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新视野大学英语4Unit 2 New words词汇及例句

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    • 1、Unit2 SectionA1. rehearsal rhsln. C, U a time when all the people in a play, concert, etc. practice before a public performance 排练;排演The school choir/kwar/does not have enough rehearsal time to prepare for public performances. 学校合唱队没有足够的排练时间来准备公开演出。rehearse V排练2. bald b:ld a.1 with little or no hair on your head 少发的;无发的;秃头的He is going bald. 他开始谢顶、秃头。(grow bald)At work and with my family, I felt comfortable with my bald head, but everywhere else, I wore a wig. 上班和在家里时,我觉得光头很自在,但是在其他地方,我都会戴假发。2 no

      2、t having enough of what usu. covers sth. 磨光的;掉光的The tires were completely bald, so he decided not to buy the car although he loved its color. 车轮胎已完全磨光了,所以尽管他很喜欢这辆车的颜色,但还是决定不买了。3. arrogant a.behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people 傲慢的;自大的The new boss was afraid that he might be considered arrogant if he refused to join the football team of the workers. 新来的主管担心自己如果拒绝加入工人足球队的话,会被认为是傲慢。近义词:cocky haughty conceited名词:arrogance4. transient英 trnzi

      3、nt 美 trnnt a. (fml.)1) continuing only for a short time 短暂的;转瞬即逝的In the long history of human civilization, all arts we now have are transient in that they may disappear sometime in the future. 在人类漫长的文明史上,我们现在拥有的所有艺术作品都是短暂的,因为它们也许在将来某个时间就会消失。2) working or staying somewhere for only a short time 流动性的;临时的The government provides affordable housing for the citys large transient population. 政府为该市大量的流动人口提供能够负担得起的住房。近义词:temporaryn. a person who stays or works in a place for only a short time, before mo

      4、ving on暂住某地的人;过往旅客;临时工 5. affix fks , fksn.词缀 prefix 前缀 suffix 后缀vt. (fml.) ( sth. to sth.) fasten or stick sth. to sth. else 使固定;粘上;贴上1)Some of the ribbons and balloons (which were)affixed to the trees have fallen, so apparently they were not tied tightly enough. 系在树上的一些丝带和气球已经掉了下来,显然是系得不够牢固。2)affix a stamp to the envelope 把邮票粘在信封上词根解析:fix= to fix 固定affix v. 附加;贴上af 加强 + fix 固定 固定上去同义词:affix.to.=fasten/attach/stick. to.6. allotment ltmntn.1 C, U an amount or share of sth. such as money or time

      5、that is given to sb. or sth., or the process of doing this 份额;配额;分配In the past decade, many US states have decreased their budget allotment to higher education. 在过去十年中,美国许多州都减少了对高等教育的预算分配。Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought.在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。the allotment of shares to company employees公司雇员股票分配2 C (BrE) a small area of land that people can rent for growing vegetables (可租用的)小块菜地The gardening club offers many classes on how to grow vegetables on an allotment plot. 这个园艺俱乐部提供许多课程,讲授

      6、如何租用菜地种植蔬菜。garden n. 美园地,庭园辨析指屋子旁边种花、草等植物的园地。例证There is a herb garden behind the house.房子后面有个百草园。The tulips in our garden are in bloom now.我们园子里的郁金香已经盛开。allotment n. 英小块菜地辨析指地方政府划成小块出租的土地,专供人们种蔬菜用。例证We rented a small allotment of land to grow vegetables.我们租了一小块土地种蔬菜。patch n. 小块土地辨析指用于种水果和蔬菜的小片土地。例证a cabbage/strawberry/vegetable patch一小块卷心菜/草莓/蔬菜地plot n. 小块土地辨析指供建筑或种植用的小块地皮。例证They have a plot for building a house.他们有一块供盖房用的地皮。I hope to have a vegetable plot.我希望有块菜地。7. groom rumvt.1 take care of y

      7、our own appearance by keeping your hair, body and clothes clean and tidy 梳妆;打扮Every time before she goes out to a party, she spends hours and hours grooming herself. 她每次外出参加聚会前,都花好几个小时梳妆打扮。2 clean and brush an animal, esp. a horse 擦洗,刷洗(动物,尤指马匹)What his eight-year-old son likes best is to feed and groom the pony. 他八岁的儿子最喜欢做的事就是给马驹喂食和刷洗。N-COUNT 同bridegroom 新郎8. groomingn. U1 the process of making yourself tidy and clean 打扮;修饰This online magazine covers various topics about mens lifestyle, mainly

      8、including health, fitness, grooming, travel and nutrition. 这本网络杂志谈论关于男性生活方式的各种话题,主要有健康、健身、打扮、旅游和营养。2 the process of cleaning and brushing an animal, esp. a horse 刷洗动物(尤指马匹)Grooming is important for horses because it brings out the natural oils of their skin and hair, making them look shiny and healthy. 梳洗对于马来说很重要,因为它能够使马的皮肤和毛发中的自然油脂显露出来,使其看起来光亮、健壮。9. strand strndn. C1 a single thin piece of thread, wire, hair, etc. (线、绳、头发等的)股,缕As I shouted at the boat aloud from the beach, the wind whipped stra

      9、nds of hair into my open mouth. 当我从海边朝着船大喊时,风把几缕头发吹进了我张着的嘴里。a strand of wool 一股羊毛 a strand of pearls 一串珍珠a gray strand of hair 一缕白发2 one of the different aspects of sth. (构成整体的)组成部分,方面Her writing was influenced by various strands of thought popular in Europe in the early 20th century. 她的作品受到了20世纪初欧洲多种不同流行思潮的影响。10. eclipse klps vt.1 (usu. passive) become more important, powerful, famous, etc. than sb. or sth. else, so that they are no longer noticed 使黯然失色;使相形见绌;光芒盖过The small town is eclipsed by its larger neighbors to the north. 这个小镇和其北边较大的邻镇相比显得黯然失色。2 make the sun or moon become partly or completely dark because of the position of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other 出现(日食、月食等);遮住的光It is predicted that the mo

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