known to all, is not onlybut also,6. 众所周知,既不又不 It is well known to us thatis neithernor 7. 似乎是世界上最 seems t

      2、o be the most in the world. 8. 大家都认为 It is generally believed that,9. 无疑,见到你会很惊讶。与过去完全不同的是 Undoubtedly/Without doubt, you will be amazed to see Completely different from what it used to be, 10. 无疑是我见过的最做确实是很惬意的。 is undoubtedly the mostthat I have ever seen. It is really a great pleasure to do,高考链接,1. There is no denying the fact that it is tough to work as a street cleaner for they are required to get up early in the morning and work till midnight. Besides, they are bound to work despite the str

      3、ong sunshine or freezing cold. Their work helps to beautify the city but their pay is far from good.,描述清洁工工作的艰辛。(2013广东高考),2. When it comes to street cleaners. I hold the belief that one of the hardest jobs in the world is cleaning the street. Street workers not only start working at the early morning but also go home at late evening regardless of whether it is in freezing winters or in hot summers, which helps beautify our surroundings. However, they get little money.,课堂练习,首先,写出主题句:呆在学校两个月后回到家的

      4、那一刻,语言是无法形容我的兴奋的。然后,列出24个兴奋的事情(hug my parents / kiss them on the face / share my studies with my parents/ sleep late)。,1. 描述一下你呆在学校两个月后回到家的情境。,Words could not describe my excitement the moment I came back home after two months stay at school. I hugged my parents and kissed them on the face, which pleased and surprised them a lot. The night I slept late. Not only did I share my studies with my parents but I also told them about my friends.,首先,写出主题句:河源的万绿湖(the Evergreen Lake)无疑是我见过的最美丽的湖。然后,列出24个美

      5、丽的事物(clean clear water and green mountains / boat on the lake / light breeze blow gently/ the special green of the lake)。,2. 描述你见到的最美的风景。,The Evergreen Lake in Heyuan is undoubtedly the most beautiful lake that I have ever seen. It is really a great pleasure to boat on a green lake with clean clear water and green mountains around you. The special green of the lake arrests my attention and captures my imagination. I feel myself in my mothers arms with light breeze blowing gently.,首先,写出主题句:毫无疑问,看

      6、到22世纪的不寻常的事情时,你会感到很惊讶。然后,列出24个不寻常的事情(robots will walk around / robots will do most of the work / people will travel by time capsule / houses will be built under the ground)。,3. 描述一下22世纪的世界。,Without doubt, you will be amazed to see the unusual things in the 22nd century. Completely different from what it is now, robots will walk around in the street and in peoples house because robots will do most of the work for people. People will travel by time capsule and their houses will be built under the

      7、ground to avoid the extreme heat on the surface.,课外作业,The author not only told us what happy and unhappy times/moments of his/her teaching career meant to him/her but also the special way he/she treated a troubled student Tyler, which turned him into a good student. It is universally acknowledged that teaching is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Teachers are always the first to come to school and the last to leave.,In addition, they have to do a lot of correcting work and make preparations

      8、for their lessons so teachers work is boring but challenging with low salary. Personally, a good teacher should possess good qualities such as patience and wisdom as well as flexibility mainly because teachers cope with students with different personalities.,The most important is that teachers should love every student and treat them fairly. In order to have a good and harmonious relationship with my teachers, I respect my teachers. I often talk to them face to face about my study so that they know me well, which helps strengthen our tie. On Teachers day I also send e-mails to them or phone to say “Happy Teachers Day” to them.,Thank you !,


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