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    • 1、By Wang Qiuxia,金融类涉华国际新闻报道的编译,Email: ,什么是新闻英语?,新闻英语是一门时间性很强的学问,有自身的特点,主要表现在四个方面,即 “快”、“新”、“俗” 和“广”。,Company Logo,“快”,所谓“快”,是指某一新事物或新概念的表达能很快地在当代报刊中出现,比如 “爱心活动” (love outreach), “民工潮” (sudden influx of migrant laborers), “环保型汽车” (environmentally friendly car; eco-friendly car), “技术入股” (contribute ones technology to become a shareholder), “双赢”(win-win)等词语的英语表达,首先都是见诸英语报刊新闻,这是传统教科书和一般词典所望尘莫及的。,Company Logo,“新”,所谓“新”,指表达新事物、新概念的英语新词大多是率先出现在英语报刊中,再流传于世的。如 karoshi (过劳死), liposuction(抽脂术), lip-sync (假唱

      2、),pay-per-call (声讯电话), transsexual operation (变性手术)等新词,无一不是通过英语报刊等新闻媒体传播后为人们所熟知的。可以毫不夸张的说,当今社会日新月异的飞速发展拓展了当代英语的涵盖范畴。,Company Logo,“俗”,所谓“俗”,指新闻英语通俗易懂、简洁明快,有别于诸如科技英语、体育英语、经贸英语等较深奥费解的各类“行业英语”。 新闻写作 ABC原则: AAccuracy 力求报道内容的精确性 BBrevity 语言文字的简洁度 CClarity 语句结构上的清晰感,Company Logo,“广”,至于“广”这一特点,是指新闻英语所涉及的体裁很广。 消息报道、特写文章、新闻评论、小品文、天气预报、广告等等,Company Logo,“News”,英文News一词是由new通过构词法中的附加法,在后面加 s 派生出来的。这里的 new 的英文意义是“新发生的”、“初次的”、“新鲜的”、“新颖的”,其共核为一个“新”字,而“新”正是新闻报道的一个关键要素。,Company Logo,“News”,New之后加 s 便成了 news, 即“

      3、新闻”的意思。同时,news 的四个英文字母恰好又是英语中 north (北)、east (东)、west(西)、和 south(南)的第一个字母。 news=north +east +west + south 新闻应该是来自东南西北四方的天下事。,Company Logo,“News”,1、News is a fresh report of events, facts, or opinions that people did not know before they read your story. 新闻就是针对人们读你的报道之前所未知的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。,Company Logo,“News”,2、News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number. 凡是及时的,能引起许多人兴趣的东西便是新闻。最好的新闻能给最大量的读者带来最大乐趣。,Com

      4、pany Logo,“News”,3、News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them. 新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。,Company Logo,“News”,4、News is full and current information made available to an audience. 新闻是向受众所提供的完整且及时的信息。 5、News is anything the editor says it is. 凡是编辑说了算的便是新闻。,Company Logo,“News”,6、When a dog bites a man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is (big)

      5、 news. 狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。,Company Logo,Shootout At The APEC Free-Trade Corral,Company Logo,第一周,shootout: 争端;竞争 APEC: 亚太经合组织 corral: krl畜栏,围栏,亚太经合组织自贸区的较量 -From Asia Times,APEC INDONESIA 2013,Company Logo,yet another: 强调次数或数量的增加 instance:实例;情况 Bali: (地名)巴厘 work its magic: 施展魅力;发挥神奇功效 acoustic: (乐器或演奏)原声的,自然声的 shutdown: 停业;停工;关闭;停止运转,Company Logo,Notes:,containment: 牵制;抑制 inmode: 处于状态 think tank : 智囊团,思想库 land: vt. 1.取得;获得 (land a job) 2.使处于某种状态 3. 登陆;着陆,Company Logo,Notes:,protestation: 郑重的声明;坚决

      6、的表示;反对 notwithstanding: prep. 虽然;尽管 graphic:形象的;生动逼真的 reminder:暗示;提醒 emerging:新兴的;刚出现的 multipolar: 多级的;多极化,Company Logo,Notes:,What a photoyet another instance of Bali working its magic. 多不同寻常的一张照片啊可谓巴厘让人着迷的又一实例。,Company Logo,Paragraph 1,Chinese President Xi Jinping leads a “Happy Birthday” for Russian President Vladimir Putin, with Indonesian President Susilo Yodhoyono on acoustic guitar. 中国国家主席习近平带头献给俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普金生日歌,印尼总统苏西洛尤多约诺则弹着原声吉他。,Company Logo,Paragraph 1,You know who is not in the pictur

      7、ehe is in shutdown containment mode. 大家肯定知道照片里缺了谁,这个人正处于停摆牵制状态。,Company Logo,Paragraph 1,US Think Tank land protestations notwithstanding, there could not be a more graphic reminder of the emerging multipolar order. 尽管美国智库中持异议者大有人在,但能提醒人们注意新兴多极秩序的最生动事例莫过于此。,Company Logo,Paragraph 1,account for: (数量或比例上)占 no less than: (强调大数量)不少于;多达 insist:坚持;强调 coordinate:调整;协调 maze:纷乱;错综复杂的事物,Company Logo,Notes:,As predicted, China was the star of the APEC show. 正如预言所说,中国是亚太经合组织峰会中的明星。,Company Logo,Paragraph 2,

      8、Its never enough to remember that the 21-member APEC accounts for no less than half of the globes economic output and trade. 千万别忘了,由21名成员组成的亚太经合组织占到全球经济产出和贸易额的一半。,Company Logo,Paragraph 2,Xi insisted APEC should lead and coordinate the maze of free trade negotiations in Asia-Pacific. 习近平坚称亚太经合组织应当领导和协调亚太地区自由贸易谈判的乱局。,Company Logo,Paragraph 2,inclusive: 包括的;包含的;包容的 bear:带有(标记或特征) requisite:必须的;必备的;必不可少的 trademark:商标;标志 virtually:几乎;差不多;事实上;实际上,Company Logo,Notes:,He also insisted that any trade ag

      9、reement should be “inclusive” as in including China. 他还坚称,任何贸易协定都应当是“包容的”比如要把中国包括在内。,Company Logo,Paragraph 3,Only then would it bear the requisite “win-win” trademark; as if Xi needed to emphasize once moreas he didthat China is the biggest trading partner and export market for virtually every Asia-Pacific nation. 只有那样,它才带有必不可少的“双赢”特征。就好像有必要再强调一遍似的,习近平指出,中国几乎是每一个亚太国家的最大贸易伙伴和出口市场。,Company Logo,Paragraph 3,ongoing: 正在进行的 blockbuster:影响巨大的事物 FTA: Free Trade Agreement 自由贸易协定 dizzying: 令人眼花缭乱的 to put it mildly: 说的婉转些;客气点说 resort to:诉诸;求助;采取,Company Logo,Notes:,bilateral: 双边的 multilateral: 多边的;多国的 contender: 竞争者;争夺者 ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东盟,Company Logo,Notes:,The ongoing blockbuster in Asia-Pacific is the clash of the FTAs; there are a dizzying, over 100 competing free-trade agreements currently in play. 亚太地区正在进行中的热闹场面就是自贸协定扎堆:令人眼花缭乱的100多个彼此冲突的自贸协定正在洽谈中。,Company Logo,Paragraph 4,Negotiations at the World Trade Organization are, to put it mildly, a


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