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19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (四

  • 卖家[上传人]:小****
  • 文档编号:138264767
  • 上传时间:2020-07-14
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    • 1、精编优选练(四)“语法填空短文改错”组合练4(限时:30分钟) 题组一.语法填空Many people may think the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum, is 1._ outstanding and oldfashioned museum.But, in recent years, the museum has been working hard 2._ (promote) Chinese cultural heritage among young people.The museums online store now offers special cultural and 3._ (create) products. For example, in 2014, it started to make Tshirts that look like an emperors coat. It also 4._ (sell) earphones that look like the necklaces worn by ancient off

      2、icials, which brought 5._ about 1 billion yuan in sales in 2016, reported China Youth Daily.Last year, a documentary (纪录片) 6._ (title) Masters in Forbidden City became popular online. The documentary is about the people 7._ job is to repair the relics in the museum. Many of these workers are young, and some are even in their 8._ (twenty)Some other 9._ (museum) across the country, such as the National Museum of China, 10._ (inspire) by the Palace Museums efforts and are working on similar project

      3、s of their own.语篇解读本文讲述了故宫博物院向年轻人宣传中国文化遗产,其他一些博物馆也纷纷效仿的故事。1解析:考查冠词。根据文意可知,此处表示泛指,故用不定冠词;又因为空后单词“outstanding”的发音以元音音素开头,故用冠词an。答案:an2解析:考查非谓语动词。近年来,故宫博物院一直为了向年轻人宣传中国文化遗产在努力。此处动词不定式作目的状语。答案:to promote3解析:考查形容词。此处应用形容词修饰空后的名词。答案:creative4解析:考查动词时态。本句承接上文,讲述2014年发生的事情,应用一般过去时。答案:sold5解析:考查介词。bring in意为“赚得,挣”。故宫博物院也售卖看起来像古代官员佩戴的项链一样的耳机,据中国青年报报道,这在2016年挣了大约十亿元人民币。答案:in6解析:考查非谓语动词。此处动词过去分词用作名词的后置定语,意为“名为的”。答案:titled7解析:考查定语从句。空处用作定语,修饰后面的名词job,表示所属关系,并引导定语从句。故填whose。答案:whose8解析:考查固定搭配。in ones twenties为

      4、固定用法,意为“在某人二十多岁的时候”。答案:twenties9解析:考查名词复数。由空前的“Some other”可知,此处应用可数名词museum的复数形式。下文的“are working on similar projects”也提示此处用名词复数。答案:museums10解析:考查被动语态。空处作谓语动词,根据句意和空后的“by”可知,此处应用被动语态;下文的“are working on similar projects”提示此处应用一般现在时和复数形式,故填are inspired。答案:are inspired.短文改错Will our parents check our homework? Not really. Since having already growing up, we cant act like little baby and rely on our parents all the time. When I was in Grade Three, my parents asked us to check my homework by myself. I

      5、dont know what to do in that time, so I cried. After that, I got used to correct my own homework and became more independent. Check homework by ourselves is very good habit. It can not only help us find mistakes in exams more easy but also let our parents worry less about our studies. Because parents will leave us some day, so we should learn to do everything by ourselves.答案:Will our parents check our homework? Not really. Since having already up, we cant act like little and rely on our parents

      6、all the time. When I was in Grade Three, my parents asked to check my homework by myself. I know what to do that time, so I cried. After that, I got used to my own homework and became more independent. homework by ourselves is very good habit. It can not only help us find mistakes in exams more but also let our parents worry less about our studies. Because parents will leave us some day, we should learn to do everything by ourselves.题组二.语法填空China has once again showed its ability to change the w

      7、orld with its“ four great new 1._ (invent)” highspeed rail, electronic payment, shared bicycle, and online shopping.Chinas newgeneration highspeed train, the Fuxing Hao, is now one of the 2._ (fast) trains in the world,which can travel at a speed of 350 km/h. Besides highspeed rail, China 3._ (improve) peoples lives in many other innovative ways over the last decade.Bike sharing, for example, is not new itself. But China has made 4._ much more convenient and popular both in China 5._ overseas. T

      8、he leading Chinese bikesharing companies Mobike and Ofo are now operating in foreign countries such as Singapore and Britain.And back in China, when riding a shared bike, you can stop 6._(buy)and eat whatever you want 7._ (simple) with a tap on your phone. You could easily pay with your smartphone by 8._ (scan) the sellers QR code. Cashless payment has grown into a 9._(choose) for Chinese peopleeven a pancake seller is using Alipay.Besides, the four innovative ways of life are most appealing 10.

      9、_ youths from 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, and they wish their countries would emulate (模仿) China in terms of technological achievements.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国的“新四大发明”。1解析:考查名词和名词的数。前面有four great new修饰,故用该词对应的名词的复数形式,故填inventions。答案:inventions2解析:考查形容词的最高级。根据后面的比较范围in the world可知,这里应用最高级形式。答案:fastest3解析:考查时态。over the last decade表示“在过去十年”,常和现在完成时连用,主语是China,故用has improved。答案:has improved4解析:考查代词。这里it指代前面的Bike sharing,充当动词made的宾语。答案:it5解析:考查固定搭配。both.and.表示“两者都”。答案:and6解析:考查非谓语动词。stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做另一件事”,这里表示停下共享单车去买东西吃,故用不定式充当宾语。stop

      《19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (四》由会员小****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《19版高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空+短文改错”组合练12套 (四》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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