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    • 1、Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Self Check,一、单项选择。(101分10分) 1The baby was about 52 centimeters tall _ birth. Ain Bat Con Dfor 2The boy was badly ill. He had to drop out of school because of _ Adarkness Billness Chistory Dexcitement,B,B,3(2016,东营)Why didnt you cry for help when you were robbed (被抢劫)? If I opened my mouth,they might find my four gold teeth. That would be _ ! Abad Bmuch worse Cworst Dthe worst 4(2016,盐城)Watch out,Peter! _ is a little boy playing ahead on the road. AI

      2、t BThis CThat DThere,B,D,5(2016,湖北)Lily has two sisters,doesnt she? Yes. Shes taller and older than her two sisters,but shes not _ one of the three. Athe tallest Byoungest Cthe shortest Dthe cleverest 6(2016,广东)Among the four seas off the coast of China,East China Sea is the second _ Adeep Bdeeper Cdeepest Dthe deepest,D,C,7(2016,泸州)As we know,the Yangtze River is one of _ rivers in the world. Along Blonger Clongest Dthe longest 8We shouldnt _ the trees in order to protect the environment. Awrit

      3、e down Bput down Ctake down Dcut down,D,D,9(2016,丹东)Have you heard of TFBoys? Certainly. About _ teenagers love them very much in our school. Ahundreds Btwo hundreds of Ctwo hundreds Dtwo hundred 10(2016,北京)_ are these bananas? $3.99. AHow much BHow long CHow heavy DHow big,D,A,二、完形填空。(102分20分),D,A,B,C,A,D,C,B,C,D,三、阅读理解。(42分8分)(2016,黄冈) Last week,Chicago became the first city in the US to join the “Lights Out Plan”People turned off the lights in the citys tallest buildings,so that thousands of

      4、birds could get to their winter homes. Every year in autumn,some birds fly over Chicago on their way to the south,and come back the next spring. Lights mean danger to birds. Birds find their way by looking at the stars in the sky. Lights in tall buildings are so bright that birds may mistake them as stars. This means they can not find the right way to go home.,This month,about 300 types of birds are flying over Chicago to go back to the south to live through the cold winter. Birds fly to warmer

      5、places for a few reasons. Many birds cannot live in the cold,so they fly to warmer places. But there are other reasons,too. Birds need to look for food in the south. Another reason is that they want to have baby birds. Many birds like to have their baby birds in the same “house” they lived in last year,so they fly back there. There are about 9,000 kinds of birds in the world,and about 600 kinds of birds migrateSome birds can fly a very long way. Sometimes they fly to other countries. We have few

      6、er birds today because there are fewer places for birds.,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 21Why did people in Chicago turn off their lights last week? ABecause people wanted to save money. BBecause people liked the dark night. CBecause people were afraid that birds would make much noise. DBecause people were afraid that birds would lose their way. 22What does the underlined word “migrate” mean in Chinese? A迁徙 B定居 C冬眠 D重生,D,A,23Today we have fewer birds because _ Alots of birds are often ill Bpeople kill lots of b

      7、irds Cthere are fewer places for birds Dother animals eat them 24Which of the following statements is NOT true? AAll birds fly to warmer places every year. BSome birds have to fly to warmer places in autumn. CSome birds can fly a long way to other countries. DAbout 600 kinds of birds migrate in the world.,C,A,四、任务型阅读。(52分10分) The elephant is the largest animal walking on earth. An elephant can carry a load of 1,200 pounds.25._ Elephants can be trained to carry logs(圆木) with their trunks(鼻子).26._

      8、 There are two kinds of elephants:the African elephant and the Indian elephant. African elephants can be identified(识别) by the larger ears.27._ Another name for the Indian elephant is the Asian elephant.,A,F,E,The greatest threat(威胁) to elephants is ivory(象牙) trade. From 1970 to 1989 it was a bad time for African elephants.28._ In 1989 an international agreement limited the trade in ivory,protecting elephants from being killed,but elephants are still being killed for ivory.29._ Dont even buy any

      9、thing that looks like ivory!,D,B,五、词汇运用。(62分12分) 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。 30As far as I know,scientists are doing r_ on this disease. 31They are all singing and dancing with great e_ 32Many a_ went to the zoo with their children. 33The patient is in good _ (状况)now. 34They _ (称重)the tiger and then put it into the cage. 35The water is only a few inches _ (深的),esearch,xcitement,dult,condition,weighed,deep,六、根据短文内容,用方框中词的正确形式填空,完成短文。(102分20分)(2016,青岛) The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. With a history of more than 2,000 years,some parts of the Great Wall have 36._It is,however,still a very popular place of interest. It is the 37._ wall ever built. Its from Shanhaiguan on the east coast to Gansu Prov


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