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    • 1、高一上英语期末测试卷第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADear Chris, We would like to advise that the principal of Carlingford High School has considered your application for admission in Year 10, according to the outcome of an interview. Carlingford High School lies on North Rocks Rd, Carlingford NSW 2118. The principal, Mr. David Krust has requested that you attend an interview at the school at 9:00 a.m. on Friday 16th July 2016. The phone number of

      2、Carlingford High School is 98714222. You should take your passport and E-visa information to the school. Your care taker must also attend this interview. Your care taker must bring photo identification documents and proof of residential address to the school. If your care taker is your father or mother, he/she must bring E-visa information to the school. If you are over 18 years, your emergency contact person must also attend this interview. Your emergency contact person must bring photo identif

      3、ication documents and proof of residential address to the school. Final enrolment into a NSW government high school will be depended on the outcome of this interview. If you, or your care taker cannot keep this appointment, you should call the school to arrange a new time. For more information about your enrolment, you can contact me at 82936918 or email Daniel.Kim76det.nsw.edu.au.Yours sincerely,Daniel KimDEC internationalNSW Department of Education4 July 2016 Locked Bag 53, Darlinghurst NSW 13

      4、00 Telephone +612 82894777 Facsimile +612 82894788 www.internationalschool.edu.au 21. If Chris wants to contact Daniel Kim, he is advised to call _.A. 98714222 B. 82936918 C. 82894788 D. 8289477722. Besides the passport, what other documents should Chris take when going to school on July 16?A. E-visa information. B. Proof of residential address.C. The application letter. D. Photo identification documents.23. If Chriss care taker cannot keep this appoint, what should he do?A. Go by himself. B. Go

      5、 with his emergency contact person.C. Cancel it by email. D. Call the school to arrange a new time 24. What is the purpose of this letter?A. To inform Chris of an interview at the school.B. welcome Chris to study in the school.C. To give some information about the school. D. To show the different ways to contact the school.【答案】BADA【解析】21细节理解题。由文章最后一段可知,Daniel Kim的联系方式是82936918,故选B项。22细节理解题。由文章第二段最后一句可知,Chris需带的物品包括护照和电子签证信息,故选A项。23细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段可知,如果Chris或者他的监护人不能按时赴约的话,他应该给校方打电话以重新安排时间,故选D项。24写

      6、作意图题。本文主要是告知Chris参加校方面试的相关情况,故选A项。【备注】本文是一封信件。Daniel Kim告知Chris参加Carlingford High School面试的相关情况。BMr Parker was born in a small village. His father was so poor that he couldnt send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and maths by himself when he was free. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army . He couldnt forget his terrible past and fought with the enemie

      7、s bravely . So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those who tried to pocket a portion of the soldiers pay(克扣军饷). And his soldiers liked him very much.Once Mr Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went in the kitchen and examined everything caref

      8、ully and found it was very dirty. Then he went in the soldiers bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, “What do you think of your food, young men?”The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing. Only a new soldier said, “Very bad, sir!”“What did you have for lunch today?” asked Mr Parker.“A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine.”“Really?” Mr Parker called out in surprise. “Its the Ki

      9、ngs lunch, I think!”“So do I, General,” said the young man. “But its my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!”25. Mr Parker was respected because_ . A. he was strict with the officers B. he was friendly to everybody C. he cared about his soldiers D. he paid attention to the soldiers letters26. Mr Parker went to the military camp to_ . A. look for the soldier who wrote to him B. punish the cooks C. inspect the kitchens D. find out if the matter in the letter was true27. The soldiers didnt say anything because_ . A. the officer followed the general


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