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    • 1、注意:答案的顺序有可能和你的题不一样 注意核对答案与选项福师旅游管理专业英语在线作业一-0001试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)1.Could I speak to Jane please?( )A.Sorry, I cantB.What are you doingC.Can I help youD.I am afraid you have got the wrong number答案:D2.We can use plastics as a substitute( )wood.A.ofB.toC.forD.instead of答案:C3.Make sure the label is firmly( )to the parcel before you mail it.A.attributedB.accustomedC.adjustedD.attached答案:D4.The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks, which, left( ), would tie the body

      2、 to a 25-hour rhythm.A.behindB.aloneC.outD.aside答案:B5.He made a plea( )more time so that he could get the job well done.A.withB.forC.toD.of答案:B6.How many students are from the south?( )A.Two hundred dollarsB.Only two of themC.They are John and TomD.Third答案:B7.It is( )to avoid rich foods if you are feeling ill.A.senselessB.sensibleC.sentimentalD.sensitive答案:B8.Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter( )he really needs is encouragement?A.when thatB.since thatC.when whatD.now that答案

      3、:C9.How is your mother?( )A.She is very wellB.She is taller than youC.She is very kindD.She is not very old答案:A10.They( )the governments new policies.A.are opposedB.oppose toC.are opposed toD.are opposed against答案:C11.In his composition there were no other errors( )a few misspelled words.A.besideB.exceptC.thenD.than答案:D12.He helped me and I hope I can do something for him( ).A.in turnB.for returnC.by turnD.in return答案:D13.( )that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers.A.In 2003B

      4、.The year of 2003C.It was 2003D.It was in 2003答案:D14.He is determined to give( ).A.up smokingB.up to smokeC.in to smokeD.away smoking答案:A15.( )a result( )your bad work, I am forced to dismiss you.A.For . toB.Due to . withC.As . ofD.Because of . of答案:C16.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election( )he has the support from the party-faithful.A.in thatB.in whichC.for whichD.for that答案:B17.It would be completely irresponsible and unethical to use d

      5、rugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested ( )animals.A.atB.onC.amongD.within答案:B18.She was not( )her best in the game today.A.atB.inC.forD.to答案:A19.Whats the fare to the cinema?( )A.Two hoursB.Two oclockC.Two milesD.Two dollars答案:D20.The decision( )how much money should go to education is of vital importance.A.due toB.owing toC.as toD.so as to答案:C21.Id like to go to the cinema, but Im( )to.A.enableB.disableC.unableD.able答案:C22.We expected many club members would come to the tea party,(

      6、)turned up.A.only a fewB.very fewC.but a fewD.but few答案:D23.The weather is bound to change( ).A.soon and lateB.soon or lateC.sooner and laterD.sooner or later答案:D24.Have I done this right?( )A.It is perfectB.Youd better have itC.I would rather you had itD.Youve had it, of course答案:A25.The reason( )the little boy died was lack of medical care.A.whyB.becauseC.forD.as答案:A26.I wish you( )me how to swim last year.A.taughtB.have taughtC.were taughtD.had taught答案:D27.If I( )a little earlier, I would ha

      7、ve caught the train.A.leftB.would leaveC.leaveD.had left答案:D28.I( )my talk with Tony. Lets go out for a walk.A.have finishedB.had finishedC.finishD.finished答案:A29.Smoking hurts not only the smokers, but also the people around them( )second-hand smoke.A.becauseB.because ofC.asD.as of答案:B30.The doctors are( )about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia.A.at a stretchB.at a lossC.at randomD.at length答案:A31.In deciding( )to pursue a course of action, they try to estimate its likely

      8、 impact( )the voters.A.if. forB.as . atC.whether . onD.that . to答案:C32.As a painter, Ted was very( )about the colors he used.A.specificB.specialC.peculiarD.particular答案:D33.Do you finish the course or drop it?( )A.Yes, I wasB.I dropped itC.Yes, I didD.Of course not答案:B34.Mans greatest energy comes not from his physical strength( )his dreams.A.except fromB.yet fromC.however fromD.but from答案:D35.Everyone knows where the office is, but who is the director?( )A.Dr. AndersonB.Everyone doesC.On the next floorD.Yes, they do答案:A36.( )you are conscious of it or not, you are using his influence in your own favor.A.WhetherB.IfC.ForD.Against答案:A37.Well keep you( )any news.A.up to date withB.in step withC.in line withD.in terms of答案:A38.When will the party be held?( )A.In a weekB.It must be busyC.It is hardD.It will last three hours答案:A39.In some big cities in America, there are three or four elementary schools and secondary scho


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