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    • 1、福师20春大学英语(1)在线作业二-0003试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Look, this roof is covered with_leaves.A.fallingB.fallenC.fellD.felt答案:B2.Tomorrow is my birthday. _.A.Oh, I have a good idea.B.I am glad you like it.C.Many happy returns of the day!D.You must be very happy.答案:C3.David _himself while he _the machine.A.hurted. was fixingB.hurts. is fixingC.hurt. fixedD.hurt . was fixing答案:D4.We all know knowledge begins _ practice.A.atB.fromC.inD.with答案:D5.Silk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.

      2、A.has usedB.has been usedC.was usedD.is used答案:B6.I didnt see the minister,_ did I see the secretary.A.soB.norC.eitherD.none答案:B7.Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand_.A.feel so coldlyB.is feeling so coldC.feels so coldD.is felt so cold答案:C8.Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A.having been finedB.to have been finedC.to be finedD.being fined答案:D9.I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! _.A.Dont worry about itB.Congratulations! Thats a dif

      3、ficult courseC.Mr. Brown is very goodD.Good luck to you答案:B10.If you have made a decision, please stick _ what you want.A.toB.upC.ofD.for答案:A11.While he was in prison he was not allowed to _ with his family.A.commentB.complainC.communicateD.comprehend答案:C12.One_if one breaks the law.A.will be punishedB.will punishC.is being punishedD.has been punished答案:A13. You should have thanked her before you left. I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to doB.toC.doingD.doing so答案:B1

      4、4.I admired my classmate Lisa very much. _ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.A.Except forB.But forC.Apart fromD.In spite of答案:C15.When are they _ in their plan?A.handB.handedC.to handD.give答案:C16.A number of paintings in the castle are believed_in a fire.A.being destroyedB.having been destroyedC.to be destroyedD.to have been destroyed答案:D17.I am sorry_ written you a letter at the time.A.to have notB.to not haveC.not to haveD.not having答案:C18.This test _ a number of multiple -choice quest

      5、ions.A.composed ofB.composes inC.consists ofD.consists in答案:C19.The event _ at the time last year.A.happensB.happenedC.is happenedD.was happened答案:B20.I have no doubt _ he will overcome all his difficultiesA.whichB.whatC.thatD.if答案:C21.The President_ went to see the flood-stricken areas.A.himselfB.didC.is saidD.has答案:A22.He was _ the Nobel prize for his new discovery.A.offeredB.informedC.rewardedD.awarded答案:D23.You have lovely children. _.A.No, no, no. They are notB.Oh, no, noC.Youre talking too

      6、 muchD.Thanks答案:D24.Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _.A.Yes, you may borrowB.Yes, go onC.Yes, help yourselfD.It doesnt matter答案:C25.That factory _ nearly 50 years ago.A.has been builtB.had builtC.was builtD.has built答案:C26.They are considering _ before the prices go up.A.of buying the houseB.with buying the houseC.buying the houseD.to buy the house答案:C27.Our English professor is very_in using chopsticks.A.skilledB.greatC.likelyD.good答案:A28.You were silly not _your car.A.to lockB.to

      7、have lockedC.lockingD.having locked答案:B29.Such problems _ as soon as possible.A.have solvedB.have been solvingC.have to solveD.have to be solved答案:D30.Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock “n” roll? I am preparing for tomorrows exam. _A.Its none of your business.B.What are you doing?C.Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D.No, I dont think so.答案:C31.Why_ with him? He’ll never change his mind.A.arguedB.argueC.arguingD.to argue答案:B32.In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if

      8、 they_.A.have survivedB.are to surviveC.would survivedD.will survive答案:B33.Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport? _.A.Dont ask thatB.Sorry, Im a stranger hereC.No, I cant say thatD.No, youre driving too fast答案:B34.Jack_ in the street when I_on him.A.walked. calledB.was walking . was callingC.walked . was callingD.was walking.called答案:D35.After _ his work, he came to help me with my English.A.finishedB.being finishedC.finishingD.having been finished答案:C36.Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_a room with someone else.A.to shareB.to have sharedC.shareD.sharing答案:C37.H


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