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    • 1、.,高等院校研究生英语系列教材,综合教程(上) INTEGRATED COURSE,.,2,Unit 3,Leisure Activity,.,Objectives of Unit 3,To understand Why Harrys Hot in Reading Focus To understand Europeans and Americans different attitudes towards work and life in Reading More To discuss Chinese peoples attitude towards work and life To translate adverbial clauses To grasp some important words and phrases,.,Content,Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project,.,Task 1 Work in groups to inter

      2、pret and comment on the quotations about leisure on Page 64.,Starting out,.,To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization. Arnold Toynbee British economic historian and social reformer Interpretation: The quotation implies that how to spend leisure time in a smart way is a mirror of how civilized a society is.,Starting outTask 1,.,2. Leisure is the time for doing something useful. This leisure the diligent person will obtain; the lazy one never. Benjamin Franklin A

      3、merican scientist, publisher and diplomat Interpretation: Whether one can benefit from leisure time or not depends largely on your attitude. If you are hardworking, then you may take full advantage of your time to promote self-development; but if you are lazy, chances are that you wont spend your leisure time getting down to something useful.,Starting outTask 1,.,3. The real dividing line between things we call work and the things we call leisure is that in leisure, however active we may be, we

      4、make our own choices and our own decisions. We feel for the time being that our life is our own. William Raymond British novelist and critic Interpretation: The substantial difference between work and leisure consists in the extent of autonomy(自主). It appears that during leisure time one is entitled to choose his own way to enjoy his time to the fullest whereas in the workplace one is required to comply with rules and regulations.,Starting outTask 1,.,4. It is in his pleasure that a man really l

      5、ives; it is from his leisure that he constructs the true fabric of self. Agnes Repplier American essayist and biographer Interpretation: One can derive the true meaning of life from pleasure and happiness. But what makes a person who he is depends on how he spends his leisure time.,Starting outTask 1,.,5. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they

      6、 are not only happy in themselves, they are the cause of happiness in others. William Lyon Phelps American educator Interpretation: If you want to pursue happiness, then you should spend your leisure time in a positive way, which is helpful to enhancing your mental development. If you are happy, it is likely that you will bring happiness to others.,Starting outTask 1,.,Task 2 Match the classic line with its corresponding movie. (P64) Key: 2) 3) 4) 5) 6),E,C,A,F,B,D,Starting outTask 2,.,Task 2 Is

      7、 watching movies your favorite leisure activity? Which genre of movies do you like best? (P64) Useful words and expressions: documentary; literary film; anime; musical; comedy; dracula movie/ horror movie/ thriller; swordsmen film; action film; detective film/ whodunit; ethical film; feature film; mystery travelogue, etc,Starting outTask 2,.,Romance at the Movies Romantic movies surely have a wide appeal for the audience. Now watch an interview about romance at the movies. Listen carefully and c

      8、omplete the blank-filling exercise.,Starting out,.,Brief Encounter (1945): Nothing gets more _ than that. No, this is no category script, David Lynns direction. It is a masterpiece of holding back and I think since it was made _, it was all about _ and keeping things together and its just brimming with the _ and the unacted-upon. _ love is the best kind.,glamorous,during WWII,sacrifice,unexpressed,Tortured,Starting out,.,The Lady Eve (1941): Harry Fonda learns that Barbara Stanwick is basically

      9、a skunk (讨厌鬼) and but she _ she is somebody else and he falls in love with her again. And he learns that, you know, they are _, but they are never as bad as you think either. They were _.,tricks him into thinking,never as great as you think,all just human,Starting out,.,Truly Madly Deeply: Because she loves him so much that Alan Rickman comes back to Juliet Stevenson. Shes just one of the great _ of all time. One of the things I love about this is in pairing these two together is that in fact Alan Rickman and _ sit around watching Brief Encounter on televisionperfect little connection. Its just wonderful and in fact she does learn to _ and _ in her life who is living.,crying scenes,his ghost friends,move on,find a new lov


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