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2013届高三英语一轮综合能力训练卷6 (山东专版).doc

  • 卖家[上传人]:dzz****808
  • 文档编号:137842783
  • 上传时间:2020-07-12
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  • 文档大小:130KB
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    • 1、综合能力训练卷(六)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1All the organizations involved have sent urgent _ to government, asking for extra funding.Aappeals BrepliesCconsultation Dcontracts2My father gives me five hundred yuan a month which I think can_ all my expenses. Ameet Bcontain Cinclude Dcover3When a new disease breaks out, experts must _ what to do in the fastest way.Afigure out Btake outCpoint out Dmake out4What a pity! I missed meeting my friend at

      2、 the airport because my car was _ in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bheld upCkept back Dkept up5Unemployment is on the increase. A growing number of young people, _, are finding themselves out of work.Ain case Ball in allCin particular Das a result6It is obvious that talking about something behind others is what everyone will not _.Acome up with Bput up withCkeep up with Dcatch up with7The government _ to the country to pay more attention to A/H1N1 flu.Aappealed BsuggestedCcalled Dexplained8Our Engl

      3、ish teacher is our favorite. Shes kind and humorous, but _, she is strict with us.Ain other words Bon the other handCafter all Din all9The bell rang and every student had to_their examination papers.Agive up Bgive awayCgive out Dgive in10His sacrifices for the country were never officially_, which made all of us feel discouraged.Aacknowledged BappealedCrecommended Devaluated11How many people are still leading _ life under _ poverty line in the world?Perhaps one fourth.Aa; the Ba; aC/; / Dthe; /1

      4、2The computer system _ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.Abroke down Bbroke outCbroke up Dbroke in13To catch up with the times, we must keep ourselves _of the current news.Awarned BinformedCconvinced Daccused14What a pleasant _ these trees give us!Why not stop and enjoy the cool air?Ashade Bshadow Cpicture Dscene15Perhaps we should give up.Nobody can _ the change of situation. Apredict Bpresent Cprepare Dprefer 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最

      5、佳选项。I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the livingroom, my 12yearold son looked up at me and said, “I_16_you.” I did not_17_what to say, and I just stood there, looking_18_at him. My first_19_was that he_20_need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all_21_?”“Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and_22_what they say.”The next day I called his teacher to_23_more about what my son said and how the other parents h

      6、ad reacted( 反应). “Most of the fathers had the_24_response as you did,” the teacher said, “When I first_25_that we try this, I asked the children_26_they thought their parents_27_say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.”Then the teacher_28_, “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of_29_. Im trying to tell them its too bad that we dont express our feelings. A boy_30_tell his father or mother he loves him or her.” The teacher understands that so

      7、metimes it is_31_for some of us to say something that is good for us to say.That evening when my son_32_to me, I took him in my arms and held on for an_33_moment, saying, “Hey, I love you,_34_.” I dont know if saying that made_35_of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good.16A.hate Blove Clike Denjoy 17A.realize BrecognizeCknow Dfind 18A.away Bfor Cdown Don19A.thought BmeaningCnews Dreason20A.must Bshould Ccould Dwould21A.for Bwith Caround Dabout22A.test BknowCunderstand Dsee23A.talk to Bchat w

      8、ithCfind out Ddo with24A.same Bdifferent Cusual Dunusual25A.allowed Bagreed Cplanned Dsuggested26A.how Bwhether Cwhen Dwhat27A.would Bwill Ccould Dcan 28A.explained BpreparedCinformed Ddeveloped29A.study Bwork Chealth Dbody30A.might Bcan Cshould Dneed31A.easy BdifficultCcrazy Dsilly32A.turned Bshouted Cwent Dcame33A.extra BordinaryCinteresting Dimportant34A.either Btoo Calso Dagain 35A.all Beither Cnone Dneither第二部分阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AEven plants can run a fever, especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet awaystraight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under s

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